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Annual Report

Our Approach

When it comes to changing the world, no one can do it alone. But all too

often, the people and institutions working to solve global challenges operate

in isolation, leaving community needs unmet and donor dollars underutilized.

At Partners of the Americas, our approach is different. We bring the right mix

of players — volunteers, development professionals, governments, businesses,

and civil society institutions — to the table in order to match resources,

knowledge, and passion to need. By connecting local organizations to broader

funding opportunities and empowering citizens to become agents of change,

we develop lasting solutions to our hemisphere’s toughest challenges, together.

It’s the simple notion of partnership, and we believe it can change everything.

Letter from the President & Board Chair

For 55 years, Partners of the Americas has remained steadfast in its commitment to building bridges

of connectivity for a more empowered and sustainable world. Over this past year, we have broadened

our reach and cemented our purpose of changing lives: we expanded our services to connect the

Western Hemisphere to Myanmar, Morocco, and the Philippines, launched a youth leadership program

to increase collaboration between the U.S. and Argentina, and grew our programs to combat trafficking

in persons.

Concurrently, we are taking steps to unify our network and strengthen our legacy. We designed the

2019-2023 Strategic Plan to bolster the power of partnerships and hone our vision, mission, and

values to be more representative throughout the organization. As a part of executing this plan, we

established the Membership Unit, dedicating staff to champion and grow our membership base.

Partners continues President John F. Kennedy’s inspiration to establish partnerships built on engaging,

empowering, and exchanging to better our world.

Engage: We engage with communities, individuals, and organizations across the Western Hemisphere

through nearly 100 Chapters that participate in service projects, cultural and educational events, and

peer-to-peer networking while also addressing unique local needs through our development programs.

Empower: We provide the support and guidance for those involved in our programs to advocate for

themselves, their communities, and those around the world.

Exchange: We gather diverse communities throughout the Americas to build partnerships, fuel hope

and optimism, and share knowledge and experiences for what works.

From donating hundreds of children’s books in Bolivia to helping youth gain leadership skills through

soccer in Mexico, we have witnessed the immense impact of lasting partnerships. As we look ahead

to the next decade, we invite you to continue working alongside us as we foster people-to-people

connections to solve local, regional, and global challenges, together.

President & CEO

Board Chairman


2019-2023 Strategic Plan

In the span of over a year, Partners of the Americas completed an organizational strategic plan to continue

building on its foundational principle of the power of partnerships. As part of the 2019-2023 Strategic

Planning initiative, Partners honed its vision, mission, values, and strategies as it moves into the next



We envision a world where communities and

individuals are empowered and sustained

through volunteerism and partnerships.


We connect people and organizations across and

within borders to serve and change lives.


Partners of the Americas inSPIRES through our values in:

Service: We serve individuals and groups by empowering them with the

tools and resources to learn, grow, and serve their own local communities.

Partnership: We are committed to mutually beneficial relationships

that are multicultural, diverse, and built on empathy, respect, and


Impact: We strive to maintain long-term results through lasting

commitments, deep-rooted local presence, and evidence-based projects

that focus on systems-change.

Resilience: We confront societal challenges with strength and adaptability

by building the capacity of people, families, and communities to actively

respond to adversity.

Respect: We cultivate an environment of respect through a shared

leadership that embraces mutual understanding and compassion across

inclusive and diverse communities.

Empowerment: We trust in community-led solutions and encourage and

inspire citizens to become agents of change.

Sustainability: We recognize the increasing risks posed by human and

environmental degradation, especially to already vulnerable communities,

and strive to implement programs with a focus on long-term impact,

environmental protection and climate change preparedness.

2019-2023 Strategic Plan

Use your phone camera

to watch the videos!

goal areas

Business Development & Partnerships:

Grow by 10% year over year based on the previous year’s

financials through a diversified portfolio of funders,

programs, and areas. Growth will be achieved through

thought leadership, proactive technical expertise in the

field, and expanding the donor base.

