how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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12 lZle6 ii.el 13 h5+ @h6 14 lZld4 @g7 15

lZlf5+ @f6 16 lZld6 We5 17 lZlf7 + @f6 I 8 lZlg5


12 ... Ael 13 lZlf4+@f614 lZlh3@e515@g3


I 5 ... h6 was more accurate.

16 lZlgS h6

16 ... h5 17 lZlh3 ilc3 18 lZlgl ile5+ 19 @h3

ilc3 20 lZle2 ii.el 21 lZlg3+ @e5 22 @g2 +-.

17 lZlf7 hS 18 lZld6+ @eS 19 lZle8 @fS 20

lZlg7 + @g6 21 lZle6 ilb4 22 lZlf4+ @h6 23

@h3 ii.el 24 @g2 1-0


U.Andersson -A.Zapata

Havana 2003

1 lZlxe61

Not: 1 Axc6? Axc6 2 lZlxc6 lZlxf4 =; I

lZlxc6? lZlxf4 2 lZla7 lZle6 =.

1 •.•@xe6 2 @f2 @f6 3 'it>e3 @e7 4 @d4 @f6

5 a3 ile8 6 Ae4 ild7 7 @c3ii.es 8@b2 ild7 9


Black resigned since he will be outmanoeuvred:

9 ... Ae8 JO a5 ild7 11 @c3 @g7 12 @d4

@f6 13 ilg2! ile8 (13...'i!i>e7 14 @e5 ile8 15

Ae4 +-) 14 ilh3 +-(Meulders in CBM).


A. Yusupov - V.Anand

Wijk aan Zee FIDE Ct (4) 1994

1 g4! 'i!i>f8 2 lZlc4 rs 3 f3! (D)

3 gxf5? exf5 =.


3 ... ilf6 4 'it>f2 @g7 5 @fl ild8 6 e4 fxe4 7

fxe4 '&cs

7...'&d4 8 '&b2 ±.

8 ~f2 Wle7 9 ~d4+ @g8 10 @e2 ilb6?

10 ... ~c7 is more tenacious.

11 lZlxb6 axb6 12 '&xb6 '&a313 '&d8+ @f7

14 ~d2 @e8 15 @f3 cS?! 16 \Wd6 @f7 17

'&d7+ @f6 18 ~d8+ @f7 19 es '&a6 20 '&d7 +

@g8 21 @e3 '&xa2 22 '&xe6+ @f8

22 ... Wg7 23 ~d7+ Wf8 24 ~d5 +-.

23 ~xh6+ @e8 24 ~e6+ 'it>f8 25 ~rs+ @e8

26 '&c8+ m 27 '&d7+ @f8 28 '&d8+ @f7 29

~dS+ 1-0


G.Flear - M.Turner

London (Redbus KO) 2000


I fxg6 fxg6 2 Itg5 ! was the right way, according

to Turner and Rowson, since the rook

has everything under control and his majesty

can calmly advance; for example, 2 ... @e7 3

@f2 @d7 4 @e3 @e7 5 @e4 @e6 6 ~gl @d6 7

Itdl+ 'i!i>e7 (7 ... We6 8 Itd8 lZld7 9 @d4 +-) 8

@e5 lZld7+ 9 @d4 @d6 10 l:!ft @e6 11 Itgl

@f5 12 Itel +-.

l. .. lZlh7! 2 fxg6 fxg6 3 @e3 @d6 4 Wd4

lZlf8 5 Ite8

Not 5@e4??, allowing zugzwang by 5 ... lZle6


5 •.• lZle6+ 6 @c3 gS 7 hxgS lZlxgS 8 Itd8+

@c7 9 Ith8 lZle6 10 ItxhS @d6 1 l llh6 @dS 12

Ith8 cS 13 Ita8 cxb4+ 14 @xb4 lZlc7 15 Ita7

@c6 16 @b3 @d6 l 7 @c2 @d7 18 ~b7 @c8 19

Itb6 lZldS 20 Ith6 lZle3+ 21 @b3 lZlc4 22 @b4

<Bb7 23 Ith7+ @b8 24 Itg7 @a8 25 Ite7 @b8

26 Ith7 @a8 27 @cs @b8 28 Ith8+ 1/z-1/2


P.Leko - A.Shirov

Tzlburg 1996

1 Wg7?

l '&a5! forces White to isolate his doubled

pawns: 2 dxe5 (2 '&c2? '&xc3 -+) 2 ... dxe5 3

~d3 lZlb7 4 lZlg5 lZlc5 5 ilxf7+ @g7 6 ~c4

'&xc3 +.

2 ild3 lZle6 3 '&b2 '&c7 4 ilc2 h6 5 @e2?

The king has no prospects in the centre in

view of the presence of the queens. After 5 ~b4

lZlg5 6 lZld2 White is only slightly worse according

to Shirov, The instructive remainder of

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