The Under Review - Issue 4 | Summer 2021

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“That’s right, Paul. For the past, oh, 18 minutes or so the ball has been suspended in mid-air, an

affront to God and all that is holy.”

“Bringing God into it, Alan?”

“I don’t think God is anywhere near this place, Paul. I’m beginning to question any and all

preconceptions I’ve ever held up to this point. If the irrefutable laws of physics are no longer in play, well,

what does that say about things as ethereal as notions of good and evil?”

“That’s a real humdinger of a question, Alan. Here’s our producer, Jerry Scaccia… Folks, we’ve

just gotten word from Jerry, who just celebrated his 40th wedding anniversary by the way,

congratulations to him and his lovely wife Samantha, many happy returns, that the ball suspended in midair

is slowly rotating and that a low, ominous rumbling is emanating from the ball. What do you make of

that, Alan?”

“I just want to go home and tell my cat I love him, Paul.”

“Fair enough, Alan. Fair enough. For all of you tuning in to our coverage, allow me to describe

the scene on the field.”

“My cat’s been sick lately and I’m filled with regret for all the time I wasted on this earth.”

“Aren’t we all, Alan. Aren’t we all. Folks, members from both the Panthers and the Cobras have

abandoned their positions on the field or on the bench to gather near the levitating orb, others are

keeping their distance from it. Adrian Potemkin is on his knees, arms wrapped around himself, and rocking

back and forth. It’s a bit hard to make out from this distance, but it appears that his shoulders are shaking.

If this announcer had to make a guess, I would say that he is weeping for the loss of humanity’s innocence.”

“I think that’s a fair assessment, Paul. It looks like the Panther’s manager, Ryan Wizniak, is

having words with the head umpire, and he does not look happy. He’s gesturing between the rotating

sphere and Potemkin. It looks like he’s saying that the ball is out of play and that Potemkin should be out.

I’m not sure how they’ll rule this one on the field, Paul.”

“I’m not sure either, Alan, but I’m not surprised that when confronted with the breakdown of

reality that some men will still cling to their limited experiences as a way of coping with their sudden

insignificance when faced with things their minds simply cannot comprehend.”

“Which reminds me, Paul. Folks, this inning has been brought to you by Jormundsen’s Franks. If

it’s not a Jormundsen’s sausage, it’s not baseball. And also, by Trial by Fire. The only thing hotter than the stakes,

are the lawyers. New season starts Friday at nine.”

“Oh, I love that show.”

“I love those franks.”

“Back to the action. It looks like shortstop Jimmy Adamson is getting on the shoulders of center

fielder David Anthony-”


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