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10/ Gutsstories.

6 Aartsen daredevils, 6 different stories about having guts.

12/ Agrovision.

Is conquering the world.

18/ Black sheep


Ho Lee Fook - a funky chinese kitchen.

24/ Seppe Nobels.

Season - Basics - Roots.

32/ Fashion is going

out of fashion.

How fashion is changing.

36/ Floortje.

If you can’t stand the heat...

41/ Ellen Gerritsen.

No Guts No Glory!

En meer...

04/ The editorial team, six individuals, one image, one magazine.

06/ Only when you have the GUTS!

15/ Franky dares!

20/ Grow!

30/ Aartsen Kids Foundation, we go the extra mile to make a child smile.

38/ The world of Aartsen, read the latest news.

44/ Together we can grow.

46/ ‘From country to country’ with Aartsen Asia.

This month, we decided to create an issue

called Guts! After all, guts is what Aartsen

is all about. However, after giving it some

thought, I believe we’re not quite top of the

league in the fruit and veg industry when it

comes to guts. We have been sailing the

same strategic course for years.

Okay, we’ve had a lot of success, but where’s

the guts in that? We’re not lagging behind

the supermarkets, so would fully focusing

on retail be a gutsy move? We’ve also had

the same staffing strategy for years: no

attempts to attract experienced people

elsewhere and solely focusing on training

young talent. Would suddenly sending out

a team of headhunters show guts? In the

Benelux, we don’t export goods, although

we could set up an export division ourselves,

would that be a gutsy thing to do?

We’ve never invested in fruit and vegetable

production as we don’t know anything

about it (or so we think). Why not show

some guts and purchase a couple of fruit

farms on the other side of the planet?

There’s a whole world of business

opportunities out there, so why not?

I don’t even like to climb to the top of a

tall ladder, never mind go bungee jumping!

These days, I wouldn’t even go up in a

hot-air balloon. Deep-sea diving? I barely

even swim, and even then I’m staying as

close to the surface as possible. Would I

ride a motorbike? Not really. I’d prefer to

drive a car at 150 mph (yes, I know I drive

way too fast). I’m also quite an advanced

skier, though I never go off-piste any more.

In short, I’ve become a bit of a wuss!

However, doesn't it takes guts just to say

'no' sometimes? Is guts all about following

your own path? Is guts about being yourself,

no matter what other people say?

You should always be yourself, as a person

and as a business. I can say with conviction

that Aartsen has never been one to run

with the crowd or follow in somebody else’s

footsteps. We’re a bit headstrong at times

(well, often maybe) and we like to make

our own decisions. We’re not scared to

make these and accept any consequences.

So let others be the judge of exactly how

much guts Aartsen has.


magazine is

published by

Aartsen Breda B.V.

Heilaar-Noordweg 9

4814 RR Breda

Postbus 9555

4801 LN Breda

Editor in chief

Jack Aartsen

Editorial board

Martijn van der Zwalm

Lodewijk Varossieau

Hans de Regt


Stefan Verhaar



Vertalingen B.V.


Frank Poppelaars

Design &


Just in Case Communicatie



SuperRebel B.V.





Oh, by the way, we're expanding in Breda,

we’re building new premises in Sint-Katelijne-

Waver and in Hong Kong, we’ve successfully

purchased the next-door premises.

In short, we’re clearly not lacking in the

ambition department!

Happy reading and perhaps let us know

what you think. That is, if you’ve got the guts!



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