148422597X Kubernetes Management Design Patterns [Vohra 2017-01-29] {E559F6BB}

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Chapter 10 ■ Configuring Compute ResourcesInitially the pods may be not running or Ready. List the pods after a minute, and all the pods should berunning. Each pod is scheduled on a different node, as shown in Figure 10-9.Figure 10-9. Each pod is scheduled on a different nodeDescribe a node to find the resource consumption on the node, as shown in Figure 10-10. Only one podis running on the node. The CPU and Memory Requests and Limits for each pod in the default namespaceare listed. The MySQL pod CPU request of 250m and CPU Limit of 500m and Memory Request of 64Mi andMemory Limit of 128 Mi are listed. The allocated CPU and Memory Requests and Limits are also listed.Allocated CPU and Memory requests are less than the limits, which is the desired level.Figure 10-10. CPU and memory requests and limits on a schedulable node247

Chapter 10 ■ Configuring Compute ResourcesDescribe a pod started with the previously discussed settings, and the Limits and Requests for theresource types should be listed as shown in Figure 10-11 (the pod name can be from a different run with thesame settings).Figure 10-11. Pod CPU and memory requests and limitsThe resource limits must be set higher than the requests. As an example, set the limits to be lower thanthe requests, as shown in Figure 10-12.248

Chapter 10 ■ Configuring Compute Resources

Describe a pod started with the previously discussed settings, and the Limits and Requests for the

resource types should be listed as shown in Figure 10-11 (the pod name can be from a different run with the

same settings).

Figure 10-11. Pod CPU and memory requests and limits

The resource limits must be set higher than the requests. As an example, set the limits to be lower than

the requests, as shown in Figure 10-12.


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