Naomh Pol News Issue 3

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Naomh Pól News

Dia Dhaoibh a chairde go léir! As we come to the end of another year in the life of

our great school, we look back on the strange year that has passed and of course,

forward to the new group of students who will wear the famous maroon blazer over

the next seven years. It is sad that we are losing two wonderful members of teaching

staff, Mrs. Bridget McConville and Mrs. Theresa Magee and we wish them every

blessing on their well-deserved retirement. There will be many generations of pupils

who will have fond memories of Theresa and Bridget and I know that you will all join

with me in saying how much we will miss them and how much they contributed to our

school over the years. We also say a fond farewell to our classroom assistant, Joan

Keenan, who has given many loyal years of service and of course to Briege in the

canteen who was loved so much by all our pupils.

We are now at the stage of looking forward to our new Year 8 pupils who will come to the

school in September and all I can say is that if you’re half as good as our current Year 8 group, we will be

delighted. Please God by then we will not have to wear masks and we will be able to see those beautiful bright,

cheerful faces that light up the corridors between classes and at lunchtime.

This is also the time of year when we wish all of our Year 12 and 14 pupils who are saying the long goodbye, all

the best for their future. It’s been an amazing seven years for our leavers and I know it is heart-breaking that

you were denied the signature events which make your year special, such as the formal and the end of year

Mass. However, you had a wonderful last day with us and the way you organised it has left us with plenty to think

about as we start looking at our plans for next year’s leavers.

As the days lengthen and the summer sunshine drips into our classrooms, we know we are ready for the long and

lazy days of summer. Enjoy them, cherish these memories of childhood and as I always say – never drop litter!!

Le meas mór

Mr J. Burns


I am delighted to welcome you to the third edition of Naomh Pol News! It has been a

pleasure to work on this edition of the magazine with our newly formed Year 10 Junior

Leadership Team, who you will meet on the following pages. These pupils have brought

their own unique passions, talents, and creativity to the magazine. Amidst all the

meetings with tea and biscuits, they have created something which they should be

extremely proud of.

I would like to extend our sincere thanks to our Study Supervisor, Georgina Larkin,

who has put a tremendous amount of time and effort into this project. I would also

like to thank our ICT Support Technician, Ryan Freeburn, for helping us to put it all

together. We are extremely grateful for all of your work.

The St. Paul’s school community welcomed the return to school for term three, and through this magazine, our

pupils showcase the broad range of events and school achievements celebrated over the past three months. We

look forward to sharing an insight into life in St. Paul’s with you and hope that you enjoy reading our magazine!

I wish you and your families a lovely summer break.

Miss L. McIntyre

Head of Year 10

Cover Design:

Tara Trainor


Naomh Pól News

My name is Annie Stanfield. I am a past pupil of St.

Moninna’s Primary School, Cloughoge. My favourite

subjects are P.E., Home Economics and Maths. I love

being part of the Junior Leadership Team as I feel

more involved in school life and I enjoy the

responsibilities it brings. A fun fact about me is that

I am a very competitive person, especially when it

comes to sports!

Hello! I'm Davin Harris. I went to Dromintee P.S and now

I'm a member of the Junior Leadership Team. I joined the

JLT for all the opportunities that it gives me. I enjoy

playing football for my club, playing music and drawing. I

would like to welcome all the P7s and tell them that St.

Paul’s is a lot of fun!

My name is Aoibhe Hoey and I am a member of the Junior

Leadership Team. I thoroughly enjoy this role because I

love having a say in important matters regarding my

school. I am in class 10/42 and my form teacher is Mrs

McConville. I am a past pupil of Jonesborough Primary

School and my favourite subjects include English, History

and Spanish. I play football for Dromintee and I am a

huge sport enthusiast.

Naomh Pól News

Meet the Junior Leadership Team

Hi, my name is Erin McCullough and I am part of the

Junior Leadership Team. I am in class 10/42 and I went

to St. Malachy’s Primary School, Carnagat. I love music,

sports, spending time with friends and drama. My

favourite subjects are History, Maths and English. I

enjoy being part of the Junior Leadership Team because

it is a great responsibility and improves my team-working

skills. A fun fact about me is that I have three amazing

dogs, all named after superheroes.

Hello, my name is Fionnán Quigley and I went to St.

Peter’s Primary School, Cloughreagh. My favourite

subject is Drama. I am happy to be on the Junior

Leadership Team so I can help plan fun events

within the school. A fun fact about me is that I can

play the guitar.

Hello! My name is Caitlin Quinn and I went to St.

Malachy’s Primary School in Camlough. I am on the

Junior Leadership Team and in Class 10/54. I love to

play football. I play for Carrickcruppen and my

favourite subject is P.E.

No act of kindness,

however small, is

ever wasted.

Naomh Pól News

Meet the Junior Leadership Team

Hello! I am Kian Rigley and I am a proud member of Mrs

Killen’s 10/25 form class. I came to St. Paul’s from St.

Brigid’s Primary School, Drumilly and I am now part of

the school’s Junior Leadership Team. Being part of this

team opens up countless pathways for me to follow. I look

out for pupils and try to make school better for

everyone. A piece of advice I would give P7s is to be

confident, showcase your talents and, above all, enjoy

yourself. I like Soccer and Gaelic and I am on the

school’s team which is amazing for me.

