Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (


It was time to let go. That day on the Shadow Fold, Mal had saved my life,and I had saved his. Maybe that was meant to be the end of us.The thought filled me with grief, grief for the dreams we’d shared, for the loveI’d felt, for the hopeful girl I would never be again. That grief flooded throughme, dissolving a knot that I hadn’t even known was there. I closed my eyes,feeling tears slide down my cheeks, and I reached out to the thing within me thatI’d kept hidden for so long. I’m sorry, I whispered to it.I’m sorry I left you so long in the dark.I’m sorry, but I’m ready now.I called and the light answered. I felt it rushing towards me from everydirection, skimming over the lake, skittering over the golden domes of the LittlePalace, under the door and through the walls of Baghra’s cottage. I felt iteverywhere. I opened my hands and the light bloomed right through me, fillingthe room, illuminating the stone walls, the old tile oven, and every angle ofBaghra’s strange face. It surrounded me, blazing with heat, more powerful andmore pure than ever before because it was all mine. I wanted to laugh, to sing, toshout. At last, there was something that belonged wholly and completely to me.“Good,” said Baghra, squinting in the sunlight. “Now we work.”

CHAPTER 13That very afternoon, I joined the other Etherealki by the lake and called mypower for them for the first time. I sent a sheet of light shimmering out over thewater, letting it roll over the waves that Ivo had summoned. I didn’t have theothers’ control yet, but I managed. In fact, it was easy.Suddenly, lots of things seemed easy. I wasn’t tired all the time or windedwhen I climbed the stairs. I slept deeply and dreamlessly every night and wokerefreshed. Food was a revelation: bowls of porridge heaped with sugar andcream, plates of skate fried in butter, fat plums and hothouse peaches, the clearand bitter taste of kvas. it was as if that moment in Baghra’s cottage was my firstfull breath and I had awakened into a new life.Since none of the other Grisha knew that I’d had so much trouble summoning,they were all a little baffled by the change in me. I didn’t offer any explanations,and Genya let me in on some of the more hilarious rumours.“Marie and Ivo were speculating that the Fjerdans had infected you with adisease.”“I thought Grisha didn’t get sick.”“Exactly!” she said. “That’s why it was so very sinister. But apparently theDarkling cured you by feeding you his own blood and an extract of diamonds.”“That’s disgusting,” I said, laughing.“Oh that’s nothing. Zoya actually tried to put it around that you werepossessed.”I laughed even harder.My lessons with Baghra were still difficult and I never actually enjoyed them.But I did relish any chance to use my power, and I knew I was making progress.

It was time to let go. That day on the Shadow Fold, Mal had saved my life,

and I had saved his. Maybe that was meant to be the end of us.

The thought filled me with grief, grief for the dreams we’d shared, for the love

I’d felt, for the hopeful girl I would never be again. That grief flooded through

me, dissolving a knot that I hadn’t even known was there. I closed my eyes,

feeling tears slide down my cheeks, and I reached out to the thing within me that

I’d kept hidden for so long. I’m sorry, I whispered to it.

I’m sorry I left you so long in the dark.

I’m sorry, but I’m ready now.

I called and the light answered. I felt it rushing towards me from every

direction, skimming over the lake, skittering over the golden domes of the Little

Palace, under the door and through the walls of Baghra’s cottage. I felt it

everywhere. I opened my hands and the light bloomed right through me, filling

the room, illuminating the stone walls, the old tile oven, and every angle of

Baghra’s strange face. It surrounded me, blazing with heat, more powerful and

more pure than ever before because it was all mine. I wanted to laugh, to sing, to

shout. At last, there was something that belonged wholly and completely to me.

“Good,” said Baghra, squinting in the sunlight. “Now we work.”

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