148422597X Kubernetes Management Design Patterns [Vohra 2017-01-29] {E559F6BB}

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Route 53 service (cont.)

delete, 371

DNS record, 370

domain nameservers, 370

records, 369–370

save option, 371–372

update server, 373

record sets

Alias radio button selection, 375

configuration, 381

creation, 374

ELB load balancers, 376

failover record type, 378

public hosted zone, 383

record set creation, 379

resource set, 379–380

routing policy, 377

second record set, 382

routes, 367

selection, 367


Scheduler annotation, 211

Scheduling pods, nodes

cloud configuration, 202

default scheduler, 203

design patterns, 199

priority functions, 201

sequence, 199

Scheduling policy, 200

ServiceTypes, 153–155

Single container management patterns, 199

Single controller node, 301

Single master node, 120

Single node, multi-container application

patterns, 199

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), 135,

153–154, 172

Single-zone cluster, 91

SSH logging, 101, 118–119, 122

SSO features, 120

Supported compute resources, 282


Tectonic console

accessing, 123

benefits, 117

CoreOS Linux, 117

deleting a pod, 131

downloading, pull secret, 120

environment setting, 118–120

GUI, 117

installing, pull secret, 122

launching replication controller, 128

launching the deployment, 126

listing pods, RC, 130

manifest, 120, 122

modifying pod’s labels/deleting a pod, 131

modifying/deleting an RC, 129

new deployment creation, 124–125

new pod link, 127

new replication controller link, 127, 129

new service link, 132

nginx application, 125

pods, RC nginx-rc, 130

relaunched pod, 132

removing, 134

replica sets, 126

service creation, 134

service details, 133

specifying replication controller

details, 128

subscription levels, 120

web management console, 120

Tectonic identity, 120

Tectonic manager, 120

Tectonic support, 120

Tectonic wizard, 120

Total cluster capacity, 279


user-intervened scaling, 300


Virtual private cloud (VPC), 5


Amazon EBS Volume, 135

Docker container, 135

EC2 instance, 137

Kubernetes clusters, 138

nodes, 138

SSH log, 138

types, 135–137

W, X, Y, Z

Website (high-availability)

AWS, 355


cluster nodes, 360

CoreOS command prompt, 359

EC2 instances, 361


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