how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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4 ... hxg3 5 @g2 g6 6 @xg3 l!c3+ 7 Wg2 <MS

8 1Xh4 Zk4 9 @g3 f6 10 l!g4

10 l!h6 l!xf4 ll l!xg6 @xg6 12 @xf4 @h5

13 Wg3 e5 -+.

10 ... gS 11 fxgS ~xg4+ 12 hxg4+ @xg5 13

@f3 eS 14 @g3 0-1


K.Muller - P.Acs

Retltymnon ECC 2003

l l!xd7+!!

1 gxh6? g5+ plays into Black's hands.

l ~d7 2 gxh6 lt:'.lxh6

2 @e6 doesn't save the game either: 3 h7 !

@f64 a4+-.

3 @gS lt::\fS 4 @xg6 lt.Je7+!?

Forcing White to play extremely precisely.

5 @f7 lt::ld5 6 h4 lt.:lxc3 7 hS lt::le4 8 @g6!

8 h6? lt::lg5+ 9 @g6 lt::le6 throws away the

win, since the knight can stop the h-pawn on its

own and the king is consequently free to deal

with the white queenside majority.

8 ... lt.:lcS (D)

8...S>e7 9 h6 lt.:lf6 10 a4 +-.


The only winning move, since it serves two

purposes: transferring the white king to the

queenside via e5 and shielding the advance of

White's h-pawn.

9 lt::le6

9 We8 l0h6lt:'.ld7+ I l@e6b4 !2@d6+-.

10 S'eS @e7 11 h6 <M7 12 b4!?

The simplest. 12 h7 lt::lf8 13 h8lt::I+ should

also win (13 h8'&? lt::lg6+ is only drawn).

12 ... lt::ld8 13 @d6 @g6 14 @cs ~h6 15

@xbS Wg6 16 a4 @£617 as We6 18 a6@d7 19

a7 lt::le6 20@b61-0

Acs resigned in view of 20 ... lt::lc7 21 @b7

@d6 22 b5 @d7 23 b6.


B.Gelfand - J.Lautier

Belgrade 1997

The game ended 1...i.c4?? 2 Wd2 1-0.

What both players missed was:

l ... b4 2 l!xdS b2 3 ~dl bxa3-+


M.Marin - A.Minasian

Debrecen Ec/111992

1 l!a3?

I l!d3!! (Vaganian) l...lt:'.lf4+ (l...lt:'.lc3+ 2

@xe3 di~ 3 Z!xdl lt::lxdl+ 4@d2 +-) 2 Wxe3

lt.:lxd3 3 @xd2 +- (Marin in lnfonnatori.

1 .•. lt::lc3+ 2 l!xc3+ @xc3 3 a7 Wc2 If2-l/2


A.Stefanova - O.Kulicov

Kava/a 2006

White has to choose the right square here.


Not 1 @d6? l!b6+ 2 @d7 (the sheepish return

to the path of virtue with 2 @c7 no longer

helps either, because of2 .. Jhb7+ 3@xb7@e3

-+) 2 ... @e3 3 b8'& l!xb8 4 @xe6 @e4 5 @f6

l!b6+ 6 e6 @dS -+.

I b8~? also fails: L.J!xb8 2 Wxb8 We3 3

@c7 @e4 4 @d6 @f5 -+.

1. ••@e3 2 @xe6 @e4 3 Wd6 l!xb7 4 e6

l!b6+ 5 @d7 l!xe6 11z_11z

Or 5 ...@d5 6 et l!b7+ 7 @d8 @d6 8 e8lt::I+

@c6 9 lt:'.lf6==.


S.Mamedyarov - I.Sokolov

Hoogeveen 2006


White should play I f5 gxf5 (1...b3 2 @c3

@d5 3 f6 gxf6 4 h5 gxh5 5 gxh5 Wxe5 6 h6 +-)

2 gxf5 b3 (2 ... @d7 3 h5 +-) 3 S>c3 Wd5 4 e6

fxe6 5 f6 gxf6 6 h5 +- since the e6-pawn prevents

its king from entering the square of the

black h-pawn.

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