148422597X Kubernetes Management Design Patterns [Vohra 2017-01-29] {E559F6BB}

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mysql-config definition file, 261

mysql-config-2, 266

mysql/env directory, 259

MySQL pod CPU request, 247

mysql.yaml definition file, 267

mysql.yaml file, 177–178, 182, 263


New pod link, 127

New replication controller link, 127

New Service link, 132

nginx application, 125

Kubernetes nginx application, 102

nginx, 234

Node affinity, 220

Node capacity, 244

Node label kubernetes, 225

Node labels, 213, 216

NodePort service, 159–164, 166

nodeSelector field, 225

nodeSelector label, 226


Object quotas, 288


Ansible (see Ansible configuration)


nodes, 347

testing, 347

credentials, 338


CentoOS instances, 337

cluster, 337

EC2 instances, 336

software, 337

HA controller, 335

HA master, 336

network manager, 339

overview, 336

Overcommitted memory limits, 254


PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC), 113–116

PersistentVolume (PV), 113

Personal Package Archive (PPA), 339

php-apache deployment, 302

PHP Apache Server Deployment, 302

Placeholder pod, 255

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 49, 335

Pod CPU and memory requests and limits, 248

pod definition file, 254, 276, 272

pod definition file hello.yaml, 271

Pod description, 269

Pod description lists volume, 277

Pod logs, 273

pod-node-affinity.yaml, 225, 227

Pod specification fields, 241



Priority functions, 201

Public DNS, 100, 169

Public IP address, 100, 118–119

Pull Secret file, 120


QoS classes, 243

Quality of Service (QoS), 242

quota --namespace=default, 289


RC mysql-v1, 179

RC nginx-rc, 130

Relaunched pod, 131–132

Replication controller, 250, 269, 279, 285, 287

Replication controller definition file mysql.yaml,


reserve-resource pod, 256

Resource guarantees, 240

ResourceQuota definition file, 282–283, 289, 295

resource quotas

namespaces, 280

Kubernetes applications, 280

spec fields, 280

resource requirements, 279

resource-reserving pod, 256

Rolling updates

container image, 177–184

deployment, 186–189, 191–197

file/image, 186

multiple-container pods, 186

overview, 172

problem, 171

RC definition file, 174–176

replication controller, 176

rollback, 184–186

setting, 173–174

solution, 171–172

RollingUpdateStrategy, 189

Route 53 service

hosted zone, 368

name servers/domain name

configuration, 373

default selection, 371


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