Hi, my name is Jennifer Collins and I am a part of the

Junior Leadership Team! I am in 10/60 and Mr McKenna

is my Form Teacher. My favourite subjects in St. Paul’s

are English and Irish!

My name is Katie Rice and I attended St. Joseph’s

Primary School in Meigh. I am now in class 10-17 and

I’m on the Junior Leadership Team. I wanted to be

on the JLT because it is an amazing opportunity to

develop as a person, gain experience in leadership

skills and voice my humanitarian views. My favourite

subjects are Maths, History and Religion. A fun fact

about me is that I love debating, reading and


Hello, my name is James Molloy and I am part of the

Junior Leadership Team. I am a past pupil of St. Oliver

Plunkett Primary School in Forkhill. I am currently in

class 10/54 and my form teacher is Miss McIntyre.

Naomh Pól News

Meet the Junior Leadership Team

Hi everyone! My name is Kym Ward and I am in class

10/42. I attended St. Teresa’s Primary School in

Tullyherron. My favourite subjects are History, Maths

and Spanish. I also love playing football and going

farming! Being a part of the Junior Leadership Team is

such a privilege. The role comes with many

responsibilities but my aim is to make everyone feel

comfortable and safe in the school.

Hello! My name is Sean O’Hare and I am a member of the

Junior Leadership Team. I went to St. Joseph’s Primary

School in Meigh. St. Paul’s is a lot of fun and there’s so

many things to learn and do. St. Paul’s is a really good

school. It’s safe and all the teachers are nice. My

favourite subjects in school would be PE, Technology and


My name is Tara Trainor. I am in class 10/54 and I am

a member of the Junior Leadership Team. Being

involved in the JLT is a great privilege, as it gives me

the opportunity to communicate with other students

and discuss important issues in our school. I went to

St. Joseph and St. James’ Primary School in

Poyntzpass and my favourite subjects in St. Paul’s are

English, Maths and Irish. I also play Gaelic football for

Redmond O’Hanlon’s and I play the piano and the violin,

which I really enjoy.

Leadership is not about a title or a destination. It’s

about impact, influence and inspiration.

Naomh Pól News

Banana Bread


100g Margarine

100g Sugar

2 Eggs

200g Self-Raising Flour

1 Medium Banana


Wooden Spoon

Large Bowl





1 Loaf Tin

1 Tala Measure

Good things come

to those who bake.


1. Collect equipment and weigh out ingredients.

2. Cream margarine and sugar.

3. Fold in the flour.

4. Gently mash in the bananas.

5. Break eggs into tala measure, pour into bowl and mix together.

6. Place in loaf tin.

7. Bake in oven for 30-35 minutes.

8. Leave to cool in tin.

Sean O’Hare 10/63

{With thanks to Mrs McConville in Home Economics]

GCSE Art Work

Naomh Pól News

Joe McClelland

Sophie Ward

Emma Laird

Aislinn Carragher

Naomh Pól News

Year 13 Art Work

Lee McClelland

Marlena Olkowska

Rachael McKeown

Shaun O’Hare

Goodbye Mrs McConville

We will miss you!

As she prepares for her retirement, we interviewed Mrs McConville to ask her

about her time in St. Paul’s.

Did you have any difficulties as a teacher?

“I was really lucky to get a full-time job straight out of college. Even then there

were very few jobs on offer. It was tough as I started teaching at just 21,

apparently, I looked 16! Some classes did give me a hard time but once I got

established, we all settled. My colleagues were Mr O’Connor, Mr McKevitt and

Mr McGleena.”

What are you going to miss most about out daily routine?

“I think I will miss just talking to so many different people; as a teacher,

colleague and friend. During lockdown I think we all realised just how many

others you have contact with in a big school like ours. There is such a massive

network of support and good friends here, I will miss being part of that.”

Do you have a different job in mind?

“I had looked at Physiotherapy and Pharmacy but I have no regrets that I made

the right choice for me. I was able to do both careers in a different way; make

people stronger as a chemist of a different sort. I got to wear the white coat!”

Do you have any highlights from your time in school?

[Mrs McConville found it hard to pick one!]

“Where do I start? I have so many; the first one is working with the pupils in St

‘Paul’s and I loved everything about them, lovely ‘country kids!’

Mrs McConville also enjoyed hatching eggs with non-exam classes and watching

their utter amazement. She loved helping pupils get grades that they didn’t

think they could achieve. Mrs McConville co-ordinated our outreach programme

and enjoyed going on school trips including: Kenya, Brazil, Romania, Russia, India

and Lourdes.

Mrs McConville’s Favourite Experiment is..

The Flaming Hands. She even set Mr Burns on fire with that one!

Would you have wanted to work in any other school?

“Never! No other school could measure up to St. Paul’s, simply the BEST!”

By Caitlin Quinn and Tara Trainor


Naomh Pól News

St. Paul’s High School

Sports Day

Naomh Pól News

A special well done to the overall winners in each

year group, who were presented with the Victor

Ludorum prize:

Year 8: Erin Davidson and Tomas Fox

Year 9: Sinead McSorley and Shea Loughran

Year 10: Annie Stanfield and Miceal McCoy

Living a healthy

lifestyle is so

important. It is the

foundation for your

mental health and

physical health.

