Queer Ecologies at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

An artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and stand in allyship with the ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and our connection to it, empowering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently queer patterns and relations found throughout nature. From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a campfire, workshops, performances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance with the smallest members of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem! People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a particular welcome for queer, trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and people of colour (QTIBPOC) folks. All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with free tickets available. To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies

An artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and stand in allyship with the ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and our connection to it, empowering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently queer patterns and relations found throughout nature.

From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a campfire, workshops, performances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance with the smallest members of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem!

People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a particular welcome for queer, trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and people of colour (QTIBPOC) folks.

All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with free tickets available.

To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies


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Queer Ecologies at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

is an artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and

ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and

powering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently qu

found throughout nature.

From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a cam

mances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance w

of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem!

People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a par

trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and peo


All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with

To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies

stand in allyship with the

our connection to it, emeer

patterns and relations

pfire, workshops, perforith

the smallest members

cular welcome for queer,

ple of colour (QTIBPOC)

free tickets available.

Photo Image by Hari Byles

Full Moon Fires

7-9pm, free but ticketed

Thursday 24th June, Saturday 24th July. Sunday 22nd August,

Tuesday 21st September

The final fire includes a soap-making workshop from 6-7pm

Throughout summer we are hosting monthly full moon fire

gatherings to share what we’re working on, hear from our

collaborators and connect with visitors to the Cemetery Park.

This will be a facilitated, informal and open space to gaze at

the moon, share stories, ponderings, and queer ecological encounters.

Meet at the Soanes Centre at 7pm to walk to the fire together.

Bring cosy clothes, kindling, blankets, etc! This is an alcohol-free



Photo by Nicol Vizioli

Ceramics from the Future

Saturday 4 th July, 1-5pm, free but ticketed

Join writer Linden K McMahon and ceramicist Nissa Nishikawa

for a workshop combining poetry, pottery, and speculative fiction.

Create clay pots inscribed with messages from the future - imagining

the people who we will become ancestors to, and what

they might want to say to us. We’ll guide you through writing

and ceramics activities to imagine better futures together! The

pots will become part of The Clay in Us, an immersive storytelling

walk and installation. Everyone who attends the workshop will

get a free ticket to the performance, and will be able to take

their pot home after the final show. Meet at the Soanes Centre.

Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting clay on!


Ecologies of Care—skill share, zine making &


Saturday 17 th July, 1-4pm, free but ticketed

From social care; to litter picking; repairing; cleaning; maintaining;

forming mutual aid networks, care webs and triangles;

improving access, making medicines, attending to

needs, building personal resilience and challenging injustice...

care can be so many things.

What does care mean to you? What have you learnt about

care lately that you would like to share with others? How can

care for land and people be integrated, better supported and

resourced in Tower Hamlets and beyond? What are the

different forms care can take in your experience? And would

you like to make a zine* about it?

This exploratory workshop is open to all humans and nonhumans

who experience the giving and receiving of care. It is

a space to connect with others, learn, build local networks,

Photo by Hari Byles

share strategies, look through a microscope, imagine and

craft future care ecologies together. If you would like to collaborate

further on making this happen please get in touch as

there is some budget to support this.

Following this workshop there will be an opportunity to get

involved in some local archive digging, to learn together

about the histories of care in and around Tower Hamlets

Cemetery Park. There will also be a chance to collaborate on

co-creating an offering / monument / or tool installed in the

park, to honour caretakers of the past, present and future.

We recognise that it can be almost impossible for those giving

and receiving care in a full or part-time capacity to attend

events like this. If this is you, but you are still keen to join,

please do write to hari@compost-mentis.com or call

07941696070 and we can explore options for creating a

zoom link, making a recording or covering costs.

*A zine is a DIY publication which looks like a small homemade

magazine. It can be a good way to share and circulate ideas,

strategies, and writings.


Speculating Queer

Ecologies with

Ama Josephine Budge

Saturday 31st July, 1-4pm

£5 (free tickets available)

This is a 3-hour workshop for Black writers, wannabe-writers,

nerds, and dreamers to collective speculate on Blackness and

Black Queer Ecologies together. Absolute beginners and

those with an established writing practice are welcome. The

session will begin with a reading by speculative writer Ama

Josephine Budge. We’ll then be drawing on the ecologies and

possibilities Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park to think through

the ways in which Blackness and ecology connect and queer

one another opening up new ways of dreaming and manifesting

interspecies futures. The session will be gently paced

and structured towards care and rejuvenation. You will be

offered some speculative pre-reading to begin thinking

through queer ecologies ahead of the session and to inspire

gentle conversations, dreaming and writing. For this workshop

Black is defined as those of African, Afro-Latinx and

Caribbean descent. LGBTQIA+ Black folks are especially welcome.



