how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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8 lt:lxc4 fxe4 9 Wxe4 sn 10 1k5 Wg7 11

lt:leS Ag8 12 gc7+ Wf6 13 l'ac6+ @g7 14 d6



V.Bologan - S.Rublevsky

Poikovsky 2006

1 ... ~cS!

Without the queens, White's attack against

the king is history, whereas Black penetrates

decisively on the c-file. In contrast, 1...~b2? 2

.!;lei still gives White counter-chances on the


2 ~xcS I!xcS 3 I!el gxhS 4 I:!M I!bc8 5

1ixh5 I!cl 6 l'ixcl .!;lxcl 7 f4 lt:lc5 8 1ih3 ~1

8 ... d4!? 9 @f2 I!c2+ 10 Wel 1ixa2-+.

9 a41ibl 10 wr2 I!b2+ 11 @gl @g7

1 l...1ixb3!? 12 ~xb3 lt:lxb3 13 Wf2 lt:lc5 14


12 I!g3+ Wf8 13 .!;lc3 lt:le4 14 ~c8+ ctJg7 15

£d3lt:lg3161ib81id217 .i.a6d418@h2lt:lf5


19 b41ib2-+.

19 ...l'itb220 Ae4 lt:le3 211id8 lt:ln + 22 Wgl

lt:lg3 23 Ad3 1id2 24 Ac4 lt:lrs 25 g4 lt:le3 26

rs Wh6!

The king participates personally in the attack.

27 fxe6 fxe6 28 .i.xe6 WgS 29 .i.c4 ~4 30

e6 @g331 An 1if2 32 Ah31ie2 33 An gel

34 !tf8 d3 0-1

WcS 26 Wc7 WbS 27 Ac8 WcS 28 Ag4 WbS 29

.i.e2+ WcS 30 .i.f3 WbS 31 Ab7 @cs 32 .i.c6

@b4 33 @d6 @as 34 Ads Wb6 35 @d7 @cS

36 @e6 @b6 37 Wd6 Wa7 38 @es Wb6 39

©d6 Wa7 40 .i.c4 Wb6 41 .i.b3 @b7 11z.11z


L.Aroshidze - P.H.Nielsen

Kalamaria 2006

1 g4! fxg4

1...g62 gxf5+ gxf5 3 I!c5 =.

2 @xe4 Wd6 3 WfS 1ixc6 4 I!d2+ @e7 5

Wxg4 @f6 1/z-1'2


E.Schmittdiel - K.Aseev

Mehlingen 1990

Play continued l ... bxa5? 2 bxa5 Aa7 3 c5+

Axc5 4 a6 1'2-112.

Instead, Black should simply wait, to start


1. .. Ae3! (D)


A.Gershon - T.Thorhallsson

Bermuda 1999

1 h3?

White should play I @g5 h3 2 g3 @b8 3

Wh4 Wc7 4 Af5 @xb7 5 Axg4 +-.

l ... gxh3 2 gxh3 Aa6 3 ©gS Axb7 4 .i.xb7

Now Black has an unpleasant surprise ready:

4 ... @d7!

He is within Rauzer's drawing zone and can

save himself. Not 4 ... @xb7? 5 @xh4 +-.

5 ~6 @e8 6 Wg7 @e7 7 Ads ©e8 8 Ae6

©e7 9 Af7 ©d8 10 ~6 Wd7 11 Ag6 Wd8 12

@e6 ©c7 13 Ae8 Wd8 14 .i.a4 @c7 15 We7

Wc8 16 .i.bs Wc7 17 Ad7 Wb818 @d6 @b7

19 Ae6 @b8 20 ~6 Wa7 21 @c7 'i&a8 22

Ads+ Wa7 23 Ahl Wa6 24 @b8 @b6 25 .i.b7


2 c5+ Axc5! 3 bxc5+ bxc5 4 @b6 c4 5 Wxb7

c3 6 a6 c2 7 a7 cl~ 8 a8~'&b2+ 9 ©a6 ~a3+

10 ctJb7 ~b4+ 11 Wa6 Wt'a4+ 12 Wb7 ~5+ 13


2 ... Af4t

Now Black switches diagonals, to prevent a

breakthrough. He wins since White's own pawn

on b6 is in the way.

Not 2 ... .i.f2? 3 c5+ Wd5 4 c6 bxc6+ 5 Wa6

.i.g3 6 b7 =.


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