Beautiful Girlhood compiled by Debra Maffett

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.


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The ungoverned tongue, leads into many wrong channels. By it unkind<br />

remarks are made of absent ones. Boasts and threats are uttered, evil<br />

suspicions spoken, trouble kindled, and hearts broken! Almost all the<br />

sorrow of the world, can be traced back to the wrong use of the tongue!<br />

If you could learn the history of almost any neighborhood, you would find<br />

that someone has suffered, some heart has been wounded or broken — <strong>by</strong><br />

the gossiping tongue of a neighbor.<br />

Talking about others is not necessarily sinful. We are naturally interested in<br />

the doings of our friends, and like to talk their affairs over in a kind way.<br />

And it is one of the strongest curbs on evil doings, to know that one's sinful<br />

behavior will be soundly condemned <strong>by</strong> the neighbors. We should always be<br />

ready to condemn evil deeds. But when this is mixed with a desire<br />

to wound or hurt another, or when the one who is talking is careless of the<br />

results of her speeches — gossip becomes sinful and base. When gossip<br />

becomes backbiting, it is one of the worst of sins!<br />

How quickly we would condemn a man who should shoot another in the<br />

back, when only a short time before he had pretended to be a friend to him!<br />

The girl who will talk about her acquaintances behind their backs,<br />

and pretend friendship to their faces, is just as despised. Gossip and<br />

backbiting are sinful, wrong, and entirely unfitting to beautiful girlhood.<br />

The Apostle James has written a few verses upon the evils into which the<br />

tongue can lead us, and we shall do well to read them at this time:<br />

"Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.<br />

Consider what a great forest is set on fire <strong>by</strong> a small spark. The tongue also<br />

is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole<br />

person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire <strong>by</strong><br />

Hell." James 3:5-6<br />

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