URT Listing presentation

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INNOVATIVEMARKETINGTOOLSWe have the resources to create high-traffic ads. We post more often, and perform theextra steps that ensure your listing comes up fast and to the right demographic.To reach the 98% of buyers who search online, we market everyproperty in four key places:1.BrokerageWebsitesOur technology allows us to showcaseyour property on all major brokeragewebsites like Redfin, KW.com,Sothebys.com, Century21.com, BetterHomes and Gardens, ReMax.com andmore.2.Search EngineOptimizationGoogle. Bing. Yahoo. Nobody knowssearch engines better! Most internationalbuyers and high-priced sales comethrough local keyword search. We areexperts in both organic and paid results.Listing3. Portals4.SocialMediaWe showcase your property on popularsites like Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com, and350+ additional real estate search sites.We want to make sure your property isshowing up wherever buyers may besearching.Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and,most importantly, ABC 4. We market yourproperty through the most popular socialnetworks, through paid posts, and ouralready existing audience of viewers thattune in to Utah’s Real Estate Essentialsevery Sunday at 4:30pm. We will alsoprovide you with great marketing tools toshare your property with your own socialmedia world.

Open houseTHEBENEFITS OF AN OPEN HOUSEAn Open House is a great way to show off your home to a wide pool of potential buyers.Here are top reasons why an Open House is an important marketing vehicle when sellingyour home.SET YOUR HOUSE APARTWhile a picture or video is worth a thousandwords, nothing beats seeing a home inperson. Open houses give you theopportunity to show your home at its verybest.SHARE ADDED EXTRASBuyers are usually interested in learningabout neighborhood amenities as much asthe house itself. The look and feel of yourhome's community often clinches the dealfor many a buyer.REDUCE MARKETINGCOSTS AND TIMEMore eyes on your home in a short durationof time will often mean a faster sale. Anopen house allows you to skip weeks ofindividual showings and enjoy the benefitsof a one-day affair that optimizes theaudience.SOCIAL SITUATIONS EASETENSIONWith multiple prospective buyers in yourhome at one time, lookers feel less selfconscious.Your agent can casually chatwith visitors and their agents, offeringcasual tours in a low-key environment.IMMEDIATE MARKET FEEDBACKProvides real estate professionals a chance to collect important data and contact informationso they can stay in touch with prospective buyers. It's also a great way to gather feedback onyour home. What do people like about it? What potentially quick fixes can be made toproblem areas?

Open house



An Open House is a great way to show off your home to a wide pool of potential buyers.

Here are top reasons why an Open House is an important marketing vehicle when selling

your home.


While a picture or video is worth a thousand

words, nothing beats seeing a home in

person. Open houses give you the

opportunity to show your home at its very



Buyers are usually interested in learning

about neighborhood amenities as much as

the house itself. The look and feel of your

home's community often clinches the deal

for many a buyer.



More eyes on your home in a short duration

of time will often mean a faster sale. An

open house allows you to skip weeks of

individual showings and enjoy the benefits

of a one-day affair that optimizes the




With multiple prospective buyers in your

home at one time, lookers feel less selfconscious.

Your agent can casually chat

with visitors and their agents, offering

casual tours in a low-key environment.


Provides real estate professionals a chance to collect important data and contact information

so they can stay in touch with prospective buyers. It's also a great way to gather feedback on

your home. What do people like about it? What potentially quick fixes can be made to

problem areas?

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