Queer Ecologies at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

An artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and stand in allyship with the ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and our connection to it, empowering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently queer patterns and relations found throughout nature. From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a campfire, workshops, performances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance with the smallest members of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem! People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a particular welcome for queer, trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and people of colour (QTIBPOC) folks. All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with free tickets available. To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies

An artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and stand in allyship with the ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and our connection to it, empowering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently queer patterns and relations found throughout nature.

From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a campfire, workshops, performances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance with the smallest members of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem!

People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a particular welcome for queer, trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and people of colour (QTIBPOC) folks.

All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with free tickets available.

To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies


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We acknowledge that what we bring to an event /

workshop / gathering is only a small part of who we

each are. We therefore don't assume life experience or


We ask that you are accountable for your own wellbeing.

This means asking for help if you are struggling, and

asking for the protocols you need to feel safe. If for any

reason, you are unable to ask for/articulate these, we

invite you to check in with the facilitators at an appropriate

moment. We are here for you and really want to

know what you think and how you're doing!

We ask for trigger warnings during discussions before

sharing any potentially traumatic or violent content that

may have a negative impact on someone with similar or

different life experiences to you. This means waiting a

few moments after the trigger warning to give time for

people to step away from the conversation.

As a species working to — following the sentiments of

adrienne maree brown — re-earn our right to live on/

with this planet, we work not to be extractive or to express

entitlement over the time, value and emotions of

other life we share space with, be they human or nonhuman.

Finally we are actively working toward a world which is

not without suffering, but which has eradicated systemic

suffering; that is, systems of power that mean certain

groups always suffer more than others. This means we

dare to dream big, complexly, pleasurably and together

as we work to manifest those speculative possibilities as

contemporary realities.

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