Technology & Communications:

Leverage technology & communications to facilitate

efficient interactions among staff internally and connect

with, engage, and grow Chapter members & other

stakeholders externally. Collaborate within Partners

to co-produce innovative, engaging communications


Programming & Services:

Empower the communities we serve by focusing on

where our passion, resources, knowledge, and capacities

intersect; adapt as the global context changes with datadriven,

evidence-based decision-making.

Operational & Financial Excellence:

Manage financial and HR resources responsibly,

effectively, efficiently, and transparently. Ensure more

efficient operations through standardized Program, HR,

and Resource Management and training for staff and

board members.

economic development and health unit

Agricultural Volunteer Opportunity Project

Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Length of Program: 2018 - Present

The Agricultural Volunteer Opportunity Project (AVOP) serves two primary functions.

First, it provides knowledge management services to the eight Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F)

implementing organizations by offering seminars, organizing annual meetings, and

managing the F2F website. Second, the project manages a global subaward program

to build the capacity of new organizations to implement small F2F programs. The

2019 subawards are active in Morocco, focused on the capacity-building of women’s

agricultural cooperatives, and the Philippines, focused on the coconut subsector.

2 active subawards

$2.4M expended over the lifetime

of the project

42 applications submitted over

two subaward competitions

2 workshops and 2 seminars

organized to facilitate knowledge

sharing between the F2F

Community of Practice, with over

100 participants

economic development and health unit


Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Length of Program: 2018 - Present

The Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program promotes economic development and food

security by sending volunteer agriculture and agribusiness specialists from the U.S.

to Latin America and Myanmar to build the capacity of producers, cooperatives,

agribusinesses, non-governmental organizations, universities, and other agriculture

sector institutions.

92 F2F volunteers fielded

8 countries: Dominican Republic,

Guyana, Colombia, Jamaica,

Guatemala, Myanmar, Dominica, and


1,872 days of volunteering

2,500+ beneficiaries trained

economic development and health unit

RANFOSE: Ranfòse Abitid Nitrisyon Pou Fè Ogmante Sante

Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Length of Program: 2017 - Present

The RANFOSE program aims to address micronutrient deficiencies in Haiti by

increasing the availability of high-quality fortified foods throughout the country. Our

strategy uses a multipronged, participatory approach to identify major constraints

and target key stakeholders in the public sector, private sector, and civil society to

stimulate a sustainable national program for fortified staple foods.

7M+ people have consumed fortified


3,000 people have been reached

through fairs and workshops

8 trainings on fortified food


5 industries fortifying wheat

flour, vegetable oil, and salt with


economic development and health unit

A Ganar

Partners: ESPN and Street Soccer Mexico

Length of Program: 2018 - 2019

A Ganar is Partners’ award-winning sport-for-development program that combats

youth unemployment in Latin America by using team sports. At-risk youth acquire

marketable job expertise by building on six core sport-based skills: teamwork,

communication, discipline, respect, results, and continuous self-improvement. We

implement A Ganar with funding from ESPN and support from local community


3,200+ youth

1 Country: Mexico

Child Protection Unit

Paraguay Okakuaa

Partners: U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Ministry of Labor, Employment and

Social Security of Paraguay (MTESS), Fundación ALDA (ALDA), and Fundación Comunitaria

Centro de Información y Recursos para el Desarrollo (CIRD)

Length of Program: 2015 - Present

We support Paraguay in its efforts to combat the worst forms of child labor and forced

labor, and improve labor law enforcement and working conditions, with a particular

focus in the departments of Guairá and Boquerón. Paraguay Okakuaa seeks to

strengthen the effectiveness of the labor inspection system, increase coordination

among different institutions in order to combat child labor, and provide educational

and vocational training to keep children and adolescents in school and away from

hazardous working conditions.

