The President Vladimir Putin The Summits

The President Vladimir Putin The Summits. Group RDM, Magazine

The President Vladimir Putin The Summits. Group RDM, Magazine


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NUM. 0038 AÑO 04 30 june 2021

Rdm Léenos

RDM Revista


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• The Vaccine a Los qué todos leen








Of the Russian




• 2000 United States President Bill Clinton

• 2001 United States President George W. Bush

• 2009 United States President Barack Obama

• 2018 United States President Donald Trump

• 2021 United States President Joe Biden

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2001 2008



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Summit 2000


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ill Clinton: the weight of Kosovo

Bill Clinton's contacts with Russian President

Boris Yeltsin were warm until the Kosovo

war broke out in 1998, ending the post-Cold

War honeymoon.

Yeltsin's resignation on December 31, 1999, replaced

by Putin, unappreciated in Washington,

further complicated relations.


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President Vladímir

Putín of the Russian



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United States


Bill Clinton

owever, at the first Clinton-Putin summit

in June 2000, the US president

publicly praised the Russian, capable of building

a "prosperous and strong Russia while

protecting freedoms and the rule of law.

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Summit 2001


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he Slovenia Summit 2001 was

a summit meeting between United

States President George W. Bush and

Russian President Vladimir Putin (hence

also known as the Bush-Putin summit). It

took place on June 16, 2001, on the Brdo

pri Kranju estate in northern Slovenia. It

was hosted by the then Prime Minister of

Slovenia Janez Drnovšek and by

the President of Slovenia Milan Kučan.


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ush and Putin discussed a wide

range of political issues and establish

a diplomatic case for future cooperation

and negotiations. This was also

Bush's first official trip to Europe as U.S.


Before Bush and Putin met privately,

each met with Prime Minister Janez

Drnovšek and President Milan Kučan.

The Slovenes' talks with Putin focused

on the situation in South Eastern Europe,

particularly in Macedonia. Kučan familiarized

Putin with the agreement

reached Friday in Skopje to begin a dialog

on constitutional adjustments.


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peaking with Bush, Drnovšek and

Kučan focused on NATO expansion

and partnership among Europe, the US

and Russia. Unfortunately, Bush did not

go so far as to offer an invitation for

membership in NATO as many suspected.

He simply reiterated the stance he

had taken earlier in his trip, that he supports

NATO expansion and is sure that

at the summit next year in Prague new

members will be invited.

After the meetings, quoted Bush as saying

"I would urge people looking for a

good vacation spot to come here." The

American president was apparently quite

impressed with Drnovšek, Kučan and

Slovenia itself, and publicly thanked

Drnovšek 'for his hospitality in this spectacular,

beautiful country

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he summit was judged a

success by both sides

even though it left Russia and

the US little closer to resolving

the issues that divided them.

The atmosphere was one of

friendly co-operation with the

two leaders getting on far better

than expected. The warmth

of the meeting surprised many.

The first handshake looked

stiff and awkward, but after

well over an hour of talks they

came out smiling with Bush inviting

the Russian leader to visit

his ranch in Texas.


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ush described their meeting as straightforward

and effective. He said it was time

to move beyond Cold War attitudes, away

from mutually assured destruction towards

mutually earned respect. "We had a very

good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of

his soul. He's a man deeply committed to his

country and the best interests of his country

and I appreciate very much the frank dialogue

and that's the beginning of a very constructive

relationship," Bush said.

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utin also appeared to suggest

that the two leaders

established a relationship.

Echoing Bush, he called

the United States Russia's

partner. Warm words, unthinkable

just a few months ago.

The Russian leader said that

both countries have a special

responsibility to maintain world

peace and security. However,

he warned that any unilateral

action would complicate that

process, a sign that difficult

discussions about NATO and

the US missile defense system

still lie ahead.


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t the closing press conference,

in response to a question

about whether he could trust Putin,

Bush said, "I looked the man in the

eye. I found him very straightforward

and trustworthy – I was able to get a

sense of his soul." Bush's top security

aide Condoleezza Rice later

wrote that Bush's phrasing had been

a serious mistake.

