how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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2 @e3 .. bg2 3 lt:le2 .id5 4 a3 .ie4 5 lt:lc3 rs

6 lt:la2

Or: 6 lt:le2 a5 7 lt:\f4 .ic2 8 @d2 .ibl 9 @e3

..te4 IO lt:le2 @d5 11 lt:lc3+ @c4 -+; 6 lt:la4

.ic2 7 lt:lc5 a5 8 a4 .ibl 9 lt:lb3 .ie4 10 lt:lxa5


6 .... a5 7 lt:lc3 .ic6 8 @d3

8 lt:le2 @d5 9 @f4.id7 10 lt:lcl @c4 11 @e5

.ic8 -+.

8 ••. f4 9 gxf4+ @xf4 10 lt:le2+ @e5 11 'ttte3

@dS 12 lt:\d4 a4 13 lt:lc2 @c4 14 lt:lb4 .id7 15

lt:ld3 filS 16 lt:lcl

16 lt:le5+ @b3 17 lt:lxg4 ..txg4 18 @d2 .if5

19@cl @xa3 -+.

16 .•.'.t.>c3 17 lt:le2+ @b2 18 @d4 @xa3 19

@c3 @a2 20 @b4 a3 21 lt:lc3+ @b2 22 lt:la4+

@c2 0-1


P.Leonhardt - R.Spielmann

San Sebastian 1912


Now Black gets in zugzwang. He could have

won with the zwischenzug J...@c3: 2 l:Ic7+

@xd4 3 };{g7 (3 };{b7 I!xg5 4 };{xb4+@c3 -+)

3 ...@c3 4 };{c7+@b3 5 };{g7 d4 6 l:Ig8 d3 7 g6

d2+ 8@dl @b2 9 I!g7 b3 10 };{g8@bl 11 };{b8


};{c6+@d416 Z!b6 bl'&+-+.



2 ...@d3 3 };{d7 d4 4 g7

Black cannot win in view of the active white


4 ... l:Ig6 5 @b2 I!gl 6 @b3 1/z-lfi


Em.Lasker - F.Bogatyrchuk

Moscow 1935

1 e4? (D)

This premature move allows Black to block

everything up and leave the e4-pawn standing

in the way.

The king must be brought back to d4: I @g5

@£7 2 ..tg6+@e7 3 @f4@f8 4 @f3 @g7 5 .ie8

..tb7 6 @e2 @f8 7 .ih5 eo 8 @d3 @f8 9 @d4

@e7 10 e4 .ic8 (1 O ... dxe4 11 ~xe4 kc8 12

@f4 kb7 13 @g5 kc8 14 @g6 .ib7 15 @g7

.ic8 16 .if3 .ib7 17 ke4 .ia8 18 b5 axb5 19


a6 +-) 11 .ig4.ib7 (l l...@d7 12 exd5cxd5 13

ke2 @c6 14 @e3 ..tb7 15 @f4 .ic8 16 @g5

.ib7 17 @f6 .ic8 18 @e7 +-) 12 exd5 exd5 13

@e3@f714.id7@e715e6@f6 l6@f4(zugzwang)


l. .. d4! 2 kc4 .ib7 3 @g5 .ic8 4 @f4@d7 5

@f3 .ib7 6@e2 .ic8 7@d3 kb7 8 @xd4 .ic8



P.Svidler - K.Landa

Bundesliga 2004/5

Svidler takes advantage of the fact that the

bishop cannot evade the white knight:

l lt:ld7! kg5

1....ie7 2 l:Ib8+ @h7 3 lt:lf8+ .ixf8 4 J;!xf8

@g65 };{a8 +-.

2 };{b8+ @h7 3 lt:lf8+ @g8 4 ©e6+ @h7 5

lt:lxg5+ hxg5 6 I!a8 ltiel+ 7 '.t.>h2 f6 8 };{xa6

lt:\d4 9 g3 lt:lf3+ 10 @g2 lt:leS 11 @fl @g6 12

@e2 @f5 13 I!a7 @g6 14 @e3 ©c6 15 I!c7


This makes it easy for White, but the situation

was hopeless anyway.

16 f41-0

Chapter 4


A.Zapata - J.Becerra Rivero

Matanzas 1995

1 ...\Wxdl!

This is the correct move. The game continued

I ... };{xe I+?! 2 \Wxel and the draw was still

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