Important aspects

include exercise,

healthy eating,

mindfulness and


Healthy eating is a massive slice of the cake that is leading a healthy

lifestyle. However, it is not the typical ‘healthy eating’ you hear about, where

people cut out all junk food and just eat vegetables. Healthy eating involves

balance; stopping when you are full and allowing yourself to have the food you

crave, even if it is not the healthiest choice. It is important not to label

foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ because food is simply fuel. It fuels your body for the

days ahead. If you are not giving your body enough fuel, it will be tired and

prone to injuries. Here are some healthy eating tips:

Eat more fruit and vegetables.

Drink 2-3 litres of water a day.

DO NOT completely cut out chocolate, sweets, or any foods you love.

Always eat breakfast- breakfast gives you energy for the rest of the


Eat more protein because it is the most satiating nutrient.

It is important to realise that you can have things like chocolate, takeaways

or cake, as long as it is in moderation. You should never feel bad about the

foods you eat. Remember, food is fuel!

Daily exercise should be an important part of everyone’s day. Not

only is it enjoyable, but it is beneficial for our mental and physical

health. Exercise prevents disease and cancer. It also keeps your

learning and judgement skills sharp as you age, improves your sleep

and makes you stronger! Moreover, it lifts your mood because

exercise releases endorphins and dopamine into your body which

makes your brain happy. Here are some tips to make exercising fun

and consistent:

Do exercise you enjoy. Do not go for a run if you do not like

it, this will only lead to hating the activity and not doing it.

Join a sports club so you are less likely to miss your

exercise and to add a social aspect to exercise.

Try doing exercise with a friend; go for a mountain walk or

a cycle.

Taking care of your mind is just as important as your body. Your

mind gives you motivation to do things. To live a productive

lifestyle, you need to be in a good mental space. Eating healthy,

exercising, and getting enough sleep will help your mental state but

it is essential that we take direct care of our minds.

A big issue for teenagers in secondary school is stress relating to

schoolwork. However, you can combat this by making a schedule to

do your work and taking regular breaks. It is also beneficial to

avoid leaving work until the last minute and try to get it done as

soon as you get it. We do need to keep in mind that it is important

not to overwork yourself, because then you can burn out and be

mentally exhausted. Seeing friends will help your mental state


Some tips to help take care of your mind:

Have a pamper night- do your nails, take a bath, do your


Talk to someone - a friend, teacher or parent. It is better

to get your feelings out instead of bottling them up.

If you do not want to talk to someone, you can keep a

journal to write down your thoughts and make sense of


Meditating is very good for our mental health. It will make

you more patient, productive and happier.

It is important that we learn to love ourselves and practice

self-care. This means taking time out for you.

We are all beautiful, our bodies are all perfect and it is

important that we learn to feel comfortable in our own skin.

Healthy eating and exercise should be done for health purposes,

not to reach some unrealistic body standard that has been

planted in our brain through social media. A lot of what we see on

social media is fake and photoshopped. The human body is meant

to have rolls and ‘blemishes’. We are all beautiful as we are!

remember this!

Erin McCullough and Annie Stanfield,10/42

Naomh Pól News

Goodbye Mrs Magee

We will miss you!

Mrs Magee kindly shared some memories with us about her

time in St. Paul’s.

I actually came to St. Paul’s in September 1970 as a first

year! At that time, it was known locally as “the new school at

the Green Road.” There were only seventeen teachers and the

school was a fraction of the size it is now. I came back in 1981

to cover Mrs I. Hughes’ [RIP] maternity leave and have been

here more or less ever since.

The most interesting and memorable things about school are never taught in the

classroom. I remember the day Stormont fell. It was the period after lunch and

we were all sitting in the room awaiting the arrival of Mr. P. Aherne, our Irish

teacher. Without warning, he burst into the room declaring he had “great” news.

He never got to deliver it because suddenly, the whole school erupted. Desks

were banged, feet stamped and the cheering was deafening.

Obviously St. Paul’s has been a big part of my life so what will I miss? People.

Certainly not the marking or the stress. As for the future……who knows. Let’s

just wait and see!

What advice do I have for students? I think Emerson said it more eloquently

than I ever could: “Make the most of yourself for that is all there is of you.”

Naomh Pól News

Scone Based Pizza Recipe



200g Flour

1 Tsp of Baking Powder

1 Level Tsp Herbs

25g Margarine

100mls Milk

25g Grated Cheese

1 Tbsp of Pizza Toppings


1. Set up unit and collect


2. Sieve dry ingredients into bowl;

add in the mixed herbs. Rub in

the margarine [Rubbing


3. Pour in milk slowly to make a

stiff dough and knead.

4. Shape into circle on your foil


5. Spread pizza sauce onto base

and sprinkle cheese.

6. Add selected toppings.

7. Cook for 10 minutes.

8. Serve hot.


Mixing Bowl

Dessert Spoon

2 Small Bowls

Measuring Jug

Wooden Spoon

2 Plates

2 Foil Trays


Sean O’Hare 10/63

[With thanks to Mrs McConville in Home Economics]



Some of our favourite celebrities, have chosen to abstain

from the act of drinking alcohol all together. Although it

can be hard to imagine a glamorous Hollywood party scene

without sipping on glasses of champagne, these 3

celebrities have proven you can still party and enjoy

yourself too while embracing the sober life.

Jim Blake Brad

Carrey Lively Pitt

Naomh Pól News

Healthy Breakfast -Overnight Oats


One Quarter Teaspoon Ground


50g Porridge Oats

100ml of Water or Milk

Two Tablespoons of Natural

Yoghurt [Optional]

50g Mixed Berries [Strawberries,

Raspberries, Blueberries]

Drizzle of Honey


1. The night before your breakfast stir the cinnamon and 100ml of

water [or milk] into your oats with a pinch of salt.

