Beautiful Girlhood compiled by Debra Maffett

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.


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But when two girls can be understanding friends, each able to go to the<br />

other for help and encouragement, and whose plans and lives are kept open<br />

for the inspection of interested mothers — such friendships are good.<br />

Fickleness in friendship is a common girlish fault. Youth changes so fast<br />

that she who pleases for a while, soon becomes dull. For a few weeks or<br />

months the vials of love and devotion are poured out on the chosen friend,<br />

and then in a moment of misunderstanding — the cords are broken, and in<br />

another day bound upon another friend. To the new friend are poured out<br />

all the secrets gained from the old friend, and so the gossip grows. A girl<br />

who will become "miffed" with her friend, and tell what she has sacredly<br />

promised to keep secret, is not worthy of being called a friend.<br />

Some girls take their girlhood friendships too seriously. They allow<br />

a sentimental love to bind itself around a friend so that a few weeks of<br />

separation may cause "oceans of tears" to be shed. The red-eyed one goes<br />

about feeling herself a martyr to love, when she is only catering a foolish<br />

sentiment. In friendship, be sensible.<br />

When girls have friends among the men and boys, even more care should<br />

be used in their selection and treatment, than when with girls. There is only<br />

a small margin between the love of friendship and romance; and what the<br />

girl may have begun only as friendship, may develop into something more<br />

serious.<br />

Again, if a girl will make herself too familiar in her friendships with the<br />

other gender, she is liable to give them a wrong impression of her. They<br />

may interpret her friendship to mean that she has let down some of her<br />

womanly guards and does not expect to be treated with the deference and<br />

respect usually given to noble women. Any girl is in a dangerous position,<br />

when she gets this reputation.<br />

When girls work and play with men and boys, as they all will do sometime<br />

or other — they should be sociable, friendly, even jolly in their association<br />

together — but never should girls forget that it is their place to avoid and<br />

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