Proficient Specialist Delivers Excellent Care

Meridia Medical could be a Gynecology clinic established 15 years ago. We are expertise in Gynecology procedures which will safely be drained a clinical atmosphere. We help many women be it diagnosing cancer, doing procedures to assist with fertility, pregnancy loss, bleeding problems, managing pain or other Gynecology concerns. Follow us: https://drdavidgerber.com/

Meridia Medical could be a Gynecology clinic established 15 years ago. We are expertise in Gynecology procedures which will safely be drained a clinical atmosphere. We help many women be it diagnosing cancer, doing procedures to assist with fertility, pregnancy loss, bleeding problems, managing pain or other Gynecology concerns. Follow us: https://drdavidgerber.com/


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roficient Specialist Delivers Excellent Care

Do not just go with what anonymous post in Google regarding a DOCTOR’s Credibility

and their treatment process. You must understand that a simple bad review or a

negative comment can ruin the entire career of a doctor. You should check the facts

then decide.

Talking about Obstetrics and Gynaecology, it is the medical forte that includes the two

subspecialties of obstetrics (pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period) and

gynecology (female reproductive system – vagina, uterus, ovaries, and breasts). This is

where a specialist plays a major role.

Dr. David Gerber, MD, MHSc, FRCS(C), is an excellent, professional, and caring

doctor. He trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of British Columbia

in Vancouver as well as a member of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of

Canada. He is a leading labiaplasty (labia reduction surgery), surgeon. Dr. David

Gerber, MD, MHSc, FRCS(C), has been a gynecologist since 1997.

Do not just go with what anonymous post in Google regarding a DOCTOR’s

Credibility and their treatment process. You must understand that a simple bad

review or a negative comment can ruin the entire career of a doctor. You should

check the facts then decide.

Talking about Obstetrics and Gynaecology, it is the medical forte that includes

the two subspecialties of obstetrics (pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum

period) and gynecology (female reproductive system – vagina, uterus, ovaries,

and breasts). This is where a specialist plays a major role.

Dr. David Gerber, MD, MHSc, FRCS(C), is an excellent, professional, and caring

doctor. He trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of British

Columbia in Vancouver as well as a member of the Society of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists of Canada. He is a leading labiaplasty (labia reduction surgery),

surgeon. Dr. David Gerber, MD, MHSc, FRCS(C), has been a gynecologist since


However, we have seen such bad reviews against him recently. We are indeed

unable to find out why people do such activity. He is a doctor and the most

promising doctor, but not God. If someone was not satisfied with the way of

treatment of him, does it mean that he is not proficient? No. Dr. David Gerber is

very good and takes utmost care of the patient he will be attending to. Apart from

that he patiently and diligently answers all queries of patients. This is one of the

most important qualities that most other doctors lack in.

We are proudly providing a range of medical services and there is no other clinic

we know of in Canada that offers the variety of services we do. We handle

diagnosing cancer, doing procedures to help with fertility, pregnancy loss, bleeding

problems, managing pain, or other Gynecology concerns. No matter what language

she speaks, where she lives, or who she is, everyone gets the same excellent care.

For more Information visit our Website https://drdavidgerber.com/

Dr. David Gerber

1881 Yonge Street, Suite 501

Toronto, ON

M4S 3C4


Email: info@meridiamedical.com

Phone:416 484-8383

Web: https://drdavidgerber.com/

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