"We were never able to escape the

perception that the president had


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American agenda

he following were the key talking

points of the U.S. delegation

according to Ariel Cohen:

• Further reductions of their strategic

nuclear arsenals;

• The spread of Russian weapons of

mass destruction and related technologies

to proliferators such as

China and rogue states such

as North Korea, Iran, and Iraq;


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American agenda

• The U.S.-led development and deployment of a

global missile defense;

• The consequences of establishing formal regional

alliances with China, Iran, or other states

hostile to the United States;

• The sovereignty and territorial integrity of

the New Independent States (NIS), especially

Ukraine and Georgia;

• Economic ties and Russia's accession to

the World Trade Organization (WTO);

• Ffforts to increase freedom of the press in Russia

and focus on Russia's poor record

on human rights in Chechnya.

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President of the Russian



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Summit 2009


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President of the Russian



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President Vladimir


and Barack Obama

Summit 2009

n 2009, President Barack Obama

proposed to "relaunch" relations

with Russia by supporting the

"reset" button. In 2008, prevented

from reelection by the Constitution,

Putin served as Prime Minister.

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President Vladimir


and Barack Obama

Summit 2009

efore visiting Russia

in July 2009, Obama

declared that Putin had

"one foot in the old way of

doing things and the other

in the new. What interests

me is dealing directly with

my counterpart the president,"

Obama said in Moscow.


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President Vladimir


and Barack Obama

Summit 2009

espite initial successes, in

particular the signing in

2010 of a new nuclear disarmament

treaty, the attempt to relaunch

relations failed.

In August 2013, Russia granted

political asylum to American Edward

Snowden, which revealed

the massive espionage of the United

States in the world.


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President Vladimir


and Barack Obama

Summit 2009

few days later, Obama

canceled a summit with

Putin, lamenting the return to "a

Cold War mentality."

The 2014 Ukrainian crisis and

the Russian annexation of Crimea,

the US economic sanctions

against Moscow, and Russia's

intervention in Syria in

2015 further degraded the bilateral



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Summit 2018


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President Vladimir


and Donald Trump


he 2018 Russia–United States

summit was a summit meeting

between United States President

Donald Trump and Russian President

Vladimir Putin (hence also

known as the Trump–Putin summit)

on July 16, 2018, in Helsinki, Finland.

The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

officially titled the summit as

the #HELSINKI2018 Meeting and it

was hosted by the President of Finland

Sauli Niinistö.

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rump and Putin met privately for two

hours, without aides or note-takers,

accompanied only by their respective

interpreters. The meeting had been

scheduled for 90 minutes but lasted two

hours. The private meeting was followed

by a working lunch that included senior


No agenda was published for their discussion,

and no communique was issued afterward.

Some issues were touched on at

the press conference .

President Vladimir Putin and NSC Advisor

John R. Bolton meeting at

the Kremlin, Moscow, on June 27, 2018, to

discuss the summit


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Talks between U.S. delegation

headed by Trump and Russian delegation

headed by Putin at the

summit in Helsinki, July 16, 2018

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Putin gifts Trump a Telstar Mechta,

the official match ball for the knockout

stage of the 2018 FIFA

World Cup.

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Joint photo session (left to right):

First Lady of the US Melania Trump,

US President Donald Trump, President

of Russia Vladimir Putin, President

of Finland Sauli Niinistö and

First Lady of Finland Jenni Haukio.

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Summit 2021


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The Russian head of state

arrived in Geneva to participate

in the talks with US

President Joseph Biden. At

the end of the summit, Vladimir

Putin will answer journalists'


The Russian President will

also meet with president of

the Swiss Confederation

Guy Parmelen.


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Two summits were held in Geneva

during the Cold

War. In 1955, the leaders of Britain,

France, the Soviet Union

and the US discussed global

security. In 1985, US President

Ronald Reagan and Soviet

General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev

discussed diplomatic

relations and nuclear weaponry.


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Geneva, Switzerland

Summit 2021


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United States President Joe Biden

and Russian President

Vladimir Putin (hence also

known as the Biden–Putin summit)

on 16 June 2021,

in Geneva, Switzerland.

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The summit 2021 was held

in the historic Villa la



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The Historic Villa la


The summit was held in

the historic Villa la Grange,

an 18th-century building

overlooking Lake

Geneva. Swiss police

and soldiers closed parklands

surrounding the

villa in the lead-up to the

event, installing barricades

and barbed wire.


