Inside History: Protest. Revolt & Reform

For our next issue we take a closer look at the theme of Protest from the events of Peterloo to the fall of the Berlin. Inside we cover a whole range of historical protests and the individuals who led the charge for change. This issues includes: John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, The Suffragettes, Billie Holiday and the role music has played in protests, The Civil Rights Movement, Protest and Sport, We are the People: The Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bloody Sunday at Trafalgar Square, and much much more.

For our next issue we take a closer look at the theme of Protest from the events of Peterloo to the fall of the Berlin. Inside we cover a whole range of historical protests and the individuals who led the charge for change. This issues includes:

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, The Suffragettes, Billie Holiday and the role music has played in protests, The Civil Rights Movement, Protest and Sport, We are the People: The Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bloody Sunday at Trafalgar Square, and much much more.

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"Hundreds of thousands of slaves attempted to escape and

over 100,000 actually succeed. Why don’t we talk about


Mark Amin, the writer and Director of Emperor was making

a very good point. It's not as if Hollywood hasn't made

movies about slavery before. Yet for his new movie, he has

decided to tell a story about a man who not only escaped

from his enslavers, but would go on to participate in the

Raid on Harpers Ferry where the aim was start a slave

revolt against their enslavers and the system of slavery.

Amin continued by saying: "I thought it would be really

interesting to make a movie about the slave who fought

back. That was when we started to look around for those

who did that. We looked at many stories and when we

came across Shields Green, suddenly I thought, oh my god,

this guy has connected all the dots. He was only 23, he had

a five year old son, he ran away and made it to freedom, he

met John Brown, he met Frederick Douglass, he took part in

Harpers Ferry and Harpers Ferry was taken back by Robert

E Lee. These are three of the most prominent figures in

American History. Shields Green crossed paths with all of

these people."

Yet the story of Shield Green is a largely untold one. In

terms of historical evidence, his is a history that is sparse in

details. It is an issue that makes the telling of his story

somewhat problematic yet completely compelling and

necessary. Turning someone who has been but a footnote

in American history into the central focal point of a movie

He could have gone to Canada and

lived happily ever after but instead

Shields Green chose to fight knowing

that this could be a suicide mission.

was an issue as Amin freely admits:

Mark Amin, Writer/Director

"Nobody really knows about his journey when he escaped

the plantation. We did a lot of research and found nothing.

We even looked for descendants of him but we couldn’t

find any. We tried to stay as faithful as we could to his

character and the major events. His meeting with John

Brown and Frederick Douglass. The dialogue for that is

accurate from the historical records that we have."

Film makers, when dealing with historical figures, are often

accused of taking liberties with the real lives that they aim

to portray. In telling the story of Shields Green, Amin

focuses on what is already known with enough creative

license available to him to form a character that we really

should be celebrating as a man of defiance alongside the

abolitionist, John Brown.

"He could have gone to Canada and lived happily ever after

but instead Shields Green chose to fight knowing that this

could be a suicide mission. To me that was so unique and

showed what a heroic character he was and yet, we don’t

really know that story."


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