2. Place in fridge.

3. The next day add more water or milk, if needed.

Top with the yoghurt, mixed berries and a drizzle of honey


Annie Stanfield 10/42

Naomh Pól News

Can you guess which

teachers are pictured below?

Find the answers on Page 35




A teacher takes a hand, opens a

mind and touches a heart.

Underage Drinking and Vaping

Naomh Pól News

One of society’s largest issues regarding teenagers is the misuse and abuse of alcohol and

nicotine. Instead of mentioning the fact that it is illegal, I am going to talk about the life

threatening and damaging effects that these substances can have on users.

Underage Drinking

Alcohol isn’t the worst thing in the

world, but it is harmful when young

teens, whose bodies are far from

able to cope with the impact of

alcohol, begin to take advantage of it.

As a young and developing human being, your body needs the correct nutrients and care to

be able to develop to its full potential.

Teenage brains are also still developing and alcohol can cause permanent damage to areas

that control judgment, impulse control and memory. Teens are also more likely to

binge drink when they consume alcohol, which can lead to violence, injuries

and alcohol poisoning. 35% of underage, alcohol consuming teenagers have been recorded

to suffer from severe liver problems due to alcohol consumption. Some short term effects

include bad breath, bad skin, bad oral hygiene and excessive weight gain. Some long term

effects include chronic physical and mental issues, liver damage, cardiovascular disease

and multiple types of cancer. Studies have shown that someone who decides to drink at a

younger age is much more exposed to the risk of addiction than someone who decides to

drink at 18. Do you really think that it’s worth the risk?

Alcohol: Temporary

fun with permanent


Naomh Pól News


Vaping is commonly used by adults who are trying to

become less addicted to cigarettes. However,

teenagers, and most other people, have confused this

and taken it as a ‘healthy alternative’ to the actual

cigarette. What they have failed to recognise is that it isn’t healthier; it isn’t

‘better for you’ and it most certainly does cause multiple health complications.

Vaping exposes teenagers to highly addictive nicotine, which makes those in this

age group more likely to become addicted to other, more dangerous substances

as they age. Nicotine also negatively impacts mood, attention span, ability to

absorb content, concentration and memory, as well as brain development. At the

ages of 13-18 our education is so important, as it sets our paths in life, and with

all these side effects, our mental capacity is affected greatly.

In the present-day society, both drinking and vaping have become extremely

normalised amongst teenagers. It is important that we remain educated and

informed and avoid any long-term damage to our bodies.

Aoibhe Hoey


Never allow yourself to be defined by someone else’s opinion of you.

Naomh Pól News

A Very Big Welcome to Our New Year 8s!

Some of new Year 8s introduce themselves!

My name is Ryan McAleavey and I am a pupil of St. Malachy’s

Primary School, Camlough. I am looking forward to becoming a Year

8 pupil in St. Paul’s School in September. What I am looking forward

to most is trying out new subjects such as Technology and Art. I

play football and hurling for my local club, Carrickcruppen and

Craobh Rua, and look forward to taking part in after school

activities such as football and hurling. I am a bit nervous to be

starting a new school as big as St. Paul’s but am glad that I have an

older brother and sister already at the school. I hope they will be

able to show me the way so I won’t get lost!

My name is Olivia Ward. I am a pupil of St Peter’s Primary

School Cloughreagh. I am very excited to join St. Paul’s as

a Year 8 pupil in September. I have been a student of

Morgan Theatre Arts from the age of 3 and currently train

in Ballet, Tap, Modern dancing and Speech and Drama. I

take singing lessons and play the piano and violin. I recently

joined Whitecross Girls Gaelic team as I’ve always enjoyed

being part of the girls Gaelic club in St. Peter’s. The

subjects that I am most looking forward to are Music, PE

and Drama. I can’t wait to get involved with the dance

department and hope to play netball too. I have lots of

musical theatre experience and performing on the Grand

Opera Stage in Belfast has been the highlight so far.

After seeing the fantastic St. Paul’s musicals over the

years, I am really excited about taking to the stage in St.

Paul’s. It feels special to be going to St. Paul’s as both my

mum and nanny are past pupils. I love hearing all their

happy memories. I’m not too nervous about starting in

September as everyone tells me so many great things

about St. Paul’s.

This is the beginning of anything you want!

Naomh Pól News

A Very Big Welcome to Our New Year 8s!

Emma Rice is from St. Joseph’s Primary School in Meigh. She is

looking forward to making new friends, meeting new teachers

and discovering new subjects. Emma would love to join the dance,

football and netball teams. She is also excited to study Religion,

Home Economics and French. Emma is nervous about getting lost

and will miss her old teachers, friends and seeing her sister

around Primary School but cannot wait to come and join us in St.


My name Darragh McCreesh and I am a pupil of St.

Laurence O’Tooles Primary School, Belleeks. I am looking

forward to becoming a Year 8 pupil in St. Paul’s school in

September. I am looking forward to trying new subjects

such as Technology and Art. I play football for my local

club, Loughgilly Gaels and Belleeks, and look forward to

taking part in after school activities such as football and

hurling. I am a bit nervous about starting a new school as

big as St. Paul’s but I have a twin brother that is going to

the same school, so I won’t be starting on my own. I also

have a little sister too. She is two years younger than me

and will be going to St. Paul’s when it is her time.

