how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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easy to increase here, so Kramnik exploited the

favourable opportunity to open the position for

his bishop and generate some dynamism:

I cS!? bxcS 2 dxcS dxcS

2 ... d5? 3 i.xf6 dxe4 (3 ... gxf6 4 exd5 i.xd5 5

i.xdS exd5 6 ~f4 +-) 4 ~b4 gxf6 5 c6 ~xc6 6

~xc6 lla3 7 i.dl i.xc6 8 !l.xc6 !!.al 9 !l.d6 ±.

3 ~xcS i.c8 4 eS ~e8?

4...~d5 5 ~e4 i.d7 6 !!.di !l.a5 7 i.d4 ±.

S i.a4!

Dominating the black minor pieces.

S ... tea 6 i.a3 Wg8 7 ~e4! !l.xa4

Or: 7 ... !l.a7 8 i.d6 +-; 7 ... ~ba6 8 i.c6 !l.a7

9 ~d6 ~b8 JO i.b2 ~xc6 11 ~xc8 +-.

8 !ixc7 i.a6 9 ~cS! 1-0

We6 12 i.b2 a6 13 i.c3 ~d6 14 We3 ~e4 15

i.el wrs 16 !!.fl !l.h8 17 Wd3 bS 18 a3 !l.h719

i.aS fl.h8 20 i.b4 l;l.c8

The trick-shot 20 ... !l.hl? backfires: 21 !l.xhl

~xf2+ 22 We3 ~xh I 23 i.d6 a5 and neither

side can make further progress.

21 i.as logs 22 i.d2 ~e4 23 i.as Wg6 24

i.b4 rs 25 i.as !l.h8 26 We3 !!.es 27 Wd3 !!.cs

28 i.b4 !l.c7 29 i.aS !l.h7 30 We3 l;l.e7 31 Wd3


Especially if it is not possible to make further

progress, since your forces are already well

placed, opening the position at the appropriate

moment can be more important than retaining a

completely unspoilt structure.


S.Rosselli - A.Rubinstein

Baden­Baden 1925

Rubinstein takes advantage of a favourable

opportunity to open the queenside:

I. .. cS!? 2 dxcS i.xcS

Black's isolated pawn will be more than compensated

by his initiative on the kingside.

3 00 h4 4 gxh4

After 4 g4 ~h6 5 i.e3 b6 6 i.xcS bxcS 7

~h2 !l.b8 Black retains the initiative.

4 ... g4 S ~d4 i.xd4 6 cxd4 fl.xh4 7 i.c3

!!.hi+ 8 'i!?e2 fl.h2 9 fl.gl ~h410 g3 ~rs 11 b3


With this, Rubinstein opens avenues for his

king and rook to penetrate the enemy position,

since without these he cannot further develop

his strategic initiative.

32 gxf4 !l.h7 33 i.d2 ~d2 34 wxd2 !l.h3


Probably based on a miscalculation. With

the active 35 !l.c I White can still offer stubborn


35 ... gxf3 36 !l.r2?!

In rook endings, passivity is rarely to be recommended.

However, his position was already

very difficult; for example. 36 ~e3 f2+ 37

Wxf2 .l;l.'.xb3 38 ~el Wf5 39 !l.e5+ Wxf4 40

l;l.xdS (40We2 ftxa3 41 @d2!l.g3 42 !l.xdS'i&e4

43 l;l.d6 a5 -+) 40 ... we4 -+.

36 ... wrs 37 We3 Wg4 38 b4

38 f5 Wxf5 39 !l.xf3+(39!!.fl @g440 !l.gl +

!l.g341 fl.c 1 !l.g2-+) 39 ... !l.xf.3+ 40 'i!>xf3 a5 -+.

38 ...!l.hl 39 rs ~el+ 40 Wd3 !l.e40-1

In the following example, Suetin understands

admirably how to introduce dynamism into the

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