Beautiful Girlhood compiled by Debra Maffett

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.

Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale was written in 1922. Those years forming the transition period between childhood and womanhood are filled with wonderful interest and attractiveness, for there is nothing of more beauty and grace than the budding and blossoming of girlhood. But the young feet that travel this way are often fearful and uncertain, or willful and bold. Each and all have need of guidance; they need a helping hand along the way. This book is sent forth with a sincere desire to be a blessing. In a timeless way, this classic book offers practical, biblical wisdom on the issues every girl faces, from beauty to attitudes to relationships.


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"Many daughters have done virtuously — but you excel them all."<br />

Proverbs 31:29<br />

Times are always changing, bringing new customs and manners — and<br />

laying aside old customs and manners as worn out and unfit for use. What<br />

was just right and up to date when your parents were your age — looks<br />

strange and odd now; and what seems exactly right to you now, will in a few<br />

years be as much out of style! These changes have always been taking place,<br />

and they will continue to do so. We hear much talk about our modern<br />

young people — as if young people of your time were the first who ever<br />

moved out and did things differently than their parents had done them. But<br />

every era has had its modern young people who would be up-to-date in<br />

everything.<br />

All that is old in customs and manners — should not be discarded; and all<br />

that is new — is not always for the best. It is wise for all of us, whether old<br />

or young, to learn to choose wisely, so that we do not lose our standard of<br />

measurements and become unable to tell what is right, and what is wrong.<br />

Because a thing is being done <strong>by</strong> most people — does not make it right and<br />

proper. And because it is not being done <strong>by</strong> a large percentage of the people<br />

— does not make it wrong or improper. We should remember that the true<br />

standards of right and honor and purity remain the same from the<br />

beginning to the end. There are no fluctuations in the standards which will<br />

always govern what is right and pure and proper — in true, upright,<br />

Christian manhood and womanhood.<br />

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