Beautiful Girlhood compiled by Debra Maffett

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.


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Again, a girl in her thought makes a difference between people. There are<br />

certain people with whom she would be very careful to keep her word, and<br />

would be troubled indeed to be compelled to break a promise made to them<br />

— while with others, she esteems her word lightly. Keeping promises should<br />

be held just as sacred with one as another. A promise to mother or little<br />

sister, should be kept as strictly as if it were made to the most noted person<br />

of the city.<br />

Promises whose breaking would inconvenience others, should be strictly<br />

kept. If a girl has promised to meet someone at nine o'clock at a certain<br />

place, she should, if it is possible at all, be there exactly at nine. If she<br />

allows herself to think that quarter- or half-past nine will do just as well —<br />

then she is actually stealing that much of the other person's time. That is<br />

both dishonest and untruthful.<br />

Another kind of untruth often indulged in is the telling of falsehoods<br />

to little children to frighten them into obedience. This is very wrong<br />

because of the effect it has upon the character of the one who does it, and<br />

upon the child who is thus fooled.<br />

There is no situation in life, in which truth is not preferable to lying. Too<br />

high an estimate cannot be set upon absolute truth telling, nor can it be<br />

loved with too great a love.<br />

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