Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


“It’s all right,” he whispers in the darkness. “It’s all right.”She wants to believe him, but she’s afraid to close her eyes.The wind creaks in the sails. The ship sighs around them. They are aloneagain, as they were when they were young, hiding from the older children, fromAna Kuya’s temper, from the things that seemed to move and slither in the dark.They are orphans again, with no true home but each other and whatever lifethey can make together on the other side of the sea.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThanks to my agent and champion, Joanna Stampfel-Volpe. I feel lucky everyday to have her on my side, as well as the wonderful team at Nancy CoffeyLiterary: Nancy, Sara Kendall, Kathleen Ortiz, Jaqueline Murphy and PouyaShahbazian.My sharp-eyed and intuitive editor, Noa Wheeler, believed in this story andknew exactly how to make it better. Many thanks to the remarkable people atHolt Children’s and Macmillan: Laura Godwin, Jean Feiwel, Rich Deas andApril Ward in design, and Karen Frangipane, Kathryn Bhunida and Lizzy Masonin marketing and publicity. I’d also like to thank Dan Farley and Joy Dallanegra-Sanger. Shadow & Bone/The Gathering Dark could not have found a betterhome.I’m grateful to everyone at Orion and Indigo who helped bring the GrishaTrilogy to the UK including Fiona Kennedy, Jenny Glencross and Nina Douglas.My generous readers, Michelle Chihara and Josh Kamensky, lent me theirsupergenius brains and cheered me on with relentless enthusiasm and patience.Thanks also to my brother Shem for his art and long-distance hugs, Miriam “Sis”Pastan, Heather Joy Kamensky, Peter Bibring, Tracey Taylor, the Apocalypsies(especially Lynne Kelly, Gretchen McNeil and Sarah J. Maas, who gave me myfirst review), my fellow WOART Leslie Blanco, Johannah Playford, and DanMoulder, who was lost to the river.I blame Gamynne Guillote for fostering my megalomania and encouraging mylove of villains, Josh Minuto for introducing me to epic fantasy and making mebelieve in heroes, and Rachel Tejada for way too many late-night movies.Hedwig Aerts, my fellow pirate queen, put up with long hours of late-night

“It’s all right,” he whispers in the darkness. “It’s all right.”

She wants to believe him, but she’s afraid to close her eyes.

The wind creaks in the sails. The ship sighs around them. They are alone

again, as they were when they were young, hiding from the older children, from

Ana Kuya’s temper, from the things that seemed to move and slither in the dark.

They are orphans again, with no true home but each other and whatever life

they can make together on the other side of the sea.

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