Image by Linden K McMah-




Dawn in


Six days until Dawn. Six Earth days, that


The sky had started to lighten. Infinitesimally.

Living on Aborellum gave one a new

sense of time. Of ages. Of slowing down.

Duas who finished up their twenty-five

year residency and decided to return to

earth, rather than one of the easy-living

gestation planets, often struggled with the

pace. Their internal ecologies somehow irreversibly

altered: attuned not to other humans,

but to the trees. But for Thea, isolation

from her own species was one of the

reasons she’d applied for the job.

turday 7th August, 3-4pm

ckets £5-£15, with some free tickets


An uncanny story of interspecies codependence,

sensuality and isolation in the

wake of climate catastrophe. This is a reading

from Ama Josephine Budge’s new novella, with

installations, soundscapes, and an arboreal silks


They looked at pollen, and carbon

isotopes, and volcanic ash,

and they were stumped. They

told me that from their investigation,

it wasn’t from the present,

but it didn’t seem to be

from the past, either.

I wasn’t – I don’t know, I wasn’t

surprised, and I didn’t have

trouble believing them. The

others found it harder to believe,

and that was kind of OK.

I’ve had to learn how to believe

– people tell me I don’t exist all

the time.

The Clay in Us

Saturday 7th August & Sunday 22nd August,


£5-£15, with some free tickets available

Mysterious poems have started appearing on halfburied

pots, and Willow is convinced they’re from

the future… What are they trying to tell us? And

what will Willow do about it? Discover messages

from descendants, ancestors, and ecologies in this

immersive storytelling walk and installation celebrating

queer human and non-human kin, written

and performed by Linden K McMahon.












aturday 4 th September, 7-11pm

ickets £5-£15, with some free tickets available

in/visible disco, begins at the centre of a hot

post pile...

ecting microscope videos from the Cemetery

’s soils and waters, we invite audiences to meet your comon

species and dance with microbes - coming together in

entanglements of pleasure, care, and curiosity, finding new

hms, languages and moves! This evening will include a sidisco,

costume-making, performances, DJs, and a chill out

e with short film screenings.


& Safety

Covid safety

All events are outside, and ticketed to make sure we don’t

get too crowded and can maintain social distancing. We

want to create a space in which it’s ok to remind each other

about social distancing, so please don’t take offence if someone

asks for a bit more space. Hand sanitiser will be available

and face masks needed for accessing toilets and other indoor


Please don’t attend if you or a member of your household or

support bubble have symptoms of Covid-19, and follow government

guidance on travelling to the Cemetery Park—please

avoid public transport if possible.

Further Covid safety information is included when you book

your tickets—please read through it carefully.

Photo by Hari Byles

Other Access Info

Workshops will have the option of an outside covered area in

wet weather. Toilets are not always available onsite; you can

find the nearest accessible toilet at www.lockdownloo.com/.

We will also provide a toilet map to all attendees on the day.

All events are reached by compacted crushed concrete or

earth paths, with some events taking place on grass alongside

a path. Walking distances from the road vary from 100-

500m, though if arranged in advance a vehicle could also

drive onto the site. There will be a range of different seating

options available - including rugs, cushions, logs, benches

with backs, or chairs with arm rests. Let us know if you have

any other specific seating requirements which you’d like us

to accommodate.

BSL interpretation is available and will be automatically provided

for performances. We are also able to book interpreters

for workshops and gatherings—please let us know at least

two weeks in advance if you would like to request this.

We can also provide interpreters for other languages for any

event—please let us know two weeks in advance if you

would like this.

We aim to make our events as accessible as possible, and are

learning constantly how to do this better. If you would like to

let us know about any specific requirements or access needs

that you would like us to meet, or offer feedback on our accessibility

arrangements, please email hari@compostmentis.com.

Safer Spaces Policy

We call it a "safer" space in order to acknowledge that

we've been conditioned under white-supremacist, heteronormative,

capitalist patriarchy which means we can

all bring oppression with us into the room/landscape.

However, by working towards these aims we can establish

shared values and practices as well as a commitment

to accountability models that allow us to openly

work with conflict, oppression, and silencing.

