Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


Baghra was telling me. “It’s not possible,” I said. “The Black Heretic livedhundreds of years ago.”“He has served countless kings, faked countless deaths, bided his time,waiting for you. Once he takes control of the Fold, no one will be able to standagainst him.”A shiver went through me. “No,” I said. “He told me the Fold was a mistake.He called the Black Heretic evil.”“The Fold was no mistake.” Baghra dropped her hands and the swirlingdarkness around her melted away. “The only mistake was the volcra. He did notanticipate them, did not think to wonder what power of that magnitude might doto mere men.”My stomach turned. “The volcra were men?”“Oh yes. Generations ago. Farmers and their wives, their children. I warnedhim that there would be a price, but he didn’t listen. He was blinded by hishunger for power. Just as he is blinded now.”“You’re wrong,” I said, rubbing my arms, trying to shake the bone-deep coldstealing through me. “You’re lying.”“Only the volcra have kept the Darkling from using the Fold against hisenemies. They are his punishment, a living testimony to his arrogance. But youwill change all that. The monsters cannot abide sunlight. Once the Darkling hasused your power to subdue the volcra, he will be able to enter the Fold safely. Hewill finally have what he wants. There will be no limit to his power.”I shook my head. “He wouldn’t do that. He would never do that.” Iremembered the night he’d spoken to me by the fire in the broken-down barn,the shame and sorrow in his voice. I’ve spent my life searching for a way tomake things right. You’re the first glimmer of hope I’ve had in a long time. “Hesaid he wants to make Ravka whole again. He said that—”“Stop telling me what he said!” she snarled. “He is ancient. He’s had plenty oftime to master lying to a lonely, naive girl.” She advanced on me, her black eyesburning. “Think, Alina. If Ravka is made whole, the Second Army will nolonger be vital to its survival. The Darkling will be nothing but another servantof the King. Is that his dream of the future?”I was starting to shake. “Please stop.”“But with the Fold in his power, he will spread destruction before him. Hewill lay waste to the world, and he will never have to kneel to another Kingagain.”“No.”“All because of you.”“No!” I shouted at her. “I wouldn’t do that! Even if what you’re saying is true,

I would never help him do that.”“You won’t have a choice. The stag’s power belongs to whoever slays it.”“But he can’t use an amplifier,” I protested weakly.“He can use you,” Baghra said softly. “Morozova’s stag is no ordinaryamplifier. He will hunt it. He will kill it. He will take its antlers, and once heplaces them around your neck, you will belong to him completely. You will bethe most powerful Grisha who has ever lived, and all that newfound power willbe his to command. You will be bound to him forever, and you will be powerlessto resist.”It was the pity in her voice that undid me. Pity from the woman who’d neverallowed me a moment’s weakness, a moment’s rest.My legs gave way, and I slid to the floor. I covered my head with my hands,trying to block out Baghra’s voice. But I couldn’t stop the Darkling’s wordsfrom echoing through my mind.We all serve someone.The King is a child.You and I are going to change the world.He had lied to me about Baghra. He had lied about the Black Heretic. Had helied about the stag too?I’m asking you to trust me.Baghra had begged him to give me another amplifier, but he’d insisted it hadto be the stag’s antlers. A necklace – no, a collar – of bone. And when I’dpushed him, he’d kissed me and I’d forgotten all about the stag and amplifiersand everything else. I remembered his perfect face in the lamplight, his stunnedexpression, his rumpled hair.Had it all been deliberate? The kiss by the lake shore, the flash of hurt that hadplayed across his face that night in the barn, every human gesture, everywhispered confidence – even what had happened between us tonight?I cringed at the thought. I could still feel his warm breath on my neck, hear hiswhisper in my ear. The problem with wanting is that it makes us weak.How right he was. I’d wanted so badly to belong somewhere, anywhere. I’dbeen so eager to please him, so proud to keep his secrets. I’d never bothered toquestion what he might really want, what his true motives might be. I’d been toobusy imagining myself by his side, the saviour of Ravka, most treasured, mostdesired, like some kind of queen. I’d made it so easy for him.You and I are going to change the world. Just wait.Put on your pretty clothes and wait for the next kiss, the next kind word. Waitfor the stag. Wait for the collar. Wait to be made into a murderer and a slave.He had warned me that the age of Grisha power was coming to an end. I

Baghra was telling me. “It’s not possible,” I said. “The Black Heretic lived

hundreds of years ago.”

“He has served countless kings, faked countless deaths, bided his time,

waiting for you. Once he takes control of the Fold, no one will be able to stand

against him.”

A shiver went through me. “No,” I said. “He told me the Fold was a mistake.

He called the Black Heretic evil.”

“The Fold was no mistake.” Baghra dropped her hands and the swirling

darkness around her melted away. “The only mistake was the volcra. He did not

anticipate them, did not think to wonder what power of that magnitude might do

to mere men.”

My stomach turned. “The volcra were men?”

“Oh yes. Generations ago. Farmers and their wives, their children. I warned

him that there would be a price, but he didn’t listen. He was blinded by his

hunger for power. Just as he is blinded now.”

“You’re wrong,” I said, rubbing my arms, trying to shake the bone-deep cold

stealing through me. “You’re lying.”

“Only the volcra have kept the Darkling from using the Fold against his

enemies. They are his punishment, a living testimony to his arrogance. But you

will change all that. The monsters cannot abide sunlight. Once the Darkling has

used your power to subdue the volcra, he will be able to enter the Fold safely. He

will finally have what he wants. There will be no limit to his power.”

I shook my head. “He wouldn’t do that. He would never do that.” I

remembered the night he’d spoken to me by the fire in the broken-down barn,

the shame and sorrow in his voice. I’ve spent my life searching for a way to

make things right. You’re the first glimmer of hope I’ve had in a long time. “He

said he wants to make Ravka whole again. He said that—”

“Stop telling me what he said!” she snarled. “He is ancient. He’s had plenty of

time to master lying to a lonely, naive girl.” She advanced on me, her black eyes

burning. “Think, Alina. If Ravka is made whole, the Second Army will no

longer be vital to its survival. The Darkling will be nothing but another servant

of the King. Is that his dream of the future?”

I was starting to shake. “Please stop.”

“But with the Fold in his power, he will spread destruction before him. He

will lay waste to the world, and he will never have to kneel to another King



“All because of you.”

“No!” I shouted at her. “I wouldn’t do that! Even if what you’re saying is true,

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