

Asia columnMenno van BreemenManaging Director Aartsen Asia in Hong Kong‘Fromcountry tocountry’withAartsenAsia.'Guts' is a theme that perfectlyembodies Aartsen. After all, noguts, no glory! We do not shrinkfrom a challenge and believethat a healthy dose of guts, asolid strategy and a clear visionwill take you all the way!'Aartsen Goes Asia'. In 2012, when we joinedhands and set up Aartsen Asia, we broke thenews to the world with the words,'Never afraid of a challenge, we are confidentwe can extend our business to the Far East.'As we have said many times before, we oftentry to do things differently and we like toblaze our own trails. We do not like to copyothers and we follow our own strategy.Guts in businessWhat on earth is Aartsen doing in Asia?Things work completely differently there, andsuccess does not come easy by any means!When we set up Aartsen Asia in 2012, besidesthe many positive messages, we alsoreceived a lot of surprised reactions andextremely tough questions. 'Today is difficult.Tomorrow is much more difficult. The dayafter tomorrow is very beautiful, but still mostdie tomorrow evening.' There is a grain oftruth in this Chinese saying, but it is simplya question of having the guts to keep goingwhere others give up, or to do thingsdifferently and keep plugging away whentimes get hard.We have faced many challenges, such as theERP system that we developed ourselves, theexpansion of the various Aartsen locations orthe step towards Asia. Each time, our teamhad the guts to step up to the plate. Our teamis continually learning, improving and evolvingand has the guts to face the future. Our teamspeaks the local languages and understandsthe cultures. We want to be known as a gutsyteam that is prepared for the future and readyto grow together with our partners.Two factors that people often forget, despitebeing crucial in our industry, are respect andgood relations. After all, it also takes guts to begentle and kind.Guts in everyday lifeMany people are subconsciously aware that,if you truly want to achieve something, youmust have the guts to do everything you canto realise your goal. In everyday life, peopleoften show guts without knowing it, such asstanding up for what you believe in at work,gutsy decisions or actions when participatingin sport, having the courage to speak yourmind, persevering with a long-distancerelationship or, as a toddler, having the gutsto manipulate your parents into forgiving youdespite having driven them to the edge of sanity(I have first-hand experience of the latter!).When I look back over the past few years,I can think of countless examples of ourteam demonstrating guts during the varioustrips to Asia. Examples include the Koreantradition of eating live squid (which canattach itself to the inside of your throat byits suckers!), eating various parts of a snake(including the bladder) or tasting centuryeggs: eggs preserved in a mixture of clay,salt, quicklime and rice for over three months!Or what about the fish dish Yin Yang, alsoknown as the 'dead and alive fish'? The bodyof the fish is cooked, but the head is left rawand continues to move. In China, if you arean important visitor or if you are the boss,you will often end up with the fish head onyour plate. No guts, no glory, I guess!The big moveWho would have thought we would be livingand working in Asia for over 11 years?And who would have thought that we wouldever enter the world of fruit and veg? Even atthe time, the move to Shanghai and HongKong was a brave and challenging step.It took guts, but we had the support of ourfamilies, and my then girlfriend (now my wife)and I make an outstanding team. It is the bestdecision we've ever made. Getting to knownew cultures, people, customs and traditionsreally shapes who you are as a person. We feelvery privileged to have had this experienceand are extremely grateful. You may haverecently read that we are making the move backto Europe, which is another decision that takesguts. Our children grew up in Hong Kong,and it was our happy home for many years.Still, the time has come to return to ouroriginal home. However, this does not meanthat Aartsen Asia will get anything less thanmy full focus and commitment: Aartsen Asiatruly is my passion and my life. Our goals areas ambitious as they have ever been, and wewill do everything we can to achieve them,with my team in Hong Kong and myself inBreda. No guts, no glory! Together with ourpartners throughout the world, there is somuch for us to do in the next few years.Keep growing!ColorThe next edition will be the mostcolourful ever, full of vibrant ideas from Aartsenand our partners. We will discuss how, together,we ensure that we are and remain the biggestgateway for fruit and vegetables, as well as howwe apply our nonstopfresh mentality to performful.Colourful.better than anyone else, day in, day out.NXTExpected december 2021.nonstopfresh/ 47

Asia column

Menno van Breemen

Managing Director Aartsen Asia in Hong Kong


country to





'Guts' is a theme that perfectly

embodies Aartsen. After all, no

guts, no glory! We do not shrink

from a challenge and believe

that a healthy dose of guts, a

solid strategy and a clear vision

will take you all the way!

