how to play chess endgames book

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board. Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.

In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays. All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than 200 exercises for the reader, together with full solutions.


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bl) 30 ..... bb5 31 axb5 l;ie3 (31...l;ic7 32

l:!xc7 @xc7 33 @h4 +-) 32 l:!c8 t:{je7 33 ms


b2) 30 ... @d7 31 @f4 l:!e8 32 lt:ic7! @xc7 33

i..xd5 t:{je7 34 i..xc6 l:[jxc6 35 d5 +-.

28 i..xdS! ~e7+

28 ... i..xd5 29 l:[jb5+ @e7 30 l:!c7+ +-.

29 i..e61-0

idea of g l:[je3 (9 t:{jb6!? l;id2 IO @fl ;t; with the

plan of t:{ja4 and @el) 9 ... l:!d2 10 @fl (10

l:!xd2 l:!xd2 ll l:tc2 !!xc2 12 l:[jxc2 @f6 =: the

minor-piece ending is not dangerous for Black)

10 .. .f5 11 @el ~2d4 with counterplay.

9 tbe3 l:!d2 10 t:{jfl! !!xc2 11 !!xc2 cS 12


In the next example White has yet to inflict

any pawn weaknesses:



R.Dautov - V.Milov

Essen 2000

I l:[jdS!

Good technique! The knight immediately

tries to reach its ideal square on c4. The imrnediate

1 it..xc6 would be premature: l...bxc6 2

l:!fd I f5 and Black has more counterplay.

1 ... it..f8



2 !!fd l l!d6 3 l:[jb6 !!xdl+ (3 ... !!ad8 4 !!xd6

l!xd6 5 l:[jc4 !!d4 6 it..xc6 bxc6 7 ~c 1 ;t;) 4 !!xd I

l:!d8 5 l:!xd8 l:[jxd8 6 l:[jd7 i..d6 =.

2 ... l:!ab8 3 it..xc6 bxc6 4 l:[jc4 ;t;

The knight manoeuvre ends with its arrival

at the dream square c4. Next White doubles his

rooks on the c-file,

4 .•• e4! 5 b3 !!bS 6 l;iacl @gl 7 l:!c2 ~bdS 8

!!fcl hS?

An inaccuracy which allows White to exchange

a pair of rooks under favourable conditions

.. Better was the immediate 8 ... c5 with the

13 f3!

An original idea. White exchanges the e4-

pawn but retains his e2-pawn, intending to manoeuvre

his knight to f4 via f3, el and d3. Then

the black pawn on g6 provides the famous 'second

weakness' (the first weakness is the damaged

black queenside).

13 e3 h4 14 @fl @h6 15 @e2 @h5 gives

Black counterplay, but 13 h4!? is also promising;

White centralizes his king and relieves the

rook for the manoeuvre ~c4-a4, viz. 13 ... <ilf6

14 e3 g5 15 hxg5+ @xg5 16 lt>fl h4 17 gxh4+

@xh4 18 @e2 ;!; with the idea l!c4-a4.

13 •.. exf314 t:{jxf3@f6 15 h4 i..e7

15 ... i..h6!? 16 l:[jeJ it..e3+ (16 .. .f4 17 l:[jd3

fxg3 18 Wg2 i..e3 19 WxgH) 17 WgH.

16 Wf2 @e6 17 !!c4!

After i7t:{jeJ @d5 !8l:[jd3i..d6 J9!!c4Wc6

the black king is in time to defend the a6-pawn.

17 •..@dS 18 !!a4 l!d619 tbel i..d8 20 l:[jdJ


20 ... g5? 21 hxg5 i..xg5 22 l:!a5 ± l:!c6?? 23

l:[jb4+ +-.

21 t:{jf4+ @eS (DJ

Once again the white knight has reached its

target square. Black will be hard-pressed to defend

all his pawn weaknesses.

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