Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (z-lib.org).mobi

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“So you don’t want a bite?”

He hesitated. “I didn’t say that.”

“I was going to give you a bite, but since you don’t want one, I’ll just have to

eat the whole thing myself.”

Mal grabbed for the roll, but I danced out of reach, dodging left and right,

away from his hands. I could see his surprise, and I loved it. I wasn’t the same

clumsy girl he remembered.

“You are a brat,” he growled and took another swipe.

“Ah, but I’m a brat with a sweet roll.”

I don’t know which of us heard it first, but we both stood up straight, suddenly

aware that we had company. Two men had snuck up behind us in the empty

alleyway. Before Mal could even turn around, one of the men was holding a

dirty-looking knife to his throat, and the other had clapped his filthy hand over

my mouth.

“Quiet now,” rasped the man with the knife. “Or I’ll open both your throats.”

He had greasy hair and a comically long face.

I eyed the blade at Mal’s neck and nodded slightly. The other man’s hand slid

away from my mouth, but he kept a firm grip on my arm.

“Coin,” said Longface.

“You’re robbing us?” I burst out.

“That’s right,” hissed the man holding me, giving me a shake.

I couldn’t help it. I was so relieved and surprised that we weren’t being

captured that a little giggle bubbled out of me.

The thieves and Mal both looked at me as if I was crazy.

“A bit simple, is she?” asked the man holding me.

“Yeah,” Mal said, glaring at me with eyes that clearly said, Shut up. “A bit.”

“Money,” said Longface. “Now.”

Mal reached carefully into his coat and pulled out his money bag, handing it

over to Longface, who grunted and frowned at its light weight.

“That it? What’s in the pack?”

“Not much, some furs and food,” Mal replied.

“Show me.”

Slowly, Mal unshouldered his pack and opened the top, giving the thieves a

view of the contents. His rifle, wrapped in a wool blanket, was clearly visible at

the top.

“Ah,” said Longface. “Now, that’s a nice rifle. Isn’t it, Lev?”

The man holding me kept one thick hand tight around my wrist and fished out

the rifle with the other. “Very nice,” he grunted. “And the pack looks like

military issue.” My heart sank.

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