My name is Anna McKeown and I am a pupil of St. Malachy’s

PS, Camlough. I am really looking forward to continuing the

next part of my educational journey in St. Paul’s High School.

I play the piano and have represented my primary school in

various football tournaments so I am looking forward to

developing these talents. I am also eager to try new

subjects, especially Home Economics and learning different


Naomh Pól News

A Very Big Welcome to Our New Year 8s!

My name is Eva Markey and I am a pupil of St.

Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School, Belleeks. I

am looking forward to being a first year in

September. What I am looking forward to

most is doing PE and playing football. I play

for Whitecross girls. I’m half nervous about

going into St. Paul’s but I do have an older

brother at the school already. My brother will

hopefully show me where to go if I get lost.

Conor is a student in St. Joseph and St. James’ Primary

school Poyntzpass, currently in primary 7. He enjoys sport

whether it is Gaelic, rugby, hurling or soccer and is really

excited for all of the after-school activities that will be

available next year. Conor is looking forward to meeting new

friends and having lots of different classes throughout the

day. He is especially looking forward to learning about

technology and improving his creativity skills in the process

of designing and making new things. In his spare time, Conor

loves to build lego and help his dad in his garage, repairing

and fixing cars and other machinery. Conor is a bit nervous

about getting lost around St. Paul’s and not knowing many

people as, out of the 19 students in his class, only 2 will be

attending St Pauls next year. He is also very excited for next

year and the many years ahead of him.

Naomh Pól News

We are so excited to welcome all of the new Year 8s

into our school and hope everyone enjoys the curriculum

and after school activities. If you have any questions

please do not be afraid to ask, as one of the Junior

Leadership Team, Mentors or a member of staff are

always happy to help. We hope you are all looking

forward to coming to our school in September. You will

love it here!

Be Kind

Be Brave

Be Honest

Be Creative

Be Humble

Be Thankful

Be Happy


Katie Rice 10/17

Naomh Pól News

KS3 Breakfast Club

Are you KS3?

Do you have time for

breakfast in the morning?


Then, why don’t you come

along to the Study Hall for

some breakfast?

Benefits of a breakfast club:

Improved concentration

Improved nutrition

Opportunity to make new


Provides a safe and calm

place where all pupils are


We have:




Apple Juice

Orange Juice


We are open from

8.15- 9am

James Molloy 10/54

Naomh Pól News

The Benefits of Learning a Different Language

Here at St. Paul’s, our language departments are exciting, special and uniquely fantastic

areas of our school. The three languages that we have on offer are Spanish, Irish and

French. Our teachers across all of these subjects are so supportive and talented, guiding

all students to becoming amazing.

So, why should you learn a different language?

Well, learning a language will open up so many doors for

you and your career. With any language you learn, it is

scientifically proven that your brain will be smarter. By

learning a different language, not only are you learning

how to understand the words, but you also get to

understand the country's culture and how their people

see things. For example, in languages like French and

Spanish, there are masculine and feminine words. This will

show you how different cultures view these objects and

help you understand why they are used.

If you are good at another language, your job prospects will improve. Language is a vital

part of human connection. If you want a job, learning a different language will improve

your communication skills. Many jobs require multitasking and studies have shown that

learning another language helps you to become a better multitasker. Having the ability

to speak another language gives you so many more job opportunities and it will make your

trips to foreign countries easier. There is no better place to start learning a new language

than St. Paul’s!

Kian Rigley 10/25

Our School Trips

In St. Paul’s, we are lucky

enough to have amazing

opportunities to travel

the world and to see and

experience local and

international landmarks.

From the Gaeltacht in Donegal to skiing down the slopes in Italy, St. Paul’s High

School has gone on a huge number of trips that take their students worldwide.

Some of our trips involve charity work and helping men, women and children

from different countries. An example of this is a common trip that our Year 13

pupils make to Kenya, as a part of our aid mission. Students visit the parish of

Londiani and work within the local communities. They are accompanied by

teachers and our school Priest, Father Seamus White. We have also had charity

trips to Romania and India.

The Gaeltacht is an extremely popular trip for St. Paul’s students. It is an

annual trip that takes place every summer, inviting students to Donegal

where they can stay for a weekend, a week or 3 weeks! During this time,

they will learn Irish, socialise with a number of students from all around the

country and play exciting and fun games in the sun.

St. Paul’s are constantly running trips, all year round, so keep an ear out and

you may be lucky enough to be able to go on one!

Davin Harris 10/25

Naomh Pól News

I do believe

it’s time for



Naomh Pól News

Collect moments,

not things

Naomh Pól News

Naomh Pól News

Congratulations Paul!

Paul Stanfield won the Chris Riddell Library Story Competition for World

Book Day

The boy and the nose #10

It was a beautiful mid-summer’s day and Jacko, (the youngest of a family of four) was

out doing his normal Sunday morning chores. For many months Jacko had been visiting

the hidden cave at the end of the long twisted lane that led to the back of his house. This

was his secret hideout, a place he always went on his own, a cave no -one else knew about

apart from him and his special friend Earie!

