Beautiful Girlhood compiled by Debra Maffett

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.


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An old friend is more to be prized than a new one. The longer friendship<br />

stands, the stronger it becomes, if it is the genuine kind. New friends spring<br />

up and fall away — but old friends cling to you through all times, good and<br />

bad. Hold fast your old friends, and those who have been friends to your<br />

father before you. They have your interests at heart. They will judge kindly,<br />

when new friends condemn.<br />

A person is either made better or worse <strong>by</strong> his friends. If they are well<br />

chosen and faithful — then they build up and make strong the best that is in<br />

one. But if they are unwisely chosen — then they drag down and destroy all<br />

that is pure within. For a girl will be like her friends. Show me the friends of<br />

a girl, those whom she most appreciates — and I will tell you what kind of<br />

girl she is, though I never see her. Noble girls have friends who are pure,<br />

upright, sincere. Girls who are careless of their deportment and reputation,<br />

have just the other kind. You will find them seeking friends among those<br />

who are vain-minded. A girl cannot rise higher than the level of her<br />

friends. Either they will lift her up — or she will descend to their level.<br />

A girl should have many friends — but only a very few intimate friends.<br />

There is an inner circle into which a girl with true womanly instinct cannot<br />

invite many. Her nature is such that she must have a confidant, one to<br />

whom she feels free to tell out her heart's deepest secrets; but she is foolish<br />

indeed, who tries to be thus confidential with many. The safest girl is the<br />

one who makes her mother her most confidential friend.<br />

Every girl wants an intimate friend. A friend used in the right way is a good<br />

thing in any girl's life. But there is a friendship that is detrimental in the<br />

extreme. When a friend comes into a girl's heart closer than any other<br />

person, and to that friend is told every little secret, not only of the teller —<br />

but of her family also, and into her ears is poured out every bit of gossip<br />

and slander the girl hears — that friend is a detriment. When two girls plan<br />

together against the laws and management of their homes, vowing undying<br />

fidelity to each other in their secrets — friends become a menace indeed!<br />

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