3,370 children and adolescents

ages 5-17 enrolled in non-formal

education services

1,391 households received

livelihood services

1,597 adults received

employment services

Child Protection Unit

Colombia Avanza

Partners: U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Ministry of Labor of Colombia, International

Initiative to End Child Labor (IIECL), National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia

(FEDECAFE), Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF), Cooperativo Departamental de

Caficultores del Huila (Cadefihuila), Universidad de Ibagué, and Fundación Arte de Crear

Length of Program: 2017 - Present

Colombia Avanza seeks to strengthen the capacity of civil society to better understand

and address child labor and promote acceptable conditions of work in Colombia’s

coffee sector. Colombia Avanza has a tripartite approach that focuses on improving

the capacity of civil society to identify and document accurate, independent, and

objective information on the nature and scope of child labor and labor violations in

the coffee sector and on improving the capacity of civil society to raise awareness.

3 subawards signed with civil

society organizations

2 studies developed on child

labor and the coffee sector in


1 branch of the National

Network of Rural Youth of

Colombia created in Chaparral

Child Protection Unit

Implementing a Culture of Labor Compliance in Costa Rica’s

Agricultural Exporting Sector

Partners: U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Fundación para la Paz y Democracia (FUNPADEM)

(Prime), and Ministry of Labor & Social Security of Costa Rica (MTSS)

Length of Program: 2017 - Present

The Implementing a Culture of Labor Compliance in Costa Rica’s Agricultural

Exporting Sector project aims to improve the enforcement of minimum wage, hours

of work, and occupational safety and health (OSH) laws in the agricultural sector

in Costa Rica. The project secures effective mechanisms to complement, create,

and strengthen legal instruments and administrative procedures and promotes a

sustainable labor law compliance culture.

1 labor inspection protocol

developed for the MTSS

1 consultancy to develop a plan

to optimize the processes of the

Labor Affairs Directorate of the


Child Protection Unit

Asegurando La Educación

Partners: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Development

Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) (Prime)

Length of Program: 2017 - Present

Asegurando la Educación (ALE) works to mitigate school-based violence (SBV) while

improving student academic performance, school enrollment rates, and student

transition into secondary education to increase secondary completion rates. The

Socio-Emotional Learning Program (“PASE” for its acronym in Spanish) was created

to promote safe learning environments in schools targeted by ALE, including socioemotional

learning along with resilience and positive psychology.

1 Training of Trainers (TOT)

Workshop for the implementation of

the PASE in Honduras

Child Protection Unit

Palma Futuro

Partners: U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Social Accountability International (SAI), J.E.

Austin (JAA), National Federation of Oil Palm Growers of Colombia (FEDEPALMA), Palmas del

Cesar (PALCESAR), Biocosta, Ministry of Labor of Colombia, Ministry of Labor of Ecuador, Red

de Empresas / Red Ética, and Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF)

Length of Program: 2019 - Present

We are working to implement social compliance systems (SCS) that promote

acceptable conditions of work and the prevention and reduction of child and forced

labor in palm oil supply chains in Colombia and Ecuador. Through market and

supply chain analysis and the development of case studies, Palma Futuro aims to

strengthen the capacity of private sector partners in the palm oil sector to implement

a robust and sustainable SCS and increase the understanding of social compliance

at the regional and global levels.

7 companies in the palm oil sector

completed social compliance selfevaluations

6 Social Performance Teams

trained within the private sector

partner companies

1 case study on private sector

partner Palmas del Cesar and the

company’s leadership in labor

formalization presented at Harvard

Business School

Child Protection Unit

Ñande K’oe

Partners: U.S. Department of State (USDOS) Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

(TIP Office), Grupo Luna Nueva (GLN), Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security of

Paraguay (MTESS), Ministry of Children and Adolescents of Paraguay (MINNA), Ministry of

Women of Paraguay, Inter-Institutional Working Group for the Prevention and Combat of Trafficking

in Persons, Office of the First Lady – Itapúa, and Governor’s Office of Itapúa

Length of Program: 2019 - Present

We aim to improve Paraguay’s capacity to prevent and process cases of trafficking in

persons (TIP) and protect its victims, with an emphasis on sex and labor trafficking.

