Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


CHAPTER 20We walked in silence for over an hour. I stared numbly down at my feet,watching my boots move through the snow, thinking about the stag and the priceof my weakness. Eventually, I saw firelight flickering through the trees, and weemerged into a clearing where a small camp had been made around a roaringfire. I noted several tents and a group of horses tethered amid the trees. Twooprichniki sat beside the fire, eating their evening meal.Mal’s guards took him to one of the tents, pushing him inside and followingafter. I tried to catch his eye, but he disappeared too quickly.Ivan dragged me across the camp to another tent and gave me a shove. Inside,I saw several bedrolls laid out. He pushed me forward and gestured to the pole atthe centre of the tent. “Sit,” he ordered. I sat with my back to the pole, and hetethered me to it, tying my hands behind my back and binding my ankles.“Comfortable?”“You know what he plans to do, Ivan.”“He plans to bring us peace.”“At what price?” I asked desperately. “You know this is madness.”“Did you know I had two brothers?” Ivan asked abruptly. The familiar smirkwas gone from his handsome face. “Of course not. They weren’t born Grisha.They were soldiers, and they both died fighting the King’s wars. So did myfather. So did my uncle.”“I’m sorry.”“Yes, everyone is sorry. The King is sorry. The Queen is sorry. I’m sorry. Butonly the Darkling will do something about it.”“It doesn’t have to be this way, Ivan. My power could be used to destroy the

Fold.”Ivan shook his head. “The Darkling knows what has to be done.”“He’ll never stop! You know that. Not once he’s had a taste of that kind ofpower. I’m the one wearing the collar now. But eventually, it will be all of you.And there won’t be anyone or anything strong enough to stand in his way.”A muscle twitched in Ivan’s jaw. “Keep talking treason and I’ll gag you,” hesaid, and without another word, he strode out of the tent.A while later, a Summoner and a Heartrender ducked inside. I didn’trecognise either of them. Avoiding my gaze, they silently hunched into their fursand blew out the lamp.I sat awake in the dark, watching the flickering light of the campfire play overthe canvas walls of the tent. I could feel the weight of the collar against my neck,and my bound hands itched to claw at it. I thought of Mal, just a few feet awayin another tent.I’d brought us to this. If I’d taken the stag’s life, his power would have beenmine. I’d known what mercy might cost us. My freedom. Mal’s life. The lives ofcountless others. And still I’d been too weak to do what needed to be done.That night, I dreamed of the stag. I saw the Darkling cut his throat again andagain. I saw the life fading from his dark eyes. But when I looked down, it wasmy blood that spilled red into the snow.With a gasp, I woke to the sounds of the camp coming to life around me. Thetent flap opened and a Heartrender appeared. She cut me loose from the tent poleand dragged me to my feet. My body creaked and popped in protest, stiff from anight spent sitting in a cramped position.The Heartrender led me to where the horses were already saddled and theDarkling stood talking quietly to Ivan and the other Grisha. I looked around forMal and felt a sudden jab of panic when I couldn’t find him, but then I saw anoprichnik pull him from the other tent.“What do we do with him?” the guard asked Ivan.“Let the traitor walk,” Ivan replied. “And when he gets too tired, let the horsesdrag him.”I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could say a word, the Darklingspoke.“No,” he said, gracefully mounting his horse. “I want him alive when wereach the Shadow Fold.”The guard shrugged and helped Mal mount his horse, then tied his shackledhands to the saddle horn. I felt a rush of relief followed by a sharp prickle offear. Did the Darkling intend for Mal to stand trial? Or did he have something farworse in mind for him? He’s still alive, I told myself, and that means there’s still


We walked in silence for over an hour. I stared numbly down at my feet,

watching my boots move through the snow, thinking about the stag and the price

of my weakness. Eventually, I saw firelight flickering through the trees, and we

emerged into a clearing where a small camp had been made around a roaring

fire. I noted several tents and a group of horses tethered amid the trees. Two

oprichniki sat beside the fire, eating their evening meal.

Mal’s guards took him to one of the tents, pushing him inside and following

after. I tried to catch his eye, but he disappeared too quickly.

Ivan dragged me across the camp to another tent and gave me a shove. Inside,

I saw several bedrolls laid out. He pushed me forward and gestured to the pole at

the centre of the tent. “Sit,” he ordered. I sat with my back to the pole, and he

tethered me to it, tying my hands behind my back and binding my ankles.


“You know what he plans to do, Ivan.”

“He plans to bring us peace.”

“At what price?” I asked desperately. “You know this is madness.”

“Did you know I had two brothers?” Ivan asked abruptly. The familiar smirk

was gone from his handsome face. “Of course not. They weren’t born Grisha.

They were soldiers, and they both died fighting the King’s wars. So did my

father. So did my uncle.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yes, everyone is sorry. The King is sorry. The Queen is sorry. I’m sorry. But

only the Darkling will do something about it.”

“It doesn’t have to be this way, Ivan. My power could be used to destroy the

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