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ANSWERS (2021)





Strayer BUS 430 Week 2 Quiz 1 Answers (2021)

Service encounter design is a key activity performed by operations managers that involves:

Building a high-performing organization with a capable leadership and workforce is an example of _____.

A process invariably resides within a department or traditional management function.

A gracious welcome by an employee at the hotel check-in counter is an example of:

A__________is a customer benefit package (CBP) feature that departs from the standard CBP and is normally

location specific or firm specific.

Proportional increases or decreases in the perceived benefits and the price of a product result in no net change in the

value of the product.

Jason and his friend went to a coffee shop. They ordered two cappuccinos and received a complimentary chocolate

waffle and cookie along with their order. In the context of a customer benefit package (CBP), the chocolate waffle and

the cookie are _____.

In the context of the pre- and postproduction services perspective of a value chain, which of the following statements

is true of preproduction services?

North Zone Bank gives all its customers a complimentary credit card along with a custom-made wallet when they

open an account with the bank. The credit card and the wallet are examples of _____ offered by the bank.

A__________is one that does not quickly wear out and typically lasts at least three years.

The innovation and learning perspective in the balanced scorecard model includes measures such as:

A paint manufacturing company has three factories located in France, Germany, and Spain. The productivity data of

the factories are as follows:

In the context of the value chain model, fewer resources are needed to achieve performance goals when "information

replaces assets."

In the context of the value chain model, when "information replaces assets," the costs increase.

The time required to ramp up to an increased production output level in response to a surge in the sales of a product

is a measure of _____.

Dextron, a privately owned computer technology company, provides a wide range of customized laptops to suit the

needs of students, corporate professionals, and small business owners. In this case, Dextron's ability to provide a

wide range of customized laptops to suit its customers' needs best describes _____.

In the context of the scope of business and operations performance measurement, which of the following measures

is an example of an innovation and learning performance measure?

The ability of an organization to respond quickly to changes in the quantity and type of demand is called _____.

In the context of the analytics in operations management, it costs three to five times more to keep an existing

customer than acquire a new customer.

Actionable performance measures should be meaningful to a company's management and should provide the basis

for decisions at the strategic level in an organization.

Measures of__________focus on an organization's people and infrastructure.

In the context of the triple bottom line (TBL), which of the following measures includes the number of ethical


Which of the following is a quality performance measure at an operational level?

Key measures of innovation and learning include__________.

In an assembly line of a factory that makes gears, it takes fifteen minutes to complete a drilling operation using a

lathe. The duration of this operation is called _____.

Quality measures the degree to which the output of a process conforms to the management's expectations and


In the context of the triple bottom line,__________measures include corporate ethics and governance.

Which of the following is a financial performance measure at an organizational level?

The quantitative modeling of cause-and-effect relationships between external and internal performance criteria is


The table below shows the data for the number of pair of shoes produced and the cost incurred by Fancy Trends Inc.

for the year 2015.?

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