Ñande Ko’e seeks to strengthen local and national networks to combat trafficking,

improve comprehensive services available to victims, and build state institutional

capacity to address the issue of TIP. The project’s comprehensive and dynamic

approach focuses on building the capacity of the public sector and civil society

organizations as well as generating public understanding of TIP through awarenessraising


44 directors and teachers from

public institutions trained on TIP

and the protocol of the Ministry of

Education and Sciences

18 labor inspectors of the MTESS

trained on the issue of TIP and the

role of inspections

10 owners of touristic inns in the

Department of Itapúa trained on the

concept of TIP, existing legislation,

and social responsibility

Child Protection Unit

Attaining Lasting Change (ATLAS)

Partners: U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Winrock International (Prime), Lawyers Without

Borders (LWOB), and Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Paraguay (MTESS)

Length of Program: 2019 - Present

ATLAS Paraguay seeks to improve the enforcement of labor and criminal law and

increase coordination among law enforcement and social protection agencies in

order to combat child labor, forced labor, and trafficking in persons in Paraguay.

The project works closely with government stakeholders to strengthen their capacity

to identify and address labor abuse cases and works to strengthen the training and

technical support available to labor inspectors, prosecutors, police, educators, and

other public officials.

54 people from 41 different

institutions interviewed for the

Pre-Situational Analysis (PSA)

1 workshop to verify the findings

of the PSA

25 people from a total of 17

institutions participated in the

PSA Validation Workshop

Education and Global Citizenship unit

100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund

Partners: U.S. Department of State (USDOS) and

NAFSA: Association of International Educators

Length of Program: 2014 - Present

The 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund, the USDOS’s signature

education initiative in the Western Hemisphere, celebrated its fifth anniversary

in 2019. Innovation Fund grants fuel strategic higher education partnerships to

increase student exchange and training programs between the countries of the

Americas. Through a dynamic collaboration with the USDOS, the private sector,

nonprofits, and foundations, we are building a hemisphere of students ready to

compete and thrive in the 21st-century workforce.

$6.2M in grants awarded

477 higher education institutions

25 countries and 49 U.S. states &


3,200+ students

Education and Global Citizenship unit

Buenos Aires Provincial Youth Leadership Program

Partners: U.S. Department of State (USDOS) and América Solidaria

Length of Program: 2018 - Present

The Buenos Aires Provincial Youth Leaders Program (BAP) strengthens mutual

understanding, awareness, and collaboration between the people of the U.S. and

Argentina by promoting and developing bilateral interaction and exchange. BAP

targets Argentine youth in high school from the Buenos Aires Province. In partnership

with América Solidaria, the program is sponsored by the USDOS through the U.S.

Embassy in Argentina.

9 high school students

1 mentor

3 weeks of immersion

1 week-long Leadership in Action

Workshop to strengthen leadership,

project design, and entrepreneurship


Education and Global Citizenship unit

Education and Culture

Partner: U.S. Department of State (USDOS)

Length of Program: 1983 - Present

The Education and Culture Program is designed to engage volunteers, civic and

community leaders, NGOs, educators, social entrepreneurs, and professionals

throughout the Western Hemisphere to serve as change agents in their communities.

The program enables participants to share best practices, design community

solutions, and build long-lasting relationships. The Education and Culture Program

supports the USDOS Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) goals to

bolster democratic principles, strengthen rule of law, and encourage strong civil

society institutions, as well as to increase Americans’ global competitiveness by

building the skills and capacity of U.S. and foreign exchange participants.

2,150 professional exchanges

29 countries

506 projects

50 regional events

20,200+ volunteers

Education and Global Citizenship unit

U.S. Alumni Network & Capacity Building Program

Partner: U.S. Department of State (USDOS)

Length of Program: 2018 - Present

The U.S. Exchange Alumni Network and Capacity Building Program builds

U.S. citizen exchange alumni ties with the USDOS Bureau of Educational and

Cultural Affairs (ECA), strengthens alumni identities, offers alumni professional

development opportunities, and supports alumni in implementing projects in their

communities in the U.S. and abroad. This is achieved through a series of professional

development seminars and a small grants program targeting U.S. citizen alumni of

U.S. government-sponsored international exchange programs.

