Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


a chance to save him.“Ride with her,” the Darkling said to Ivan. “Make sure she doesn’t doanything stupid.” He didn’t spare me another glance as he kicked his horse into atrot.We rode for hours through the forest, past the plateau where Mal and I hadwaited for the herd. I could just see the boulders where we’d spent the night, andI wondered if the light that had kept us alive through the snowstorm had been thevery thing that led the Darkling to us.I knew he was taking us back to Kribirsk, but I hated to think what might bewaiting for me there. Who would the Darkling choose to move against first?Would he launch a fleet of sand skiffs north to Fjerda? Or did he intend to marchsouth to drive the Fold into the Shu Han? Whose deaths would be on my hands?It took another night and day of travel before we reached the wide roads thatwould lead us south to the Vy. We were met at the crossroads by a hugecontingent of armed men, most of them in oprichniki grey. They brought freshhorses and the Darkling’s coach. Ivan dumped me on the velvet cushions withlittle ceremony and climbed inside after me. Then, with a snap of the reins, wewere moving again.Ivan insisted we keep the curtains drawn, but I snuck a peek outside and sawthat we were flanked by heavily armed riders. It was hard not to be reminded ofthe first trip I’d made with Ivan in this same vehicle.The soldiers made camp at night, but I was kept in isolation, confined to theDarkling’s coach. Ivan brought me my meals, clearly disgusted at having to playnursemaid. He refused to speak to me as we rode and threatened to slow mypulse enough to send me into unconsciousness if I persisted in asking about Mal.But I asked every day anyway and kept my eyes trained on the little crack ofwindow visible between curtain and coach, hoping to catch a glimpse of him.I slept poorly. Every night, I dreamed of the snowy glade, and the stag’s darkeyes, staring at me in the stillness, a relentless reminder of my failure and thesorrow my mercy had reaped. The stag had died anyway, and now Mal and Iwere doomed. Every morning, I woke with a fresh sense of guilt and shame, butalso with the frustrating feeling that I had forgotten something, some messagethat had been clear and obvious in the dream but that hovered just outside ofunderstanding when I woke.I didn’t see the Darkling again until we reached the outskirts of Kribirsk,when the door to the coach suddenly opened and he slid into the seat oppositeme. Ivan vanished without a word.“Where’s Mal?” I asked as soon as the door had closed.I saw the fingers of his gloved hand clench, but when he spoke, his voice was

as cold and smooth as ever. “We’re entering Kribirsk,” he said. “When we aregreeted by the other Grisha, you will not say a word about your little excursion.”My jaw dropped. “They don’t know?”“All they know is that you’ve been in seclusion, preparing for your crossing ofthe Shadow Fold with prayer and rest.”A dry bark of laughter escaped me. “I certainly look well rested.”“I’ll say you’ve been fasting.”“That’s why none of the soldiers in Ryevost were looking for me,” I said withdawning understanding. “You never told the King.”“If word of your disappearance had got out, you would have been hunteddown and killed by Fjerdan assassins within days.”“And you would have had to account for losing the kingdom’s only SunSummoner.”The Darkling studied me for a long moment. “Just what kind of life do youthink you could have with him, Alina? He’s otkazat’sya. He can never hope tounderstand your power, and if he did, he’d only come to fear you. There is noordinary life for people like you and me.”“I’m nothing like you,” I said flatly.His lips curled in a tight, bitter smile. “Of course not,” he said courteously.Then he knocked on the roof of the coach and it rolled to a stop. “When wearrive, you’ll say your hellos, then plead exhaustion and retire to your tent. Andif you do anything reckless, I will torture the tracker until he begs me to take hislife.”And he was gone.I rode the rest of the way into Kribirsk alone, trying to stop trembling. Mal isalive, I told myself. That’s all that matters. But another thought crept in. Maybethe Darkling is letting you believe he’s still alive just to keep you in line. Iwrapped my arms around myself, praying that it wasn’t true.I pulled back the curtains as we rode through Kribirsk and felt a pang ofsadness as I remembered walking this same road so many months ago. I’d nearlybeen crushed by the very coach I was riding in. Mal had saved me, and Zoya hadlooked at him from the window of the Summoners’ coach. I’d wished to be likeher, a beautiful girl in a blue kefta.When we finally pulled up to the immense black silk tent, a crowd of Grishaswarmed around the coach. Marie and Ivo and Sergei rushed forward to greetme. I was surprised at how good it felt to see them again.As they caught sight of me, their excitement vanished, replaced by worry andconcern. They’d expected a triumphant Sun Summoner, wearing the greatestamplifier ever known, radiant with power and the favour of the Darkling.

as cold and smooth as ever. “We’re entering Kribirsk,” he said. “When we are

greeted by the other Grisha, you will not say a word about your little excursion.”

My jaw dropped. “They don’t know?”

“All they know is that you’ve been in seclusion, preparing for your crossing of

the Shadow Fold with prayer and rest.”

A dry bark of laughter escaped me. “I certainly look well rested.”

“I’ll say you’ve been fasting.”

“That’s why none of the soldiers in Ryevost were looking for me,” I said with

dawning understanding. “You never told the King.”

“If word of your disappearance had got out, you would have been hunted

down and killed by Fjerdan assassins within days.”

“And you would have had to account for losing the kingdom’s only Sun


The Darkling studied me for a long moment. “Just what kind of life do you

think you could have with him, Alina? He’s otkazat’sya. He can never hope to

understand your power, and if he did, he’d only come to fear you. There is no

ordinary life for people like you and me.”

“I’m nothing like you,” I said flatly.

His lips curled in a tight, bitter smile. “Of course not,” he said courteously.

Then he knocked on the roof of the coach and it rolled to a stop. “When we

arrive, you’ll say your hellos, then plead exhaustion and retire to your tent. And

if you do anything reckless, I will torture the tracker until he begs me to take his


And he was gone.

I rode the rest of the way into Kribirsk alone, trying to stop trembling. Mal is

alive, I told myself. That’s all that matters. But another thought crept in. Maybe

the Darkling is letting you believe he’s still alive just to keep you in line. I

wrapped my arms around myself, praying that it wasn’t true.

I pulled back the curtains as we rode through Kribirsk and felt a pang of

sadness as I remembered walking this same road so many months ago. I’d nearly

been crushed by the very coach I was riding in. Mal had saved me, and Zoya had

looked at him from the window of the Summoners’ coach. I’d wished to be like

her, a beautiful girl in a blue kefta.

When we finally pulled up to the immense black silk tent, a crowd of Grisha

swarmed around the coach. Marie and Ivo and Sergei rushed forward to greet

me. I was surprised at how good it felt to see them again.

As they caught sight of me, their excitement vanished, replaced by worry and

concern. They’d expected a triumphant Sun Summoner, wearing the greatest

amplifier ever known, radiant with power and the favour of the Darkling.

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