Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


“You’re wearing his symbol,” he observed, glancing at the little gold charmthat hung from my neckline. “His symbol and his colour.”“They’re just clothes.”Mal’s lips twisted in a cynical smile, a smile so different from the one I knewand loved that I almost flinched. “You don’t really believe that.”“What difference does it make what I wear?”“The clothes, the jewels, even the way you look. He’s all over you.”The words hit me like a slap. In the dark of the hall, I felt an ugly flushcreeping up my cheeks. I snatched my hand from his, crossing my arms over mychest.“It’s not like that,” I whispered, but I didn’t meet his gaze. It was as if Malcould see right through me, as if he could pluck every fevered thought I’d everhad of the Darkling right out of my head. But on the heels of that shame cameanger. So what if he did know? What right did he have to judge me? How manygirls had Mal held in the dark?“I saw how he looked at you,” he said.“I like how he looks at me!” I practically shouted.He shook his head, that bitter smile still playing on his lips. I wanted to smackit right off his face.“Just admit it,” he sneered. “He owns you.”“He owns you too, Mal,” I lashed back. “He owns us all.”That wiped away his smile.“No he doesn’t,” Mal said fiercely. “Not me. Not ever.”“Oh really? Don’t you have somewhere to be, Mal? Don’t you have orders tofollow?”Mal stood up straight, his face cold. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, I do.”He turned sharply and walked out of the door.For a moment, I stood there, quivering with anger, and then I ran to thedoorway. I got all the way down the steps before I stopped myself. The tears thathad been threatening to overflow finally did, coursing down my cheeks. I wantedto run after him, to take back what I’d said, to beg him to stay, but I’d spent mylife running after Mal. Instead, I stood in silence and let him go.

CHAPTER 15Only when I was in my room, the door closed securely behind me, did I let mysobs overtake me. I slid to the floor, my back pressed against the bed, my armsaround my knees, trying to hold myself together.By now, Mal would be leaving the palace, travelling back to Tsibeya to jointhe other trackers hunting Morozova’s herd. The distance widening between usfelt like a palpable thing. I felt further from him than I had in all the lonelymonths that had gone before.I rubbed my thumb over the scar on my palm. “Come back,” I whispered, mybody shaking with fresh sobs. “Come back.” But he wouldn’t. I’d as good asordered him to leave. I knew I would probably never see him again, and I achedwith it.I don’t know how long I sat there in the dark. At some point I became awareof a soft knocking at my door. I sat up straight, trying to stifle my sniffling.What if it was the Darkling? I couldn’t bear to see him now, to explain my tearsto him, but I had to do something. I dragged myself to my feet and opened thedoor.A bony hand snaked around my wrist, seizing me in an iron grip.“Baghra?” I asked, peering at the woman standing at my door.“Come,” she said, pulling at my arm and glancing over her shoulder.“Leave me alone, Baghra.” I tried to pull away from her, but she wassurprisingly strong.“You come with me now, girl,” she spat. “Now!”Maybe it was the intensity of her gaze or the shock of seeing fear in her eyes,or maybe I was just used to doing what Baghra said, but I followed her out of the

“You’re wearing his symbol,” he observed, glancing at the little gold charm

that hung from my neckline. “His symbol and his colour.”

“They’re just clothes.”

Mal’s lips twisted in a cynical smile, a smile so different from the one I knew

and loved that I almost flinched. “You don’t really believe that.”

“What difference does it make what I wear?”

“The clothes, the jewels, even the way you look. He’s all over you.”

The words hit me like a slap. In the dark of the hall, I felt an ugly flush

creeping up my cheeks. I snatched my hand from his, crossing my arms over my


“It’s not like that,” I whispered, but I didn’t meet his gaze. It was as if Mal

could see right through me, as if he could pluck every fevered thought I’d ever

had of the Darkling right out of my head. But on the heels of that shame came

anger. So what if he did know? What right did he have to judge me? How many

girls had Mal held in the dark?

“I saw how he looked at you,” he said.

“I like how he looks at me!” I practically shouted.

He shook his head, that bitter smile still playing on his lips. I wanted to smack

it right off his face.

“Just admit it,” he sneered. “He owns you.”

“He owns you too, Mal,” I lashed back. “He owns us all.”

That wiped away his smile.

“No he doesn’t,” Mal said fiercely. “Not me. Not ever.”

“Oh really? Don’t you have somewhere to be, Mal? Don’t you have orders to


Mal stood up straight, his face cold. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, I do.”

He turned sharply and walked out of the door.

For a moment, I stood there, quivering with anger, and then I ran to the

doorway. I got all the way down the steps before I stopped myself. The tears that

had been threatening to overflow finally did, coursing down my cheeks. I wanted

to run after him, to take back what I’d said, to beg him to stay, but I’d spent my

life running after Mal. Instead, I stood in silence and let him go.

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