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The Ambition Research &

Development 2020 Programmes

(ARD 2020)

ARD 2020


The long-term Socio-economic development of the Centre-Val de Loire region, in a period of economic fragility,

depends on the strength and growth of quality research, development and innovation.

The ARD 2020 programmes, the Region Centre-Val de Loire’s initiative to implement the EU Smart

Specialisation Strategy, have been designed to generate socio-economic impacts by providing support to

create strong regional research and develop centres of international scale, stimulate innovation, job creation

and socioeconomic dynamism in the territory.

Through these large research programmes, the Centre-Val de Loire Regional Council supports the

strengthening of quality research in five targeted strategic domains to foster the development of world-class

poles to enhance research and innovation activity in the region:

ARD 2020 Biomédicaments


ARD 2020 Cosmetosciences (cosmetics),

ARD 2020 LAVOISIER (renewable energies),

LE STUDIUM stands as the official partner of these five regional ARD 2020 programmes, leading on the

internationalisation dynamic by providing expertise and services to recruit international experienced

researchers and organise actions and events to boost international scientific exchanges and collaborations

and valorize research works carried out in the region.

ARD 2020 PIVOTS (environmental


ARD 2020 Intelligence des Patrimoines

(Cultural and Natural).

A drug is any substance or composition presented as having properties for treating,

preventing or diagnosing disease in humans or animals. Whereas BIOPHARMACEUTICALS

in the strict sense of the term, are molecules that have the characteristic of being

produced from living organisms or their cellular components. These molecules are

intermediate between chemical drugs and organisms’ intrinsic biologics. By definition, a

biopharmaceutical is any drug whose active substance is a therapeutic macromolecule

produced by living organisms. Biopharmaceuticals are overwhelmingly protein-based,

mainly represented by non-living vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, enzymes, protein

hormones and growth factors. As proteins, their injection is today mandatory by injection.

The proportion of biopharmaceuticals in the drug market has dramatically increased

over the past decade. The Centre-Val de Loire region is at the cutting edge of research

in the pharmaceutical sector and has included the development of biopharmaceuticals

in its smart specialisation strategy for the period 2013-2020. The regional government

has injected a strong financial support in research to facilitate innovative inter-sectorial

industrial development and partnerships for socioeconomic development beyond 2020.

The ARD 2020 Biopharmaceuticals programme aimed to further develop and strengthen

the Centre-Val de Loire regional biopharmaceuticals industry by capitalising on the

recognised capabilities of the multidisciplinarity research teams from the regional

research institutions in the view to:

Develop a flagship research and development pole on

biopharmaceuticals in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Configure the biopharmaceuticals field by inter-sectorial development

and innovation in the pharmacy/health sectors through start-ups,

SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) including established local and

regional based multinational companies.

Smart Loire Valley Programmes 2020

Promote the transfer of technologies/competences to existing and new


Support the development of new competences for the sector.

The Biopharmaceuticals Programme creates a dynamic, mobilising actors in

the pharmaceutical sector, from fundamental research to production, to jointly

develop the tomorrow’s biopharmaceutical treatments in the Centre-Val de

Loire region. It focuses on the design and biosynthesis of biomolecules for

preclinical and clinical development by including the search for synergies with

conventional chemically synthesised drugs. A number of innovative projects

including academic and industrial partnerships covering a wide spectrum of

biological molecules and domains are directly financed to bring immediate

outcomes: vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, nucleic acids, lipoproteins, bioproduction

of medicines…

Since 2014, LE STUDIUM has recruited nine scientists for long-term residencies

who have highly contributed to the objectives of the programme. A new phase

of development is under preparation for the period 2021-2024.

ARD 2020 2020



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