300 U.S. exchange alumni

13 U.S. government-sponsored

international exchange programs


4 seminars across the U.S.

26 small grants awarded

Education and Global Citizenship unit


COSTA RICA October 1-3 2019

Higher Education Partnership Conference

Partners of the Americas hosted the third Higher Education Partnership (HEP)

Conference from October 1-3, 2019 in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The HEP 2019

Conference welcomed over 200 attendees, including university presidents,

CEOs, deans, and directors, as well as government representatives and private

sector companies invested in international education. The Conference provided a

participative, interactive experience, in which attendees shared their own experiences,

learned from their peers, and networked with new partners in dynamic and creative

spaces. Participants had the opportunity not only to participate in accessible and

practical sessions, gain insights from renowned plenary speakers, and explore

opportunities in the expo hall, but also to collaborate and build relationships in

innovative workshops, cultural excursions, and personalized activities.

200+ attendees

13 countries

Membership Unit

In 2019, as a part of the implementation process of the Strategic Plan 2019-2023,

the Office of the President & CEO of Partners of the Americas established the

Membership Unit. The Unit will advocate for and grow the network throughout the

Western Hemisphere through various initiatives, programming, and resource-sharing.

It is also responsible for strengthening the organization’s network by encouraging a

collaborative regional approach and continuing to develop and leverage leaders to

empower the communities they serve.


With 25 Chapters and over 90 participants, the

2019 What Works Conference in Goiás, Brazil

brought together best practices within the Partners

of the Americas Network. From November 18-

20, 2019, the Comitê Profissional de Goiás and

the PartnersCampus Goiânia Student Chapter

hosted the Conference at the Universidade Federal

de Goiás. Participants enjoyed a selection of 11

breakout sessions, 28 social project presentations,

over 50 speakers, and 7 main sessions. During the

three days, Partners Chapters and local institutions

discussed how they can work together to achieve

the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and “GO


90+ attendees 25 Chapters

New Chapters in 2019

Partners of the Americas is pleased to welcome the official charter of four new

Chapters in 2019: two PartnersCampus Student Chapters and two Affiliate

Chapters. The addition of these Chapters strengthens Partners’ mission through

engagement in projects and activities that connect, serve, and change lives in their

local communities.

Red Internacional de Estudiantes por la Paz (Red Espaz)

Red Espaz (“International Network of Students for Peace” in

English) is a part of a hemispheric network of youth leaders

based in Chiclayo, Peru dedicated to promoting peace and

nonviolence in their communities through volunteerism,

community engagement, and leadership development. Red

Espaz has a history of collaborating with Partners: they began

as members of the PartnersCampus Lambeyeque Chapter and

hosted a group of Partners youth from Texas in 2012. The

Chapter has trained more than 1,000 university students in

themes related to the culture of peace.

PartnersCampus Universidad Mayor de San Simón

PartnersCampus Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Bolivia

works to strengthen the Cochabamba network and collaborate

with the existing Student and Traditional Chapters in the

region. The members of this Chapter hope to inspire other

students at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón to engage in

volunteerism and connect to diverse communities across the

hemisphere, promoting a global impact in a local environment.

Fundación María Amor

Fundación María Amor in Ecuador is a social initiative of the

Vicaría de Pastoral Social de Cuenca that provides support and

comprehensive care to women and their children experiencing

gender-based violence in the family. The organization builds

relationships based on mutual respect, equity, and human

dignity through an interdisciplinary team and inter-institutional

coordination. The Fundación works to raise public awareness

of domestic violence against women to generate and promote

sensitivity and citizen and government responsibility.

PartnersCampus University of Vermont

PartnersCampus University of Vermont is Partners’ first student

Chapter in the Northeastern U.S., which uniquely positions its

members to serve as student leaders in community development

and help to fill a critical gap in the community. With a formalized

relationship with Partners’ Vermont Chapter, PartnersCampus

University of Vermont will be an integral supporter of projects

in Honduras and throughout Latin America.


