Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling

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J.K. Rowling


“Look,” Hagrid twisted his crossbow uncomfortably in his hands; there

was a loud splintering sound and it snapped in two. “I know what yeh’re

like abou’ Snape, Harry, an’ I don’ want yeh ter go readin’ more inter this

than there is.”

“Look out,” said Hermione tersely.

They turned just in time to see the shadow of Argus Filch looming over

the wall behind them before the man himself turned the corner, hunchbacked,

his jowls aquiver.

“Oho!” he wheezed. “Out of bed so late, this’ll mean detention!”

“No it won’, Filch,” said Hagrid shortly. “They’re with me, aren’ they?”

“And what difference does that make?” asked Filch obnoxiously.

“I’m a ruddy teacher, aren’ I, yeh sneakin’ Squib!” said Hagrid, firing up

at once.

There was a nasty hissing noise as Filch swelled with fury; Mrs. Norris

had arrived, unseen, and was twisting herself sinuously around Filch’s skinny


“Get goin,’” said Hagrid out of the corner of his mouth.

Harry did not need telling twice; he and Hermione both hurried off;

Hagrid’s and Filch’s raised voices echoed behind them as they ran. They

passed Peeves near the turning into Gryffindor Tower, but he was streaking

happily toward the source of the yelling, cackling and calling,

When there’s strife and when there’s trouble

Call on Peevsie, he’ll make double!

The Fat Lady was snoozing and not pleased to be woken, but swung forward

grumpily to allow them to clamber into the mercifully peaceful and

empty common room. It did not seem that people knew about Ron yet;

Harry was very relieved: He had been interrogated enough that day. Hermione

bade him good night and set off for the girls’ dormitory. Harry, however,

remained behind, taking a seat beside the fire and looking down into

the dying embers.


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