

Introduction:This showcase is heavily inspired by the children’s book The very hungry caterpillar by EricCarle. (2001) I got it all the images from slideshare. (The Very Hungry Caterpillar, n.d.)The idea isthat in the original story the caterpillar eats until it becomes a butterfly. I thought I could dothe same, but instead of consuming food it is knowledge through experience. So every fruit isan experience.Carle, E. (2001). The Very Hungry Caterpillar [E-book]. Adfo Books. Retrieved on 25 th ofJune 2021, Very Hungry Caterpillar. (n.d.). Slideshare. Retrieved on 25th of June 2021,

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.Hello, my name is Mieke. In September 2020 I started at theNHL Stenden university of applied sciences a study namedInternational hospitality management. At the time when Istarted my study I was 18 years old, now I am almost 19. Iam born on the 2 nd of July. I started living in Leeuwarden inJune 2020 to already form a life outside of my study.My Hobbies are drawing, rollerblading and reading. Theyare kind of hobbies that you would typically do alone, butthat is not to say I am not a social person. There is a time and place to be with people and there is atime and place to be on my own, I find. The nice thing I find in reading is that, first of all you get lost inso many lifelines. And from every story there is something to learn. In high school I preferred Dutchbooks, but since I have transitioned to preferring English. It also helps a lot with my language skill. Plus,most books I was reading already had the original book written in English, I find that the story is betterwritten in its original. As for rollerblading, I can really let my thoughts lose when the road is endlesskilometers ahead. In the beginning of the pandemic when I still lived with my dad I used to skate around50 Km a day.As said earlier, before my study I took a gap year. I took that year for personal development. When Igraduated I had just turned 17 and I felt not ready to live on my own far away from home. That is nottoo say I did nothing that year. I took a job at Fletcher wellness hotel in Leiden as a waitress inrestaurant Twelve. While I already knew I wanted to do the hospitality study, working in the actualfield confirmed for me that I had found out what I wanted to do in the future. Aside from my job thatI worked at 4 days a week, I also did an accounting study at the Boekhoud college Amsterdam. I didthis knowing that finance is a difficult subject for many students in the hospitality study and I wantedto build up a little head start. I actually enjoyed the lessons, going every week to college made sure Idid not forget how to plan and study. I also got a diploma in the basic understanding of accounting.I would describe myself as a hardworking driving person who always gives her best. It may take me awhile to be able to think efficiently, but motivation is never lacking. It is important for me that everyperson can act civil with each other. While it is everyone’s wish to have all the people get along witheach other, it is just not realistic. There will always people who will not like each other, not becauseone person is an awful person but they just do not mix. As someone who has always had an high EQ, Itake this into consideration and make sure to always show my best behavior to everyone to avoidconflict. That is not to say I am a pushover, I am very assertive when I need to. But In general I alwaystry to look at both sides of the story, to understand everyone better. This also helps a lot in my workfield.3


This showcase is heavily inspired by the children’s book The very hungry caterpillar by Eric

Carle. (2001) I got it all the images from slideshare. (The Very Hungry Caterpillar, n.d.)The idea is

that in the original story the caterpillar eats until it becomes a butterfly. I thought I could do

the same, but instead of consuming food it is knowledge through experience. So every fruit is

an experience.

Carle, E. (2001). The Very Hungry Caterpillar [E-book]. Adfo Books. Retrieved on 25 th of

June 2021,

The Very Hungry Caterpillar. (n.d.). Slideshare. Retrieved on 25th of June 2021,


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