

We go the extramile to makea child smile.This is whatAartsenKids Foundationdoes.Aartsen not only wants to grow the business of its suppliers, but also wants tocontribute to the well-being of children. Aartsen Kids Foundation (AKF) haslaunched four different initiatives for children who could use a bit of positivityand encouragement. These initiatives contribute to their health, happiness andself-esteem. AKF works in partnership with primary schools and social workers,based on the same ‘nonstopfresh’ philosophy that Aartsen applies.1. Cool Treats: the most fun and healthy teaching package for schools;2. Children’s parties;3. School supplies;4. December presents.Scan theQR-code andwatch the videoAartsen and Aartsen Kids Foundation are inextricably linked. That is why AKFlikes to involve everyone who works for and with Aartsen. Feel free to drop by thefoundation if you want to know more, or visitaartsenkidsfoundation.comnonstopfresh/ 31

We go the extra

mile to make

a child smile.

This is what


Kids Foundation


Aartsen not only wants to grow the business of its suppliers, but also wants to

contribute to the well-being of children. Aartsen Kids Foundation (AKF) has

launched four different initiatives for children who could use a bit of positivity

and encouragement. These initiatives contribute to their health, happiness and

self-esteem. AKF works in partnership with primary schools and social workers,

based on the same ‘nonstopfresh’ philosophy that Aartsen applies.

1. Cool Treats: the most fun and healthy teaching package for schools;

2. Children’s parties;

3. School supplies;

4. December presents.

Scan the

QR-code and

watch the video

Aartsen and Aartsen Kids Foundation are inextricably linked. That is why AKF

likes to involve everyone who works for and with Aartsen. Feel free to drop by the

foundation if you want to know more, or visit



fresh/ 31

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