Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


chest. “I’m sorry it took me so long to see you, Alina. But I see you now.”He lowered his head, and I felt his lips on mine. The world seemed to go silentand all I knew was the feel of his hand in mine as he drew me closer, and thewarm press of his mouth.I thought that I’d given up on Mal. I thought the love I’d had for him belongedto the past, to the foolish, lonely girl I never wanted to be again. I’d tried to burythat girl and the love she’d felt, just as I’d tried to bury my power. I wouldn’tmake that mistake again. Whatever burned between us was just as bright, just asundeniable. The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certaintythat I would have waited for him forever.He pulled away from me, and my eyes fluttered open. He raised a gloved handto cup my face, his gaze searching mine. Then, from the corner of my eye, Icaught a flickering movement.“Mal,” I breathed softly, gazing over his shoulder, “look.”Several white bodies emerged from the trees, their graceful necks bent tonibble at the grasses on the edge of the snowy glade. In the middle ofMorozova’s herd stood a massive white stag. He looked at us with great darkeyes, his silvery antlers gleaming in the half-light.In one swift movement, Mal drew his bow from the side of his pack. “I’llbring it down, Alina. You have to make the kill,” he said.“Wait,” I whispered, placing a hand on his arm.The stag walked slowly forward and stopped just a few yards from us. I couldsee his sides rising and falling, the flare of his nostrils, the fog of his breath inthe chill air.He watched us with eyes dark and liquid. I walked towards him.“Alina!” Mal whispered.The stag didn’t move as I approached him, not even when I reached out myhand and laid it on his warm muzzle. His ears twitched slightly, his hide glowingmilky white in the deepening gloom. I thought of everything Mal and I hadgiven up, the risks we’d taken. I thought about the weeks we had spent trackingthe herd, the cold nights, the miserable days of endless walking, and I was gladof it all. Glad to be here and alive on this chilly night. Glad that Mal was besideme. I looked into the stag’s dark eyes and knew the feel of the earth beneath hissteady hooves, the smell of pine in his nostrils, the powerful beat of his heart. Iknew I could not be the one to end his life.“Alina,” Mal murmured urgently, “we don’t have much time. You know whatyou have to do.”I shook my head. I could not break the stag’s gaze. “No, Mal. We’ll findanother way.”

The sound was like a soft whistle on the air followed by a dull thunk as thearrow found its target. The stag bellowed and reared up, an arrow blooming fromhis chest, and then crumpled to his forelegs. I staggered backwards as the rest ofthe herd took flight, scattering into the forest. Mal was at my side in an instant,his bow at the ready, as the clearing filled with charcoal-clad oprichniki andGrisha cloaked in blue and red.“You should have listened to him, Alina.” The voice came clear and cold outof the shadows, and the Darkling stepped into the glade, a grim smile playing onhis lips, his black kefta flowing behind him like an ebony stain.The stag had fallen on his side and lay in the snow, breathing heavily, hisblack eyes wide and panicked.I felt Mal move before I saw him. He turned his bow on the stag and let fly,but a blue-robed Squaller stepped forward, his hand arcing through the air. Thearrow swerved left, falling harmlessly into the snow.Mal reached for another arrow and at the same moment the Darkling threw hishand out, sending a black ribbon of darkness rippling towards us. I raised myhands and light shot from my fingers, shattering the darkness easily.But it had only been a diversion. The Darkling turned on the stag, lifting hisarm in a gesture I knew only too well. “No!” I screamed and, without thinking, Ithrew myself in front of the stag. I closed my eyes, ready to feel myself torn inhalf by the Cut, but the Darkling must have turned his body at the last moment.The tree behind me split open with a loud crack, tendrils of darkness spillingfrom the wound. He’d spared me, but he’d also spared the stag.All humour was gone from the Darkling’s face as he slammed his handstogether and a huge wall of rippling darkness surged forward, engulfing us andthe stag. I didn’t have to think. Light bloomed in a pulsing, glowing sphere,surrounding me and Mal, keeping the darkness at bay and blinding our attackers.For a moment, we were at a stalemate. They couldn’t see us and we couldn’t seethem. The darkness swirled around the bubble of light, pushing to get in.“Impressive,” said the Darkling, his voice coming to us as if from a greatdistance. “Baghra taught you far too well. But you’re not strong enough for this,Alina.”I knew he was trying to distract me and I ignored him.“You! Tracker! Are you so ready to die for her?” the Darkling called. Mal’sexpression didn’t change. He stood, bow at the ready, arrow nocked, turning in aslow circle, searching out the Darkling’s voice. “That was a very touching scenewe witnessed,” he sneered. “Did you tell him, Alina? Does the boy know howwilling you were to give yourself to me? Did you tell him what I showed you inthe dark?”

chest. “I’m sorry it took me so long to see you, Alina. But I see you now.”

He lowered his head, and I felt his lips on mine. The world seemed to go silent

and all I knew was the feel of his hand in mine as he drew me closer, and the

warm press of his mouth.

I thought that I’d given up on Mal. I thought the love I’d had for him belonged

to the past, to the foolish, lonely girl I never wanted to be again. I’d tried to bury

that girl and the love she’d felt, just as I’d tried to bury my power. I wouldn’t

make that mistake again. Whatever burned between us was just as bright, just as

undeniable. The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty

that I would have waited for him forever.

He pulled away from me, and my eyes fluttered open. He raised a gloved hand

to cup my face, his gaze searching mine. Then, from the corner of my eye, I

caught a flickering movement.

“Mal,” I breathed softly, gazing over his shoulder, “look.”

Several white bodies emerged from the trees, their graceful necks bent to

nibble at the grasses on the edge of the snowy glade. In the middle of

Morozova’s herd stood a massive white stag. He looked at us with great dark

eyes, his silvery antlers gleaming in the half-light.

In one swift movement, Mal drew his bow from the side of his pack. “I’ll

bring it down, Alina. You have to make the kill,” he said.

“Wait,” I whispered, placing a hand on his arm.

The stag walked slowly forward and stopped just a few yards from us. I could

see his sides rising and falling, the flare of his nostrils, the fog of his breath in

the chill air.

He watched us with eyes dark and liquid. I walked towards him.

“Alina!” Mal whispered.

The stag didn’t move as I approached him, not even when I reached out my

hand and laid it on his warm muzzle. His ears twitched slightly, his hide glowing

milky white in the deepening gloom. I thought of everything Mal and I had

given up, the risks we’d taken. I thought about the weeks we had spent tracking

the herd, the cold nights, the miserable days of endless walking, and I was glad

of it all. Glad to be here and alive on this chilly night. Glad that Mal was beside

me. I looked into the stag’s dark eyes and knew the feel of the earth beneath his

steady hooves, the smell of pine in his nostrils, the powerful beat of his heart. I

knew I could not be the one to end his life.

“Alina,” Mal murmured urgently, “we don’t have much time. You know what

you have to do.”

I shook my head. I could not break the stag’s gaze. “No, Mal. We’ll find

another way.”

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