how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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2...Wg6 3 Wb6 g4 4 wxa6 g3 5 Wb7 g2 6 a6

gl'tlU 7 a7: and the black king is outside the

winning zone.

3 Wd4 g.>g6 4 @e3 WfS 5 @f2

White holds the draw in accordance with

Bahr's Rule. For example, 5 ... q;f4 6 Wg2 We4

7 @g3 @d4 8 Wxg4 @c4 9 Wf3 Wb4 IO q.>e2

Wxa5 11 Wd2 Wb4 12 Wc2 :.



Sachove Umenie, 1950

The white king has to deliver a whole series

of bodychecks before he can bring home the


1 WcS!


a) 1 g4? Wb3 2 Wc5 Wc3 3 Wd5 Wd3 4 We5

q.>e3 5 wrs Wf3 6 g5 @g3 7 Wg6 Wg4 =.

b) I @c6? Wb3 2 Wd5 Wc3 3 We4 Wd2! 4

g4 We2 5 g5 Wf2 6 Wf4 Wg2 7 g6 Wh3 8 Wf5

Wh4 9q;f4 =.

1 ... @b32Wd4!

2 'i&d5? Wc3 3 We4 Wd2! and Black holds

the draw.

2 •.• wc2

2 ... @b4?! 3 g4Wb5 4 Wd5 Wb65 Wd6@b7

6 g5 Wc8 7 We7 +-.

3 We3! @dl 4 g4 Wel 5 g5 Wfl 6 Wf3!

6 Wf4? Wg2 7 Wf5 Wg3 8 Wg6 @g4 =.

6 ... Wgl 7 g6 Wh2 8 Wg4!

8 Wf4?Wh3=.

8 ••. Wo.,2 9 WfS @f310@e6 @g4 l l wf7 1-0


M.Brodsky - D.Yakovenko

Russian Cht (Sochi} 2004

1. ..!{bl+!

The active rook holds the draw even against

two pawns; after other moves, White's activity

is too strong. For instance, I ... c4? 2 @c5 c3 3

~7+, and now:

a) 3 ... 'i&c8?!4Wc61lbl 5d6Wb86d7!{dl

7 ~b7+ Wa8 811:bl 1!d3 (8 ... c2 9 ~I ~d2 10

Wc7 +-) 9 ~b5 +-.

b) 3 ... We8 4 Wd6 11:al 5 1le7+ Wd8 6 :Sh7

We8 7 1lh2 Wf7 8 ~f2+ (8 Wd7? Wf6 9 d6 @e5

=) 8 ...@e8 9 Wc7 1lxa3 IO ~e2+ Wf7 I! d6

1!a7+ 12 Wb6 ~4 (12 ... 11:al 13 d7 c2 14 d8't1H

11:bl+ 15 Wa5 11:al+ 16 Wb4 ~bl+

17 Wa4

11:al+ 18 @b3 +-) 13 d7 1ld4 14 Wc6 Wf6 15

Wc7 1!c4+ 16 Wd8 c2 17 We8 cl~ and now

White has the all-important first check: 18

d8't1U+ Wf5 19 't1Hd3+ +-.

2 Wxc51!cl+!

White cannot break through, since his rook

can no longer break free.

3 Wb61lbl+ 4 wa7 ~b5 5 d6

5 a4 1!b4 6 a5 1lb5 =.

5 ~b3 6 a4 1lb4! 7 as 11:bS

7 !lbl? 81lb61lal 9 a6 Wc8 10 d7+ Wxd7

11 Wb71lcl 12 a7 1!c7+ 13 @a61lc8 14 ~b8


8 was We6 1/z-1'2


V.Anand - S.Lputian

Moscow tt 2004

1 .•. 1ld8+?

Of course, the rook must abandon the a-

pawn, but this is the wrong way. Alexander

Baburin showed the right idea in Chess Today:

l...1!f8!! (D) prepares to set up Vancura's drawing


a) 2 Wc5 Wxg5 31lxa51lf4 4 ~a8 Wg6 5 a5

~f5+ 6 @c6 Wg7 = (Vancura).

b) 2 @e4 !{e8+! 3 Wd3 (3 ~e5 1!xe5+ 4

Wxe5 Wxg5 =) 3 ... ~f8!! 4 ~xa5 ~f4 =.

c) 21lxa5 ~4+ 3 Wc3 1!f3+ 4 Wb4 ~f4+ 5

Wb5 'ii>xg5 6 ~a8 1lf5+ 7 Wc6 1lf6+ 8 Wd5

~f5+ 9 We61lf6+ 10 We7 Wg6 11 a5 ~f7+ 12

We61lf6+ 13 We51lf5+ 14 We4 ~b5 (Baburin)

15 a6 Wg7 16 ~c8 1la5 17 1!c6 q;f7 =.

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