Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling

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J.K. Rowling


course, Malfoy would spread the story as far and wide as he could, but there

was always a chance it wouldn’t reach too many Gryffindor ears.

He reached across Ron for a couple of chicken legs and a handful of

chips, but before he could take them they vanished, to be replaced with puddings.

“You missed the Sorting, anyway,” said Hermione, as Ron dived for a

large chocolate gateau.

“Hat say anything interesting?” asked Harry, taking a piece of treacle tart.

“More of the same, really... advising us all to unite in the face of our enemies,

you know.”

“Dumbledore mentioned Voldemort at all?”

“Not yet, but he always saves his proper speech for after the feast, doesn’t

he? It can’t be long now.”

“Snape said Hagrid was late for the feast —”

“You’ve seen Snape? How come?” said Ron between frenzied mouthfuls

of gateau.

“Bumped into him,” said Harry evasively.

“Hagrid was only a few minutes late,” said Hermione. “Look, he’s waving

at you, Harry.”

Harry looked up at the staff table and grinned at Hagrid, who was indeed

waving at him. Hagrid had never quite managed to comport himself with

the dignity of Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor House, the top of

whose head came up to somewhere between Hagrid’s elbow and shoulder

as they were sitting side by side, and who was looking disapprovingly at

this enthusiastic greeting. Harry was surprised to see the Divination teacher,

Professor Trelawney, sitting on Hagrid’s other side; she rarely left her tower

room, and he had never seen her at the start-of-term feast before. She looked

as odd as ever, glittering with beads and trailing shawls, her eyes magnified

to enormous size by her spectacles. Having always considered her a bit of a

fraud, Harry had been shocked to discover at the end of the previous term

that it had been she who had made the prediction that caused Lord Volde-


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