Earie was a large living ear, and every day Jacko went alone to play his flute to Earie the

ear, but today Earie was missing. Earie was nowhere to be found. In his place was

Nosey-a large living nose. Nosey appeared to be sleeping and was making large snoring

noises. Jacko did not know what to say or do. Should he tell his siblings? Should he tell

his parents? He couldn’t possibly do either. They would think he was an absolute

fool. They wouldn’t believe him if he told his story of his adventures with Earie or about

the unexpected arrival of Nosey.

He had to do something. Earie was missing and he needed to find out how to help

Nosey. What could possibly please him? Music was pleasing to Earie but Nosey wouldn’t

hear his fantastic flute playing. Something to fulfil his sense of smell may do the trick.

Jack ran to the lavender patch, the rose bush and the mint plant. He gathered stems

from each and took them back to the cave. Firstly, he waved the mint in front of the

snoring nose and instantly the snoring stopped. Then he waved some lavender in front of

the nose and the nose began to move. Lastly he presented the rose and to his surprise

Nosey began to gently dance around the cave with Jacko. Jacko had great fun but it was

now time for him to go home before someone came to look for him.

Naomh Pól News

The following day Jacko returned to the cave and to his surprise he was faced with two

large sad eyes glaring at him. He instantly needed them to see happiness. Jacko began

to direct the eyes out of the cave to see the beautiful countryside that surrounded the

cave. Eyes were amazed at the beautiful sights: the sun, the blue sky, the mountains and

the stream. He spent some time with eyes and showed them flowers, butterflies and tall

trees. Eyes loved all that they saw but unfortunately after a time Jacko had to direct

them back to the cave as it was time for him to go home.

The next morning Jacko woke really early, eager to see what would be in the cave

today. He got dressed and rushed down the lane with his breakfast in his hand and some

treats in his bag so he wouldn’t have to hurry home before lunch. When he reached the

cave he walked in slowly only to find a large tongue in place of eyes. Again, Jacko was

amazed. His friend Earie had not returned but every day he was surprised with his

findings in the cave.

How would engage with tongue? What

would he like? Firstly, Jacko thought of

the breakfast in his hand. He threw a small

bit in front of Tongue and instantly Tongue

licked it away, he took some fruit from his

bag and the same thing happened. Jacko

let Tongue taste all the treats he

had. Tongue appeared really grateful and

started to lick Jacko’s face in a friendly

manner. Jacko and Tongue had so much fun

and in a flash it was lunchtime and Jacko

had to go home.

The night dragged as Jacko couldn’t wait for the next day to come. He twisted and turned

in bed all night wondering what would be in the cave the next day and hoping that he

could get there as early as possible. When the sun finally came up, Jacko had done his

chores in record time. Carrying his flute, he took off down the lane towards the cave. He

was super excited when he reached the edge of the cave and his heart was beating so

fast. Jacko crept slowly into the cave and to his amazement he saw two hands waving at


Hands, what was he to give these hands? All he had was his flute! Jacko didn’t know what

to do. With his two hands he waved and the large hands waved back. Jacko thought of

playing a game with the hands to see if they would co-operate. To his enjoyment they

actually did. As Jacko raised his hands to the air they so did as well, and as Jacko placed

his hands on the floor they too lay on the floor. Jacko and hands had so much fun.

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When the game ended and he was about to leave, Jacko stretched out his arms and to

his surprise hands approached him and wrapped around him giving him a loving

hug. Instantly Jacko could feel something magically happen. As he looked around the

cave, he could see Earie, nosey, eyes and tongue appear from all different parts of the

cave. The cave was alive with fireworks and smoke; it was like a fantastic magic

spell. Jacko couldn’t see what was happening but he knew all his friends were joining

together and something very special was taking place.

And then suddenly from all the smoke, a large friendly figure appeared. It began to walk

slowly towards Jacko. Jacko stared in amazement. Who was this and where were all his

friends? The friendly Giant knelt down in front of Jacko and he recognised the ears,

the nose, the eyes and the tongue straight away. Then the friendly giant began to talk.

He said.

‘You my friend, have unlocked the magic that had been cast on me many hundreds of years

ago, you have fed my senses and brought me together again after all these horrible years,

I now will be your friend forever.’

Jacko was stunned and he visited the friendly giant every day for the rest of his life and

they had many heart-warming adventures together.

The End

Paul Stanfield 8/62

‘Words are the most

inexhaustible source of


J. K. Rowling

Answers to Guess the Teacher

A. Miss M. Toner

B. Mr S. McKenna

C. Mrs M. McShane

D. Miss C. King

E. Mrs J. Murphy

Naomh Pól News


Lauren Higgins

Phoebe Tyreman

Katie McAlinden

Naomh Pól News

The Maths Dancer

Miss Murray joined our school family in

2019, beginning her very first teaching

role. You may know Miss Murray from

meeting her on the corridor or she may

even be your teacher, but did you know

that she is a world champion Irish


Before coming to St. Paul’s, Miss Murray studied her Maths and Teaching degrees at

Queen’s University, Belfast. Prior to this, she attended the Sacred Heart Grammar

School in Newry. However, Miss Murray is originally from England. She visited Ireland

as a child as her dad is Irish. When she was three, on one of her visits to Ireland, Miss

Murray visited the Fleadh and that is where her love for dancing began.

When they returned home after their trip, Miss Murray started at a dancing school

beside their house, so really, she has been dancing as

long as she can walk!

Miss Murray with UTV presenter Rita

Fitzgerald, a St. Paul's past pupil.

When still at school, Miss Murray kept on top of

both her schoolwork and dancing. On balancing her

schoolwork and dance practice she says, “It’s

important to keep organised and to keep a schedule.”

