

In the Elective Activities she ate through 5 oranges, but shewas still hungry.Tutor sessions EnglishFor my elective activities I decided I did not just wanted to study a language online, I actually wantedto help my peers. Since I had worked so hard to develop my English skills, I decided to be a tutor forthe English tutoring program of the school. Even though I had never been a tutor before, classmateshad always come to me for help with certain tasks and I was always able to explain it clearly.I did the tutor lessons for 2 modules, module 3 and module 4. At the moment I had no job, but this feltlike one. To maintain a healthy work-life balance with my study next to it was certainly a challenge ofits own. In total of 10 weeks I had spent around 57 hours being busy with tutoring. And that wasplanned next to my normal projects, exams, practice shift and my somewhat existing life. I succeededto do this because of good planning. Without it I would have been lost.10

In her restaurant practice shift she ate through 1 piece ofchocolate cake.In the first module I had restaurant shift. Because I already had a lot ofexperience in the restaurant department because of former jobs, I didnot think I could learn much. Regardless, restaurant Wannee is farmore professional and has a certain reputation that needed to beupheld. The restaurants I had worked at had a really old POS-systemthat was mostly manually. Learning to use an actual modern POSsystemis going to be very useful in the future. Especially since I havejust been hired in another restaurant as a waitress.When using a POS system you have to be very careful. If you make onemistake the guest will either pay too much and will get angry. This ruinsthe reputation of the restaurant. Or the other option would be that theguest pays too little and then you miss the earned revenue.In her front office practice shift she ate 1 ice cream cone.Before the school practice shift I had only ever had contact with a front office department in theFletcher wellness hotel. Even though I did not work in that department specifically, I was in contactwith them a lot through the breakfast buffet for the hotel guests. I learned that at front office havinga clear overview is incredibly important. That way you get no surprises, which shows the guests goodhostmanship. I learned that the guests always come all at once, than it goes quiet and then everyonecomes at the same time again. In those busy times you should always make sure to ignore no guests,even when busy. Acknowledge them that you will be with them shortly will already make themappreciative.11

In the Elective Activities she ate through 5 oranges, but she

was still hungry.

Tutor sessions English

For my elective activities I decided I did not just wanted to study a language online, I actually wanted

to help my peers. Since I had worked so hard to develop my English skills, I decided to be a tutor for

the English tutoring program of the school. Even though I had never been a tutor before, classmates

had always come to me for help with certain tasks and I was always able to explain it clearly.

I did the tutor lessons for 2 modules, module 3 and module 4. At the moment I had no job, but this felt

like one. To maintain a healthy work-life balance with my study next to it was certainly a challenge of

its own. In total of 10 weeks I had spent around 57 hours being busy with tutoring. And that was

planned next to my normal projects, exams, practice shift and my somewhat existing life. I succeeded

to do this because of good planning. Without it I would have been lost.


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