Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (z-lib.org).mobi

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“So?” asked Longface.

“So Rikov says a soldier from the outpost at Chernast has gone missing. Word

is he went south and never came back. Could be we caught ourselves a deserter.”

Longface studied Mal speculatively, and I knew he was already thinking of

the reward that awaited him. He had no idea.

“What do you say, boy? You wouldn’t be on the run, would you?”

“The pack belongs to my brother,” Mal said easily.

“Maybe. And maybe we’ll let the captain at Chernast take a look at it and take

a look at you.”

Mal shrugged. “Good. I’d be happy to let him know you tried to rob us.”

Lev didn’t seem to like that idea. “Let’s just take the money and go.”

“Nah,” said Longface, still squinting at Mal. “He’s gone deserter or he took

that off some other grunt. Either way, the captain’ll pay good money to hear

about it.”

“What about her?” Lev gave me another shake.

“She can’t be up to anything good if she’s travelling with this lot. Could be

she’s done a runner too. And if not, she’ll be good for a bit of fun. Won’t you,


“Don’t touch her,” spat Mal, stepping forward.

With one swift movement, Longface brought the handle of his knife down

hard on Mal’s head. Mal stumbled, one knee buckling, blood pouring from his


“No!” I shouted. The man holding me clamped his hand back around my

mouth, releasing my arm. That was all I needed. I flicked my wrist and the

mirror slid between my fingers.

Longface loomed over Mal, the knife in his hand. “Could be the captain’ll pay

whether he’s alive or dead.”

He lunged. I twisted the mirror, and bright light shot into Longface’s eyes. He

hesitated, throwing his hand up to block the glare. Mal seized his chance. He

leapt to his feet and grabbed hold of Longface, throwing him hard against the


Lev loosened his grip on me to raise Mal’s rifle, but I whirled on him,

bringing the mirror up, blinding him.

“What the—” he grunted, squinting. Before he could recover, I slammed a

knee into his groin. As he bent double, I put my hands on the back of his head

and brought my knee up hard. There was a disgusting crunch, and I stepped

backwards as he fell to the ground clutching his nose, blood spurting between his


“I did it!” I exclaimed. Oh, if only Botkin could see me now.

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