

In her restaurant kitchen shift she ate 1 cupcake.What I have always found really important when cooking forsomeone, is that you should always make it safe and secure forthat person to eat. They trust that what you cook is healthy andthat you put your best intentions and energy in to make it the bestquality possible. The same way I would cook healthy for me, thatis how I should cook for others. If I do not want to eat it becauseof a certain problem with the health, I should not sell it. It is thesame way I expect good food when someone cooks for me.I see this back in the ubuntu theory. I am because of we all are.Food connects the world in my opinion. We are all in a waydependant on each other for the food that we consume.Quality is also important in the way we present the food. Whencooking at home you never pay that much attention on the appearance of the food, outside of itlooking good. But nowhere near the level of dedication when putting flower petals on every piece ofrhubarb. This is something I was really excited to learn and practice with. Plating. My family has alwaysbeen a simple cook in one pot family and while delicious, it was lacking that attention of detail.During the test and the defence she ate one piece of Swisscheese.Personally, I have always hated tests. It waswhy I really liked this study and curriculum.Because it existed out of mainly projects.And then to have one test existing out ofonly open questions, about all the expertcourses over the period of 6 months… Let’sjust say I was as white as a ghost when Iheard that. It sounded kind of like mypersonal hell.And yes, the first test was hell. But sadly not because of the test itself. Everything around it. I hadforgotten to put off my sound of my phone, but I could not access it or it would look like cheating. Thewhole day I had not received one message, but during the test. Yeah, that was when I was suddenlyvery popular. I could not concentrate at all. Then suddenly my phone battery was dead even though Icharged it beforehand. And it was very hot as if overheated. I blame proctorexam. And during all thebreak downs of everything, when I could finally focus… the fire alarm went of in my building. So thatwas fun.I did learn from it in a way. It helped me realise that even if I am in a very difficult situation, I cannotpanic. I just have to push through. The second test and the resit went fine, luckily.A speaking test has always been more my preference. I like to converse about my answers with theteacher and I like to be challenged with unexpected questions that I could not have learned for. Ialready think in English most time, so forming sentences while speaking is not something that I strugglewith.12

In Mapstell she ate 1 lollipop.When I took the mapstell test I was prettydisappointed to see my result. My behaviouralstyle is a perfectionist. Since this fell in the blueconscientious spot I thought that this could notbe right. I have always seen myself more peopleoriented,falling in either the green stable or theyellow influential spot.Mapstell says I prefer to work alone, in a step- bystepway without outside interference. I am good at assessing people and I know what issues peoplefind sensitive. I possess good listening skills and and I am tactful in my opinion of others. My aloofnessis a way of protecting myself from unexpected situations, disagreements, or from in my eyesunjustified criticism on my performance. In those instances I am supposedly vulnerable and on myguard. In principle, I’ll avoid confrontation. That way I create peace and I keep track. I ampredominantly task-oriented and I set priorities.Some of these facts I do see back in my behavior. As said before, I will always try to avoid confrontationand I am tactful in my opinion of others. I do have to disagree with that I would rather work alone. Iactually prefer group projects. Because I do not want to let people down I motivate myself to do mybest. That is when my perfectionistic side comes in. When I am alone, I sometimes have the thought:‘aah this is good enough.’ Something which is not recognizable in a perfectionist.“Leadership is a competency, but there is also a link to behavioral style. As a perfectionist, you are ableto appraise people from an impartial perspective, you are a good listener and you recognize theirqualities. However, managing people, correcting them and where necessary challenging them, isn’tyour strong suit. You lack the ease and self-assurance to take appropriate action at the appropriatemoment.”While I do agree with the lack of ease and self-assurance is true, but when it concerns other people, Iam very adamant that they know when they do something that needs to be corrected. A friend of minecalls me a social anxiety mother hen. Alone I would never speak out loud when a certain situationbothers me. But when it either affects my results or other people, I am always the first person whospeaks up.All in all I did notice after the mapstell result that some things they said about me, which I thoughtwere not true, are actually pretty accurate. Still, my opinion is always that you cannot box people in alimit of personalities. Some things are true some not. Nobody is the same. While mapstell is broaderin diversity between the personality traits, it remains just a system that categorizes you.13

In Mapstell she ate 1 lollipop.

When I took the mapstell test I was pretty

disappointed to see my result. My behavioural

style is a perfectionist. Since this fell in the blue

conscientious spot I thought that this could not

be right. I have always seen myself more peopleoriented,

falling in either the green stable or the

yellow influential spot.

Mapstell says I prefer to work alone, in a step- bystep

way without outside interference. I am good at assessing people and I know what issues people

find sensitive. I possess good listening skills and and I am tactful in my opinion of others. My aloofness

is a way of protecting myself from unexpected situations, disagreements, or from in my eyes

unjustified criticism on my performance. In those instances I am supposedly vulnerable and on my

guard. In principle, I’ll avoid confrontation. That way I create peace and I keep track. I am

predominantly task-oriented and I set priorities.

Some of these facts I do see back in my behavior. As said before, I will always try to avoid confrontation

and I am tactful in my opinion of others. I do have to disagree with that I would rather work alone. I

actually prefer group projects. Because I do not want to let people down I motivate myself to do my

best. That is when my perfectionistic side comes in. When I am alone, I sometimes have the thought:

‘aah this is good enough.’ Something which is not recognizable in a perfectionist.

“Leadership is a competency, but there is also a link to behavioral style. As a perfectionist, you are able

to appraise people from an impartial perspective, you are a good listener and you recognize their

qualities. However, managing people, correcting them and where necessary challenging them, isn’t

your strong suit. You lack the ease and self-assurance to take appropriate action at the appropriate


While I do agree with the lack of ease and self-assurance is true, but when it concerns other people, I

am very adamant that they know when they do something that needs to be corrected. A friend of mine

calls me a social anxiety mother hen. Alone I would never speak out loud when a certain situation

bothers me. But when it either affects my results or other people, I am always the first person who

speaks up.

All in all I did notice after the mapstell result that some things they said about me, which I thought

were not true, are actually pretty accurate. Still, my opinion is always that you cannot box people in a

limit of personalities. Some things are true some not. Nobody is the same. While mapstell is broader

in diversity between the personality traits, it remains just a system that categorizes you.


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