Pravi IVf And Fertility Center - About Pravi Ivf

Welcome to the Pravi IVF & Fertility Center - IVF Centre In Kanpur. PIFC is committed to provide world class fertility services to infertile couples with empathy and commitment. As a close knit, dedicated and professional team, we not only achieve consistently high results but also provide a positive and uplifting environment in which our patients undergo their treatment cycle. PRAVI IVF word is explained in almost each language of world as genuine, proper, real, sheer, simon-pure, stark, sterling, thorough, true, honest, loyal and above all it is as Eeswar who wants to create and originate life, relations, peace and happiness forever. Welcome to the Pravi IVF & Fertility Center - IVF Centre In Kanpur. PIFC is committed to provide world class fertility services to infertile couples with empathy and commitment. As a close knit, dedicated and professional team, we not only achieve consistently high results but also provide a positive and uplifting environment in which our patients undergo their treatment cycle.

PRAVI IVF word is explained in almost each language of world as genuine, proper, real, sheer, simon-pure, stark, sterling, thorough, true, honest, loyal and above all it is as Eeswar who wants to create and originate life, relations, peace and happiness forever.


Pravi IVF & Fertility Center

We Take Care Of

Your Health

Maternal health

Maternal health refers to the health of women

during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal


Child health

The goal of the Child Health and

Development Unit is to end preventable child

deaths and promote the healthy growth and

development of all children in the first decade

of their life.

T h e P r a v i Wo m e n A n d

C h i l d H e a l t h C a r e

( P W C H ) Is C o m m i t t e d

To Yo u r H e a l t h C a r e ,

A n d Respect Wi t h Yo u r

PWCH provide total

Wo m e n A n d C h i l d

H e a l t h C a re


R i g h t To Be I n v o l v e d I n

D e c i s i o n M a k i n g A b o u t

Yo u r O r Yo u r F a m i l y

Members' M e d i c a l

T r e a t m e n t .

Bringing Health

to life of the whole family

ART Facilities Donor Services Maternity Care

Initial Subfertility Paediatric care Paediatric care

Child Health and


Child Health Care

Child Health care is defined as the medical services that are provided by

the medical health professionals to the children having disease or


Maternity care


Care, Prenatal

& Postnatal

Maternity care


Maternal care covers all aspects of the mother's caretaking activity from her child's

birth until it reaches the age of twelve to fifteen months

Vaccines for

Your Children

By Age


Immunization (vaccination) is a way to create immunity to (protection from) some


Our Goal

Pravi Women And Child Health Care

The Pravi Women And Child Health Care (PWCH)

Is Committed To Your Health Care, And Respect

With Your Right To Be Involved In Decision

Making About Your Or Your Family Members'

Medical Treatment.

• Available ART Facilities

• Donor Services

• Initial Subfertility

• Maternity Care

• Paediatric care

• vitrification Services



Women Care

ART Facilities

Donor Services

Initial Subfertility

Maternity Care

Paediatric care

Paediatric care

Why Choose

Emergency Services



24/7 Hour Support

Fertility expert

All Under One Roof

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat 10.00 – 20.30


24 HRS




Professional Staff

Our specialist team are leaders in their fields

and cover a range of medical expertise from

IVF and women and child health care.

Emergency Cases

084170 84446

Delivering world-class healthcare services

through our hospitals across all thespecialties.

Get in touch for immediate assistance.

One of the best

hospitals providing

specialty support for

women and child

health care

Professional Staff


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