By Year of Founding


Capítulo de Colombia Norte,

Oriente y Central

Florida Chapter


Capítulo de Perú

Capítulo de La Paz y el Altiplano,


Texas Chapter

Utah Chapter


Alabama Chapter

Arkansas Chapter

Colorado Chapter

Illinois Chapter

Wisconsin Chapter

Capítulo de Bolivia Oriente

Comitê de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Comitê de Paraíba, Brasil

Comitê de São Paulo, Brasil


Capítulo de Cochabamba, Bolivia

North Carolina Chapter


Capítulo de Antioquia, Colombia

Capítulo de Costa Rica

Capítulo de El Salvador

Capítulo de Honduras

Capítulo de Jalisco, México

Capítulo de Quito, Ecuador

Capítulo de Uruguay

Capítulo del Yucatán, México

Comitê de Bahía, Brasil

Comitê de Estado de Rio, Brasil

Comitê de Goiás, Brasil

Comitê de Pará, Brasil

Comitê do Rio Grande do Norte,


Comitê de Rio Grande do Sul,


Comitê de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Indiana Chapter

Iowa Chapter

Kentucky Chapter

Louisiana Chapter

Massachusetts Chapter

Maine Chapter

Maryland Chapter

Minnesota Chapter

Missouri Chapter

Oklahoma Chapter

Oregon Chapter

Pennsylvania Chapter

Tennessee Chapter

Vermont Chapter

Virginia Chapter

Wyoming Chapter

Capítulo de Venezuela


Capítulo de Paraguay

Comitê de Brasília, D.F., Brasil

Comitê de Espírito Santo, Brasil

Comitê de Pernambuco, Brasil

District of Columbia Chapter

Georgia Chapter

Kansas Chapter

West Virginia Chapter


Nebraska Chapter


Capítulo de Sudeste de Colombia


South Carolina Chapter


Comité d’Haïti

New Jersey Chapter


Long Island, New York Chapter

Rochester, New York Chapter


Capítulo de Chile

Washington State Chapter


Guyana Chapter


Capítulo de Barranquilla (Norte

de Colombia)

