

One summer morning the warm sun came up and – POP! – outof the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.Summer jobIn the summer of 2020 I moved to Leeuwarden without any connections or people I knew. On top ofthat it was in corona times, meaning there were not as many opportunities to meet people as usual.After one month of living there and being settled in with everything I started looking for a job. Withcorona numbers going down the restaurants and terraces opened again. I thought it would be goodfor me to get to know the city through work and to make connections with colleague’s. I quite literallywalked to every restaurant with CV in my hand asking if they still needed people. In the end I got hiredat Bosporus. A Turkish restaurant on the Nieuwestad street.Apparently there was a staff shortage and they were in dire need of new employees. The first thing Inoticed was that it was very disorganized. While everyone was nice and we worked well together,there was no system for who did what. That was not very efficient. A lot of the time I multitasked 3tasks at the same time: running food, taking in orders and bringing drinks. We also did not work instations on who did what tables. Luckily, short after starting there they hired a manager, Sam, whoinstalled order. The reason why I did not try to do that myself is because I thought it was not my placeas someone who just started working there as a simple waitress. I felt like if I tried to lead the otheremployees, they would get mad.If I were to be in that same situation now, I would have done something. Maybe not directly in givingactual orders to the other employees. Rather giving suggestions at the beginning of the shift. Overviewhow many employees are working and suggest a plan of action of the day. I would still not overstep,knowing my position in this professional environment. But I would try something.4

She started to look for some food.Introduction to schoolIn the beginning of the study everyone was still pretty clueless on how to write the Advisory report.We got introduced to the compass atelier and what the ILPO’s and ALO’s meant. Something I had toreally get used to is the DBE phases of the advisory report. Before, I had always done research byforming an idea and exploring that. While in this study, you are meant to first do research about acertain direction of your challenge. Based on that you eventually come up with an improvementproposal. I used to do the ideate and prototype phase before the sympathize and define phase. I nowrealize we do this because you will not always have the immediate solution for every work project youwill get in the future. And even if you get an idea, it can in the end not be productive after done ananalysis. The last thing I want is get into a tunnel vision on my ideas.We got introduced to the expert sessions and I was really sad it would be held online. I know myselfand actually going to school is a big motivation to pay attention as to not waste my time. Though, Ithink everyone felt the same. Regardless, I tried my best to pay attention. Still, I noticed that having togo back completely into quarantine after the summer took a toll on me. I sometimes lacked the driveto even come out of bed most days. I mean, what is the point if I cannot leave my room anyways. Ibecame aware I had these bad habits around the time curfew started. To battle these habits I forcedmyself to make up my bed every day after getting out as so I would not crawl in again. Sadly, it raineda lot at that time so I could not go rollerblading. Instead I started jogging and taking walks to get outof my room. The moment school opened for self-study I went every day possible, being able tomotivate myself doing school so much more.5

She started to look for some food.

Introduction to school

In the beginning of the study everyone was still pretty clueless on how to write the Advisory report.

We got introduced to the compass atelier and what the ILPO’s and ALO’s meant. Something I had to

really get used to is the DBE phases of the advisory report. Before, I had always done research by

forming an idea and exploring that. While in this study, you are meant to first do research about a

certain direction of your challenge. Based on that you eventually come up with an improvement

proposal. I used to do the ideate and prototype phase before the sympathize and define phase. I now

realize we do this because you will not always have the immediate solution for every work project you

will get in the future. And even if you get an idea, it can in the end not be productive after done an

analysis. The last thing I want is get into a tunnel vision on my ideas.

We got introduced to the expert sessions and I was really sad it would be held online. I know myself

and actually going to school is a big motivation to pay attention as to not waste my time. Though, I

think everyone felt the same. Regardless, I tried my best to pay attention. Still, I noticed that having to

go back completely into quarantine after the summer took a toll on me. I sometimes lacked the drive

to even come out of bed most days. I mean, what is the point if I cannot leave my room anyways. I

became aware I had these bad habits around the time curfew started. To battle these habits I forced

myself to make up my bed every day after getting out as so I would not crawl in again. Sadly, it rained

a lot at that time so I could not go rollerblading. Instead I started jogging and taking walks to get out

of my room. The moment school opened for self-study I went every day possible, being able to

motivate myself doing school so much more.


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