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Moving to the big boy beds

by Michael Carton Director of Education and Outreach, WQPT Quad Cities PBS

When I found out my wife

and I were expecting twin boys, I

was really excited about buying

them bunk beds someday. Back

then it felt like it would be a long

time before they’d be ready to

move out of their cribs and into

‘big boy’ beds; I had no idea how

quickly that “long time” would


If feels just like yesterday

that we brought them home from

the hospital, but that was more

than 2 ½ years ago! They looked

so tiny all wrapped up in their

sleep sacks in their cribs those

first few months, but they’re not

so tiny anymore. Lately, when we

watched them sleeping in their

cribs, we realized it was the cribs

that were looking tiny!

Knowing that we needed

to transition them to bigger beds,

I realized it was finally time to buy

the bunk beds. It took surprisingly

little time to convince my wife that

we should and skip over the coollooking

train and car toddler beds (I

think she knew how excited I was

and hoped if I was that excited,

our boys would be, too). Before I

knew it, bunk beds were ordered,

and we started talking about how

we would transition them.

Unfortunately, the boys were

sick the week the boxes arrived,

so I had to wait and look at those

boxes for an extra week before

putting them together. When the

time came finally came, my oldest

son and I assembled them together

in the boys’ room without taking

their cribs apart, giving them time

to explore the bunk beds before we

took the plunge and let them sleep

in them!

The first night or two were

interesting to say the least. My wife

described it best by saying it was

like watching a clown car. Usually,

the boys fall asleep quickly at night

and never try get out of bed, but

they were so excited about the

bunk beds that they kept climbing

in and out of each bed, switching

places and acting completely

silly while doing it! They woke up

multiple times each night, but went

back to sleep rather quickly. One

time, we found them sleeping in

their own bed. Another time, they

were sleeping in opposite beds.

There were a couple times they

were sleeping in the same bed, and

even one time when Jacob was

in Andrew’s bed and Andrew was

sleeping on the floor by the closet!

After a night or two, we

realized it was time to take the cribs

out of their room. So, at the end of

a busy day, my wife kept the boys

occupied so I could break down

the beds. As I started breaking

down the pieces of each crib, I

realized that I was about to break

down. A flood of emotions hit me

as I moved each piece out of their

room. Seeing the bite marks they

left on the crib reminded me of their

teething phase. Taking the mattress

support off reminded me of the

time I had to lower it because they

were growing taller and starting to

climb. With every bolt I removed,

it seemed another memory popped

into my head. When I was finally

done taking the cribs apart, I could

not help but think that if we hadn’t

left the cribs up for me to see them

side by side with their ‘big boy’

beds, I might not have relived all of

those precious memories.

I was so excited for the

bunk beds that I didn’t realize this

next phase means my little boys

are growing up – REALLY fast! A

“long time” in parent years goes by

way too quickly! I hope the next

few years will slow down a bit!

8 July/August 2021 I QC Family Focus

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