'Aartsen Goes Asia'. In 2012, when we joined

hands and set up Aartsen Asia, we broke the

news to the world with the words,

'Never afraid of a challenge, we are confident

we can extend our business to the Far East.'

As we have said many times before, we often

try to do things differently and we like to

blaze our own trails. We do not like to copy

others and we follow our own strategy.

Guts in business

What on earth is Aartsen doing in Asia?

Things work completely differently there, and

success does not come easy by any means!

When we set up Aartsen Asia in 2012, besides

the many positive messages, we also

received a lot of surprised reactions and

extremely tough questions. 'Today is difficult.

Tomorrow is much more difficult. The day

after tomorrow is very beautiful, but still most

die tomorrow evening.' There is a grain of

truth in this Chinese saying, but it is simply

a question of having the guts to keep going

where others give up, or to do things

differently and keep plugging away when

times get hard.

We have faced many challenges, such as the

ERP system that we developed ourselves, the

expansion of the various Aartsen locations or

the step towards Asia. Each time, our team

had the guts to step up to the plate. Our team

is continually learning, improving and evolving

and has the guts to face the future. Our team

speaks the local languages and understands

the cultures. We want to be known as a gutsy

team that is prepared for the future and ready

to grow together with our partners.

Two factors that people often forget, despite

being crucial in our industry, are respect and

good relations. After all, it also takes guts to be

gentle and kind.

Guts in everyday life

Many people are subconsciously aware that,

if you truly want to achieve something, you

must have the guts to do everything you can

to realise your goal. In everyday life, people

often show guts without knowing it, such as

standing up for what you believe in at work,

gutsy decisions or actions when participating

in sport, having the courage to speak your

mind, persevering with a long-distance

relationship or, as a toddler, having the guts

to manipulate your parents into forgiving you

despite having driven them to the edge of sanity

(I have first-hand experience of the latter!).

When I look back over the past few years,

I can think of countless examples of our

team demonstrating guts during the various

trips to Asia. Examples include the Korean

tradition of eating live squid (which can

attach itself to the inside of your throat by

its suckers!), eating various parts of a snake

(including the bladder) or tasting century

eggs: eggs preserved in a mixture of clay,

salt, quicklime and rice for over three months!

Or what about the fish dish Yin Yang, also

known as the 'dead and alive fish'? The body

of the fish is cooked, but the head is left raw

and continues to move. In China, if you are

an important visitor or if you are the boss,

you will often end up with the fish head on

your plate. No guts, no glory, I guess!

The big move

Who would have thought we would be living

and working in Asia for over 11 years?

And who would have thought that we would

ever enter the world of fruit and veg? Even at

the time, the move to Shanghai and Hong

Kong was a brave and challenging step.

It took guts, but we had the support of our

families, and my then girlfriend (now my wife)

and I make an outstanding team. It is the best

decision we've ever made. Getting to know

new cultures, people, customs and traditions

really shapes who you are as a person. We feel

very privileged to have had this experience

and are extremely grateful. You may have

recently read that we are making the move back

to Europe, which is another decision that takes

guts. Our children grew up in Hong Kong,

and it was our happy home for many years.

Still, the time has come to return to our

original home. However, this does not mean

that Aartsen Asia will get anything less than

my full focus and commitment: Aartsen Asia

truly is my passion and my life. Our goals are

as ambitious as they have ever been, and we

will do everything we can to achieve them,

with my team in Hong Kong and myself in

Breda. No guts, no glory! Together with our

partners throughout the world, there is so

much for us to do in the next few years.

Keep growing!


The next edition will be the most

colourful ever, full of vibrant ideas from Aartsen

and our partners. We will discuss how, together,

we ensure that we are and remain the biggest

gateway for fruit and vegetables, as well as how

we apply our nonstopfresh mentality to perform


better than anyone else, day in, day out.


Expected december 2021.


fresh/ 47

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