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In Module 3 she ate through 3 plums, but she was still hungry.

Advisory report Module service performers

In module 3 I had for the first time 2 international students in my group. I could finally put my English

skills to use. It was also for that fact that I was the designated translator of the group haha. Whenever

someone could not voice their opinion well I could help them figure out the best way to say it.

I was also very curious about how it would be to work together with people from different cultures.

Aside from the project we had a lot of conversations about customs and cultures. That module I was

kind of the mediator, with some leading aspects merged into it. I always tried to let everyone know to

not be afraid to speak up and tell the group what parts they wanted to do. Always wanting to be

respectful, but also using everyone’s strengths to create value in the product with diversity in ideas.

Even with the language barrier.

This module we chose the design challenge: ‘Create a Dutch bitter garnituur (bites & drinks) experience

taking the principles of the Dutch cuisine into consideration.’ After me and another teammate made

the bites menu, I chose to do the financial part. I already had some understanding from the expert

sessions and the accounting college in my gap year. While I did not know how to do food calculations

right away, I figured it out pretty quickly. We had to plan what ingredients to use in what season, since

one principle was that it had to be local and seasonal. This product let me into a new understanding of

price calculations and I can add it to my financial knowledge. In module 4 I even explained my other

teammate how to do it correctly.


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