Capítulo de Pasto Nariño,



PartnersCampus Universidad



PartnersCampus Colegio

Militar Antonio Nariño (CMAN),


PartnersCampus La Guajira

(CEENIUG), Colombia

PartnersCampus Universidad del

Atlántico, Colombia

PartnersCampus Universidad de

La Salle, Colombia

PartnersCampus Universidad de

Panamá, Panamá

PartnersCampus Universidad de

San Andrés, Argentina

PartnersCampus Universidad del

Norte, Colombia


Affiliate Chapter: Americans

Caring, Teaching, Sharing

(ACTS), Vermont

PartnersCampus Goiânia -

Universidade Católica e Federal

de Goiás, Brasil

PartnersCampus UPAL,

Universidad Privada Abierta

Latinoamericana, Bolivia


Affiliate Chapter: Youth Sports

Academy (YOSA), Colorado

Affiliate Chapter: Sociedad

Naturalista Andino Patagónica

(SNAP), Argentina

PartnersCampus de SENA CFC,


PartnersCampus Lambayeque,


PartnersCampus Universidad

Politécnica de Guanajuato

(UPTGO), México

PartnersCampus Universidad de

La Salle, Oaxaca, México

PartnersCampus University of



PartnersCampus Stetson


Affiliate Chapter: Compañeros

Teculután, Guatemala

Affiliate Chapter: Fundación Sin

Fronteras, Ecuador

PartnersCampus Kilele,


PartnersCampus UniNúñez,



Affiliate Chapter: Red

Internacional de Estudiantes por

la Paz

PartnersCampus Universidad

Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia

Affiliate Chapter: Fundación

María Amor, Ecuador

PartnersCampus University of




Mr. Harry E. Wing, Chair

Peru Partners

Dr. Carol P. Fimmen, Vice-Chair

Texas Partners

Dr. Paula Laschober, Treasurer

Washington Partners

Mr. Jose Márcio Soares de Barros

Espírito Santo Partners

Dr. Erwin Rafael Bogado Soler

Paraguay Partners

Mr. Wayne Chance

Trinidad & Tobago Partners

Dr. Denise M. Decker

Washington, D.C. &

Virginia Partners

Dr. Sam F. Drew, Jr

South Carolina Partners

Dr. Gary L. Heusel, Director

Nebraska Partners

Ms. Heather Martinez Lezcano

PartnersCampus Panamá

Mr. Christian E. Stalberg

North Carolina Partners

Dr. Francis Wardle

Colorado Partners

Dr. Ashish Abraham

San Diego, California

Mr. Alan J. Berkeley

Legal Counsel

Mr. John McPhail

President & CEO

Partners of the americas foundation

Mr. Matthew Lee, Jr.


Dr. Paula Laschober


Mr. Erik Brand


Mr. Stephen Murphy

Mr. Harry E. Wing

Mr. John McPhail

President & CEO

FINANCIAL STATEMENT Fiscal Year 2019 — Partners of the Americas, INC.

Statement of Activities and Changes in Assets (audited)


U.S. Government Grants

Other Grants and Contributions

In-Kind Contributions


Individual Contributions

Memberships Dues

Other Income











Program Services

Child Protection

Economic Development & Health

Education & Global Citizenship


Supporting Services

General and Administrative




Changes in Net Assets

Net Assets at Beginning of Year


Statement of Financial Position


Current Assets

Total Current Assets

Property, Equipment, and

Leasehold Improvements (Net)

Total Noncurrent Assets



Total Current Liabilities


Without Donor Restrictions

With Donor Restrictions























*To request a complete copy of the 2019 independent auditors´ report by Gelman, Rosenberg, and Freeman, please

contact Partners of the Americas at 1.800.322.7844 or 202.628.3300.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT Fiscal Year 2019 — Partners of the Americas Foundation


Thirty-five years ago, Partners of the Americas, Inc.

established the Partners of the Americas Foundation,

Inc. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984 as a

separate legal charitable (IRC Section 501(c)(3)) entity

to maintain and provide funds to promote the purposes

and goals of Partners of the Americas, Inc. As a charitable

support organization, the Foundation has a number of

restricted endowment funds that support particular

Partners of the Americas programs and unrestricted

funds through which the Foundation supports Chapter

and volunteer work. In addition to the Foundation being

a charitable organization, in 2010, Partners of the

Americas, Inc. approved revisions to the Foundation’s

governance documents and structure that resulted in the

Foundation also being characterized, for tax purposes,

as a supporting organization to Partners of the Americas,

Inc. pursuant to IRC Section 509(a)(3).


Partners of the Americas’ investment account consists

of funds with donor restrictions and funds without

donor restrictions. As required by generally accepted

accounting principles (GAAP), net assets associated

with endowment funds, including funds designated by

the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are

classified and reported based on the existence or absence

of donor-imposed restrictions. The Foundation is audited

annually in accordance with the audit of Partners of the

Americas, Inc.

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net

Assets (audited)


Other Grants and Contributions


Individual Contributions

Interest and Investment Income



Partners of the Americas Foundation



Board-Designated Investment


Permanently Restricted-

Endowment Fund










total $864,126

Since 2013, the Partners of the Americas Foundation

has held funds to be granted to institutions of higher

education as a part of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas

Innovation Fund. These funds are granted to colleges and

universities committed to helping more of their students

study abroad, as students who participate in exchange

and training programs are often better prepared to meet

the challenges of a global workforce.

Statement of Financial Position


Current Assets

Total Current Assets



Total Current Liabilities


Without Donor Restrictions

With Donor Restrictions










of Labor

Donors & Strategic Partners

Donors & Strategic Partners

Partners of the Americas connects people

and organizations across and within

borders to serve and change lives through

lasting partnerships. Inspired by President

Kennedy and founded in 1964 under the

Alliance for Progress, Partners of the

Americas is a 501(c)(3) non-profit,

non-partisan organization with international

offices in Washington, D.C.

@Partnersamericas @Partnersoftheamericas

@Partnersamerica @Partnersamericas



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