Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (z-lib.org).mobi

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the Darkling’s guard. His bleary glance took in the scene: the man on the ground

and me standing over him.

“What’s all this?” he slurred. The girl on his arm tittered.

“I’m blind!” wailed the man on the ground. “She blinded me!”

The oprichnik looked at him and then peered at me. His eyes met mine, and

recognition spread across his face. My luck had run out. Even if no one else was

looking for me, the Darkling’s guards were.

“You …” he whispered.

I ran.

I bolted down an alleyway and into a maze of narrow streets, my heart

pounding in my chest. As soon as I’d cleared the last few dingy buildings of

Ryevost, I hurtled off the road and into the underbrush. Branches stung my

cheeks and forehead as I stumbled deeper into the woods.

Behind me rose the sounds of pursuit: men shouting to one another, heavy

footfalls through the wood. I wanted to run blindly, but I made myself stop and


They were to the east of me, searching near the road. I couldn’t tell how many

there were.

I quieted my breathing and realised I could hear rushing water. There must be

a stream nearby, a tributary of the river. If I could make it to the water I could

hide my tracks, and they would be hard-pressed to find me in the darkness.

I made for the sounds of the stream, stopping periodically to correct my

course. I struggled up a hill so steep I was almost crawling, using branches and

exposed tree roots to pull myself higher.

“There!” The voice called out from below me, and looking over my shoulder,

I saw lights moving through the woods towards the base of the hill. I clawed my

way higher, the earth slipping beneath my hands, each breath burning in my

lungs. When I got to the top, I dragged myself over the edge and looked down. I

felt a surge of hope as I spotted moonlight glimmering off the surface of the


I slid down the steep hill, leaning back to try to keep my balance, moving as

fast as I dared. I heard shouts, and when I looked behind me, I saw the shapes of

my pursuers silhouetted against the night sky. They had reached the top of the


Panic got the better of me, and I started to run down the slope, sending

showers of pebbles clattering down the hill to the stream below. The grade was

too steep. I lost my footing and fell forward, scraping both hands as I hit the

ground hard and, unable to stop my momentum, somersaulted down the hill and

plunged into the freezing water.

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