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Teaching your kids about money

by Junior Achievement

The United States is facing

an epidemic of financial illiteracy.

So, how can you help?

The following is a list of tips that

take away an amount to show how

much money you saved. next talk

about the importance of saving for

the future or the unexpected.

you can use to help your kids Teach children the

understand and develop financial


Teach your child the

concept that people earn money

importance of setting a budget

in order to save for things you

want to buy in the future. Children

as young as three can start

at their jobs. Discuss what you receiving an allowance, and with

do at work and then ask him/her that allowance comes the idea of

what she might like to be when budgeting and saving.

she’s older. If she wants to be a

veterinarian, put her in charge of

walking, bathing and feeding the

dog, and pay her for the tasks.

Even though most banking

Have you ever listed all of

the expenses you pay every month

to keep a household going? Put a

few stubs in a stack and do a little

show-and-tell. Talk about what

is done online these days, it’s happens when you add them

important to physically take your

children to the bank, so they can

up. This will help your children to

understand the concept of billpaying

and how much money is

see where your money is going

-- and that it’s in good hands. required to run a household.

When you take children to Teach your child the

the store with you, talk through difference between wants and

purchases with them. Explain to

them why you chose one product

over another.

Put a few household bills in

a stack; talk to your children about

what happens when you add them

all up and why these expenses are

necessary. This will help them to

understand the concept of billpaying

and how much money is

require to run a household.

Start to show your child

how to stretch a dollar. If you buy

an item on sale, put the dollars/

coins that equal the full purchase

price on the kitchen table and then

14 July/August 2021 I QC Family Focus

needs. Kids may “want” many

things, but “need” far less.

Discerning between needs and

wants will help them sort through

the many options they will face in

life. Evaluating needs and wantson

both a small and large scalehelps

adults control expenses.

Money that would otherwise be

spent on “wants” can be put in

long-term saving, investments or

returement. These are values that

secure a future.

Financial literacy is

important, no matter what age

group you belong to, whether you

are just starting 5th grade, funding

your college education, planning

for a family or retiring. Financial

literacy will help you achieve your

goals regardless of what you

choose them to be.

Try to develop good

financial habits. Just paying

attention to how you spend your

money will probably lead to some

ideas about how to save more.

Over time, your savings can make

a large difference in your future

financial lifestyle.

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