Miss Murray says that during her school years, a

normal day would have entailed dancing before school

and completing her homework on her way to dancing.

Once she entered the dancing hall, all other work

flew out the window and all of her focus went to her

dance, which certainly paid off. Miss Murray says, “I

think it’s a shame when people give up their hobbies

as a result of school, especially when starting GCSEs,

as we all need a break from our schoolwork.”

After finishing school in 2015, Miss Murray attended

a week-long summer school in Riverdance. It was the first one they hosted. At the end

of the week, they got to dance with the Riverdance cast, which was her dream come

true. The day before she started her Maths degree in Queen’s, she performed in her

very first Riverdance gig. On completing her Maths degree, Miss Murray decided to

complete a PGCE in Queen’s University. At the same time, she was contemplating

whether to continue competitive dancing. By this stage, she had realised that the

Naomh Pól News

scores she achieved did not matter. When she realised that her scores did not define

her, her dancing actually improved, as she was able to focus on dancing for the love of

it. However, she decided that she would do one more year of competitive dancing; little

did she know that this would be the year that she would be World Champion!

From the age of 11, Miss Murray qualified for the World Championship every year,

which is an achievement in itself. In 2019, Miss Murray went to the championship in

North Carolina and not only did she have the privilege of once again making it that far,

but she won, gaining the title of World Champion. The very same year her sister, Caitlin

Murray, also won. They were the first sister duo to both win in the same year since

1980! When she won, Miss Murray said it was such an unreal feeling and that people

told her “I’m so happy to see you

win, because you’ve been so nice

every time you haven’t.” She soon

realised that even after winning she

was still the very same person and

that winning was not the most

important thing.

Miss Murray has been selected as a

dancer in Riverdance and has had

the opportunity to take part in

worldwide tours. Throughout Miss

Murray’s time dancing in Riverdance,

she has performed in many shows

but one that stands out is when the

Pope came to visit Ireland and she

danced for him in Croke Park. She

said that there were hundreds of dancers and that they had only practiced the dance

twice before performing it live. Another memorable moment was just before lockdown

when she performed in the 3 Arena, as all she could see was faces in the crowd.

While still at school Miss Murray’s careers teacher asked her what she wanted to be

when she was older and she said a professional dancer in Riverdance. Her teacher asked

her again what she actually wanted to be and Miss Murray did not know what to say

because that was her ambition and just look where she is now! Miss Murray is a prime

example that if you work hard enough and truly love what you are doing, you will


Kym Ward and Lauren McNulty 10-42

Naomh Pól News

The Summer Top Five

As we all look forward to the summer break, here are some suggestions from

the Junior Leadership team to make your summer even better.

Top Five Summer Songs

1. Calvin Harris- Summer

2. Loud Luxury- Body

3. Lost Frequencies- Are You

With Me?

4. Dua Lipa- Levitating

5. Petit Lover- Sunset Lover

Top Five Local Places to


1. Camocha

2. La Dolce Vita

3. Gather and Brew

4. Deli Lites

5. 4 Star Pizza

Top Five Activities

with Friends

1. Go to the Beach

2. Movie Marathon

3. Camping

4. Mountain Walks

5. Theme Parks/


Top Five Movies

1. Harry Potter

2. Mean Girls

3. Marvel Cinematic


4. Clueless

5. Mamma Mia

Naomh Pól News

Goodbye Joan and Briege

We’ll Miss You

This year we say googbye to two extremely valued staff members- classroom

assistant, Joan Keenan, and member of our cafeteria staff, Briege Finnegan.

Joan and Briege have been such a large part of our school life

and all of the staff and pupils in St. Paul’s will miss them very

much. Thank you for all that you have done for us.

Have a wonderful retirement!

Naomh Pól News

Our Safe Space

The Next Chapter

What would Mrs Morgan's job be if she

didn't become a librarian? Mrs Morgan's

dream job, ever since she was a little girl,

was to become a dancer; jazz, hip-hop,

ballet, anything to get moving! She loves

to learn about her ancestry and her

family's past. Mrs Morgan became a

librarian because she always had a love

for books and finding out information. She especially loves learning

about new people and their life stories. Mrs Morgan studied English

at Queen's University in Belfast, then went on to be a television

researcher for 10 years. She even worked in London for big names

like BBC and ITV! Soon Mrs Morgan wanted to come back home and

settle down. Eventually she found a job for a "part-time" librarian.

Naomh Pól News

Well 21 years later- she is now the amazing librarian that we all know

and love! Part of why she wanted to become a librarian is because of

her biggest hero: her mother. Mrs Morgan's mum is, as she

explained, the loveliest woman on earth. Not only was she a very

hardworking woman, but she always had time for all her children and

always read to them and took them to the library. This is where Mrs

Morgan discovered her love of reading and learned how to indulge in

a book, to leave all your stress behind. She says, "no matter what

place you're in, you can always travel in a book."

To celebrate Empathy Day on the 10 th

June, Mrs Morgan opened a dedicated

wellbeing space in the library. This is a

safe place to read quietly or take time

out if you are feeling anxious or

stressed. The wellbeing space houses a

wide range of new books on a range of

issues that young people are facing,

especially over lockdown! The wellbeing

area is a space where we can

relax and feel comforted from the

stress of school life. It is a sanctuary

if you need to talk, or not. Mrs Morgan is always there to listen to

you, no matter what is going on. This area is situated in the corner

of our school library. It has beanbags and encouraging photographs

and books to inspire you!