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The Historic Villa la


The Parc La Grange is an urban

park in the city of Geneva,


The city park is located south

of Lake Geneva at the Quai Gustave-Ador

in Geneva. It has a surface

of 200,000 m2 and hosts very

old and tall trees, Geneva's biggest

rose garden, orangeries, an

alpine garden and an 18th-century

villa. Also two theaters, a

playground as well as a paddling

pool for the children are found


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The Historic Villa

la Grange


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On June 16, 2021,

a summit between US president

Joe Biden and Russian

president Vladimir Putin was

held at the Villa La Grange.

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library, Guillaume Favre

In the villa La Grange there are some

rooms for the rich library with more than

12,000 old books which today are a precious

part of the Bibliothèque de Genève.


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The book collection was created by the

scholar and owner of La Grange

Guillaume Favre (1770-1851).

A portrait of the library's creator Guillaume

Favre is part of the Geneva Musée

d'Art et d'Histoire collection.

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Arrival at Villa Grange


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President of the Russian

Federation and

Swiss President Guy Parmelin


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Swiss Pres

President of the Russian

Guy Parm



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President Vladimir Putin


President Joseph Biden

Summit 2021

resident Vladimir Putin held talks

with President of the United States

of America Joseph Biden in Geneva.

Russian-American consultations began

with a meeting in a narrow composition

with the participation of Russian Foreign

Minister Sergey Lavrov

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President Vladimir Putin


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egotiations then continued in an expanded


Following the summit, the Joint Statement of the

Presidents of Russia and the United States on Strategic

Stability was adopted.

President Joseph Biden

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President Vladimir Putin

and President Joseph Biden

Beginning of Russian-American talks in a narrow format

Vladimir Putin: Mr President!

I would like to thank you for your initiative of today's


I know that you have had a long trip, a lot of work.

Nevertheless, many issues have accumulated in

Russian-American relations that require discussion at

the highest level, and I hope our meeting will be


As I said before, any face-to-face meeting is a

rewarding meeting. We are trying to determine where

we have common issues and what issues can be

worked together on. And where we have

disagreements, we can do everything so that we can

rationally and predictably discuss these issues - the

two great powers.

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President Vladimir Putin

and President Joseph Biden

The President said: that of the United States

of America, Joseph R. Biden, and the

President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir

Putin, note that the United States and

Russia have shown that, even in periods of

tension, they can advance our goals shares

of ensuring predictability at the strategic level,

reducing the risk of armed conflict and

the threat of nuclear war.

The recent extension of the New START

Treaty exemplifies our commitment to control

nuclear weapons. Today we reaffirm the

principle that a nuclear war cannot be won

and should never be fought.

Consistent with these goals, the United

States and Russia will jointly embark on an

integrated bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue

in the near future that will be deliberate

and robust. Through this Dialogue, we seek

to lay the foundations for future arms control

and risk reduction measures.


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President Vladimir Putin


President Joseph Biden

The recent extension of the

START Treaty is a testament to

the commitment to control nuclear

weapons. They reaffirmed

their commitment to the principle

that nuclear war cannot be a

winner and must never be unleashed.

To achieve these goals, Russia

and the United States will soon

initiate a comprehensive bilateral

dialogue on strategic stability,

which will be substantive and vigorous.

Through this dialogue,

they will try to lay the foundations

for future arms control and

risk reduction measures.

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The first images of the prolonged talks

between the presidents of Russia and

the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joseph



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President Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin: As for the return of the ambassadors to

their places of work - to Moscow, respectively, the American

ambassador, to Washington

In Russia: we have agreed that this issue has been resolved,

they are returning to their place of service permanently

. When exactly tomorrow, the day after - it is a

matter of a purely technical nature.

It was also agreed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

the Russian Federation and the Department of State of

the United States will initiate consultations on the full

range of cooperation through diplomatic channels. There

is something to talk about, the debris has accumulated

a lot. It seemed to me that both parties, including the

American ones, were determined to find a solution.

As for Ukraine, yes, this issue has been raised. I can't

say that in great detail. But, as I understand it, President

Biden agrees that the Minsk agreements should be based

on the agreement in southeastern Ukraine.

As for Ukraine's possible accession to NATO, this issue

has been touched by defamation. There is probably

nothing to discuss here.

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