Sport Auckland Moving Together Summer 2021

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SPORT<br />

A U C K L A N D<br />






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<strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong>’s Community <strong>Sport</strong> team aim<br />

to inspire our communities to lead healthy and<br />

active lifestyles through building the capability<br />

of community groups and sports clubs to provide<br />

quality physical activity experiences.<br />

We do this by providing leadership, advice and expertise<br />

to identified priority groups including sports organisations,<br />

sports clubs, schools and other community organisations.<br />

<strong>Moving</strong> <strong>Together</strong> spoke to three of <strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong>’s<br />

Community <strong>Sport</strong> Advisors about the variety of work they<br />

do and the impact they believe <strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong> is delivering<br />

within our communities.<br />

Caitlin Molloy has been with <strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong> for one and a<br />

half years. Her role focuses on women and girls, developing<br />

and leading coaching programmes, spaces and places work<br />

and assisting community clubs to build capability within the<br />

Maungakiekie, Tāmaki and Ōrākei local board areas.<br />

Having been with <strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong> for just under two years,<br />

Haree Titoko is focused on the Tāmaki schools cluster.<br />

As a Healthy Active Learning Community Connector she is<br />

constantly looking at innovative and creative ideas to provide<br />

opportunities for quality physical activity that will enhance the<br />

experiences for tamariki within this cluster.<br />

Malo Sumich-Kainiu has worked within the Community<br />

<strong>Sport</strong> team for three years. Focusing on priority groups within<br />

the community, he brings his great attitude to turn traditional<br />

challenges of culture and language barriers into a positive<br />

active experience for all.<br />

What does a typical week look like for you?<br />

All agree there is no such thing as a typical week in the<br />

Community <strong>Sport</strong> team which is the main reason they all love<br />

their role. Caitlin explains, “Some weeks we’re out in the<br />

community, running workshops, helping at school events<br />

and other weeks we’re in the office planning for upcoming<br />

events, providing strategy to identified organisations and<br />

more.”<br />

What are the two best things about your role?<br />

Caitlin says, “One of the best things about working in this<br />

team is seeing the positive impact we can have on the<br />

community by delivering a variety of ways for them to be,<br />

or become, physically active and provide ways for them to<br />

upskill. The second is the amazing people I meet out in the<br />

community.”<br />

Haree agrees, “Firstly, it’s the community I serve. Secondly,<br />

that no matter what background you come from we can<br />

all play a pivotal role for tamariki to reach their highest<br />

aspirations and dreams through being active.”<br />

Malo adds that he loves meeting the community, and the<br />

work he does at <strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong> continues to inspire him to<br />

lead a healthier lifestyle, “My colleagues keep me motivated<br />

and on-task - no easy task!”<br />

What is the most challenging aspect of your role?<br />

Haree comments that for her it’s ensuring all tamariki are<br />

given equal opportunity to participate or learn new skills.<br />

“With the new funding initiative, Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa,<br />

we not only focus on sport but active recreation and play! I’m<br />

excited to see the impact this funding will create.”<br />

All three know first-hand that it can be difficult to change<br />

the perceptions people have from long standing traditions.<br />

Caitlin adds, “Over time, when they see the difference being<br />

active makes, it allows them to understand the benefits and<br />

embrace the change.”<br />

What is one thing that you don’t think people<br />

know about <strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong>?<br />

Malo says, “Our purpose, why we are here and what we<br />

offer. There’s so much that we can do within the community<br />

to get everyone leading healthy and active lifestyles.”<br />

Haree points out all of the resources the team has onhand<br />

to help organisations and communities to get started.<br />

“We’re able to assist with strategic planning, governance,<br />

leadership and more. Of course, the team is here to provide<br />

advice and expertise to support our communities.”<br />

Caitlin continues, “<strong>Sport</strong> <strong>Auckland</strong> is not only about<br />

traditional sports, we strive to help all <strong>Auckland</strong>er’s see<br />

the value in moving their body for an active and healthy<br />

lifestyle.” She finishes with, “Community sport needs<br />

everyone, no matter how small you think your contribution is,<br />

it goes a long way to offering communities the opportunity to<br />

stay active.”

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