There is a diverse display of fiction books in

a section named "Walk a mile in my shoes."

There are books about how to cope with our

own difficult situations. These books aim to

teach people how to overcome obstacles in

life and to look after your mental health. The

books in this area encourage us to be proud

Naomh Pól News

of who we are and think about what we would like to become in the


My personal opinion is that this new and

vibrant reading place is a spectacular

addition to St. Paul’s and a great place to

read, relax or talk to someone you can


Remember you are always accepted in St.

Paul’s, no matter who you are!

Jennifer Collins 10-60

Naomh Pól News

Crisis Café

The Crisis Café has become very popular in our local

community, with many St. Paul’s students working as

volunteers and ambassadors. I interviewed the founders

of the Crisis Café, Louise and Gráinne, to find out more

about their inspirational project.

What made you want to create the Crisis Café?

My own experiences of working with young people, seeing how unacceptable mental

health services are for them and identifying the need for a fresh approach to

mental health services for young people.

What do you plan for the future?

We have lots of plans that grow out of our discussions with people in the café.

Currently we are planning to develop strong links with other organisations for

young people to visit the cafe and offer new and exciting programmes. We plan

to develop more platforms for young people to have their voices heard on a range

of issues. We also plan to have more of a presence in schools, working with

teachers and students towards a non-stigmatising approach to mental health for

young people.

How can people reach out to you?

Currently we can be reached on social media. We regularly post on Facebook and

Instagram and we ask all of our ambassadors to like and share our posts. We are

planning to hold information nights in the café and we hope schools continue to

share on social media, posters and fliers in schools. We are due to open our Lurgan

cafe and we have a crisis cafe roll out across the North of Ireland.

Fionnán Quigley


Year 14 Leaving Day

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Naomh Pól News

Year 14 Leaving Day

We’ll Miss You

Naomh Pól News

Congratulations to our Year 8-11 pupils who have been awarded Pupil of

the Month for May. A wonderful achievement!

8-20 Mia Murphy

8-38 Jessica Ban

8-03 Niamh Keenan

8-73 Matthew Morgan & Eva Hughes

8-09 Aaron Reavey

8-45 Tia McKee

8-68 James Hughes

8-43 Jamie Burns

8-62 Patrick Crilly

8-94 Cian O’Hare

8-23 Conor Byrne

8-97 Danny McKeever

9-22 Micheal Kane

9-06 Emma Rose Crawley

9-99 Cailum Lavelle

9-30 Ava- Maria McDonnell

9-19 Niall O’Hagan

9-11 Luke Connolly

9-74 Maria Silva Teiserskis

9-96 Daithi McCreesh

9-51 James McKernan

9-61 Corey Teggart O’Neill

9-64 Tiernan Robb

10-48 Sean McKinley

10-95 Leah Walsh

10-07 Dylan Mackin

10-54 Aine Osborne

10-12 Jake Lynch

10-72 Eireann Carragher

10-42 Cian Hanratty

10-17 Emma Mackin

10-60 Sophie Hughes

10-25 Kyle Harte

11/LS Sean Stewart

11/100 Kyle Lennon Mackin

11/84 Ben Magill

11/33 Tomas Byrne

11-27 Mollie Moran

11-91 Lucy McGinn

11-78 Hannah McGovern

11-41 Jake Hanratty

11-49 Sophie Hollywood

11-57 Ella-Rose Hope

10-63 Evin McKenna

Leo- This summer will be your best

one yet! Lots of fun in the sun and

spending time with your best


Sagittarius- Something very exciting

lies around the corner for you! It

may be a new friendship or

relationship. Trust your instincts.

Cancer- With your birthday around

the corner, you are going to have the

party of the century! You also may be

receiving a great birthday present.

Virgo- This summer try to let loose. You

and your friends are going to have an

amazing time!

Capricorn- In the month of July a lot of

importance will be on your

relationships. Check in on friends you

haven't talked to in a while.

Aquarius- Remember not everyone

has been enjoying life during COVID as

much as you. Remember to be

compassionate and kind to others!

Aries- This summer you are going to

be very productive and finally get

out of that burn out stage you're in

right now.

Pisces- During summer you need to

spend some time looking after

yourself; take a bath or do a face

mask. You need to start prioritising


Taurus- During this summer you need

to let the stars guide you. You have a

lot of anger built up- let it go and you

will have a great summer.

Gemini- Start a new hobby this summer.

Lean into your inquisitive side and go on

more adventures.

Libra- this summer you will face some

difficult decisions. Use your logic and

trust in your own decisions, they will

lead you down the right path.

Scorpio- Someone full of love and

romance is going to come into your life

this summer. Don't push them away;

let them see the real you!

Naomh Pól News


Oh glorious St Paul, by your prayers and example, enable me to

become a better person. More considerate towards others, more

honest with myself, more faithful to God.

Give me the courage to accept the pains and problems of this day,

always rejoicing in the Lord.

Through my prayers may I be ‘rooted in love’, always loving God in

fidelity to Sunday mass and daily prayer; always loving my neighbour,

especially my family and friends.

Make me patient and kind, never jealous or rude. Give me the

strength to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.

May I always know in my heart what you taught so well; that there

are only three things that last – faith, hope and love and the

greatest of these is love.


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