In this space, we will call out and interrupt systems of

oppression and hate speech including racist behaviour,

homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism,

ableism, colourism, bodyshaming/fat-phobia and

classism. We ask you all to commit to doing this as well,

to working towards this safer space together - a space

we are all responsible for maintaining and improving.

We trust you to know what you need, and invite you to

share your needs with others or to ask us for support in

working that out.

We expect you to be aware of your intersecting privileges

and the ways in which your conditioning might

silence, speak-for or make spaces feel less safe for others.

We ask you not to speak on behalf of, or over, life

experiences that are not your own. Please be mindful of

this when you make contributions to collective discussions.

We practice close, attentive listening and compassionate

correction (for example with pronouns etc.)

We acknowledge that what we bring to an event /

workshop / gathering is only a small part of who we

each are. We therefore don't assume life experience or


We ask that you are accountable for your own wellbeing.

This means asking for help if you are struggling, and

asking for the protocols you need to feel safe. If for any

reason, you are unable to ask for/articulate these, we

invite you to check in with the facilitators at an appropriate

moment. We are here for you and really want to

know what you think and how you're doing!

We ask for trigger warnings during discussions before

sharing any potentially traumatic or violent content that

may have a negative impact on someone with similar or

different life experiences to you. This means waiting a

few moments after the trigger warning to give time for

people to step away from the conversation.

As a species working to — following the sentiments of

adrienne maree brown — re-earn our right to live on/

with this planet, we work not to be extractive or to express

entitlement over the time, value and emotions of

other life we share space with, be they human or nonhuman.

Finally we are actively working toward a world which is

not without suffering, but which has eradicated systemic

suffering; that is, systems of power that mean certain

groups always suffer more than others. This means we

dare to dream big, complexly, pleasurably and together

as we work to manifest those speculative possibilities as

contemporary realities.

About Tower Hamlets

Cemetery Park

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park offers everyone a breathing

space in the heart of East London. This 31-acre nature

reserve is London’s most central urban woodland

and one of its ‘Magnificent Seven’ cemeteries. It’s a people’s

park, a sanctuary for wildlife, a place for remembrance

and a site for community events, field studies and

forest schools. Always changing with the seasons and

rooted in the unique heritage of the East End, it’s a place

full of history, discovery and possibilities for all.

The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park (FoTHCP)

is an award-winning local charity working to protect, preserve

and care for the Cemetery Park. Our passionate

staff and volunteers share their energy, expert

knowledge and vision to shape the future of the park for

everyone’s benefit. Find out more at https://fothcp.org/


We particularly want to thank Ken, Claire, Michelle, Suzanna,

Dim, Terry and the rest of the team at Tower Hamlets

Cemetery Park—for their support, enthusiasm, and willingness

to embrace our weird ideas!

Thank you to those that supported and read through our

Arts Council application: Justin Hunt at the Arts Council,

Ben and the LADA team, Vicki Amedume at UPSWING, and

Louise Hildreth

Thank you to the collaborators and teachers who make up

our creative ecosystem: Nissa Nishikawa; Sin Wai Kin;

Auclair; Bimpe Alliu; Ceramics Studio Co-op; Anna at

Louche Magazine; Ben, Lois, Joseph and Finn at LADA,; former

THCP artist in residence Louise Hildreth; the many

caretakers of THCP; Halima at Tower Hamlets Local History


And to our interspecies collaborators, who teach us about

interdependence, symbiosis and so much more: Mama

Plane, lichen, the worms, mushrooms, Potkin, Merlin, Bearyl,

Chloe, sparrows, cleavers, rotifers, compost piles.

This project would not have been possible without public

funding from the Arts Council National Lottery Project


Photo by Nissa Nishikawa

Queer Ecologies: What’s On

Thurs 24th June Full Moon Fire Gathering

Sun 4th July

Ceramics from the Future:

poetry and ceramics


Sat 17th July

Ecologies of Care: skill

share, zine making & collaborations


Sat 24th July Full Moon Fire Gathering

Sat 31st July

Science Fiction as Black

Queer Joy Ecologies


Sat 7th Aug

Sun 22nd Aug

Dawn in Arborellum

The Clay in Us

The Clay in Us

Full Moon Fire





Sat 4th Sept

Tues 21st Sept


The Microbe Disco!


Full Moon Fire


To book, go to: tiny.cc/queerecologies

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